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  • dont turn onto the pipeline and follow road until it turns into a quad trail , will take you through 2 gates , after second gate watch for trail to the left coming out of clearing , take that , it will take you to a bridge, cross the bridge and stay to the right on the trail and it will take you to a abandon gravel pit, go to end of pit and there will be a pond in front of you , turn right go over hump and thats where everyone swims , careful because it gets deep quick
    There is a ton to explore around their, you will back onto a creek , kids can play at the bridge, water is clean there, you not close to the lake but a nice little quad ride away from cricket lake or a real popular spot at the old gravel pit east of the bridge. poke around and see what you find but look for these 2 places you will like. cricket lake is north on the super pipeline, to get to the super pipeline where i said you should camp 100 ft down the road there is a y , go left to the washed out bridge , go right on the gravel road and you will come upon the super pipeline, turn right on the pipeline and go until you come to a fence , turn left before you go through the fence and that takes you to cricket lake.
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