2012 Summit X check engine light


Active member
Nov 18, 2009
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I have just hit 1600km on my 12' summit x and now I am getting an intermittent check engine light. I read though the owners manual and I see I can check the code but holding the Mode button and rapidly pressing the high/low beam button.

Two problems with this:
1. Once I shut the machine down and fire it back up the check engine light goes away and might not come back on for a few hours of riding or 5 mins later. Does the light have to be on at the time I'm checking for the code.

2. In 12' the X's got this stupid "minimalist" bars with a high/low beam switch from a 377 safari. Basically someone from BRP forgot to order parts that year so I ended up with a set of bars with controls held on with zip ties and high hopes, that's to say nothing of the hand and thumb warmer on the same same switch with only HI and LOW but I digress. Anyway I'm not sure if I can even get the sled to display this code by using this high/low beam switch and if I can you must have to do it for a long time. Seemed like I switched it from high to low for 30 seconds but still nothing displayed.

Any direction would be appreciated.
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