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Rocky Mountain Kamakazi

Active member
Jan 3, 2007
Reaction score
Vegreville, Alberta
Cabin1.jpg 3 years ago at Lucille my dad ran my 440 XCR into the cabin.:eek:
IMG_0099_edited.jpg Last year me and a friend were climbing and i was going up and he was coming down and we hit head on.:eek:


Active VIP Member
Dec 13, 2006
Reaction score
Calmar, AB
Here is a nice little one for ya. You guys should enjoy this. I even got pics for ya and a blow by blow.

This was last year. We had got lots of snow around here in December, and one day in Jan it all turned into hero snow. It was perfect, no ice, just right, traction everywhere, everything good – fantastic day. We were riding down the creak towards rabbit hill. Saw this cut line across the creek (some may know of it). Decided to cross it. Bad idea.

I'm thinking, oh ya, I can cross this. Its not that steep, there is no ice, just the right amount of snow. Tracks on it, lots of people been to the top, good approach. My buddy thinks I'm nuts, his brother is on the camera, not gunna miss this. So I'm going up. Tones of traction - all is good. You can see my buddy is still pretty worried about me there in the second pic. No need to overdo it here, this thing is climbing like a D9 cat - zero track slip. Well the hill gets steeper, then steeper, I'm haven trouble keeping the front down, then the hill gets really bad step and I need to start honking on it to get over the top, but I just cannot keep the front end down, I'm way up on the bars leaning over the hood trying to put as much throttle as I can but the front end will not stay down – I have zero track slip. I made it to about 15 feet from the top there, and that hill is darn near vertical there with a little 3 foot overhanging cornice, I know if I get up there the sled is going to shot up in the air and come down over backwards on top of me and by the time it lands on me it will have free fell 10 to 20 feet – my gut instinct says not so good.

So I did the only other thing my body would let me do: try to turn out. On hard packed snow with almost no speed now (I'm just poopping here ok, not a lot of time to think about this), I get half way turned out and that’s it, I'm catapulted off from high side to the low side and down on the hill, and I can hear the sled rolling down after me. I look up cause I know it's coming. I see track about 2 feet from my face and it's coming at me fast, I duck and tuck and make myself small. I don't know if the sled some how bounced and just missed me or actually the track landed on me and rolled over me and just didn’t feel it, I just kept tumbling a bit, then got so I was strait and tried to sit on the hill, it was way too steep, I was sliding down on my butt. The sled: that is another story. I can still hear the sounds when I sleep at night.

Man what a show. It went end over end hard, slam slam slam (was running the first few endos, then shut off), then barrel rolled some and stuff was flying everywhere, windshield, windshield bag, head light stuff, tool stuff, spare belt, belt cover, snow, branches, then another endo. This is a big hill ok, it's got lots of endos and rolls to do to get down (I'm counting...8...9...10). Then the hood came open on last end over (I'm adding up the prices in my head as stuff flies off). I'm thinking "not the hood!". Then it stops. About 3/4 of the way down the hill – just stops right in the track. I'm picking stuff up as I slide down the hill to the sled. Buddy is yelling at me if I'm ok. I’m too pi**ed off to answer him. When I get down to the sled, the parking-brake is ON - like on like I set it on - but i did not - it happened somehow in the roll. Sled is pointing down hill, hood flopped open but still attached. You can see the sled sitting in the second last pic there, it's blurry, but the shiny stuff is the engine and pipes, muffler etc normal engine bay, the hood is sitting flopped open on the ground between the skiis. Now, if the e-brake had not somehow managed to lock on, this thing was heading straight down for the other side of the creek bank- it would have been butted up like an angery drunk butts up a cigarette. I’m thinking, "well that was lucky". So we picked up all the bits and pieces, put back on what would stay on, packed the rest, tapped the front of the hood down then I rode for the rest of the day. Not gunna ruin everyone else’s fun. In my mind I’m planning the repair the whole time.

In the end, the sled did very well. Broken belt cover retainer. Broken headlight and trim, bent the bars a bit, broke the hood a bit in a few places which I got plastic welded, and broke the hood hinge. About $1200 by the time it was all fixed. Pride was another story. It’s taken me almost a year to talk about it.

I talked to some other people that have climbed that hill. Say it looks like an easy hill in everyway, till you near the top then it’s bad. Apparently you need to go about 60 miles an hour to get up enough speed to get over it safely and it’s quite the rush when it gets real steep there at the end – like bungee jumping. As much as I’d like to conquer that one, I won’t be. It beat me.

They got some good pics. Well documented. Thanks guys.


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