Syrian Refugee Crisis


Active VIP Member
Jan 15, 2010
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medicine hat
Look at the billions they spent to get rid of Sadam and how they condemned and his sons how he ran Iraq.. Not after five years we can see maybe why it had to be run with a iron sword.. None of this would be happening today if the U.S. Would of stayed out of their business.. Now the people are paying the price


Active VIP Member
Mar 3, 2009
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I disagree Fred. Sadam was responsible for invading Kuwait, a ally and friend of the west. He had slaughtered 300,000 of his own people with gas, the Kurds because they wouldn't tow his line. He had gone to war with Iran. He was a volatile crackpot hungry to rule the Middle East. The world is a better place with scum like him gone. The problem with ISIS was they became an issue when the US pulled out early. This is just another example that things can go bad even when you pull out early. Lol.:ignore:


Active VIP Member
Apr 16, 2010
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Central Alberta
Look at the billions they spent to get rid of Sadam and how they condemned and his sons how he ran Iraq.. Not after five years we can see maybe why it had to be run with a iron sword.. None of this would be happening today if the U.S. Would of stayed out of their business.. Now the people are paying the price

I disagree Fred. Sadam was responsible for invading Kuwait, a ally and friend of the west. He had slaughtered 300,000 of his own people with gas, the Kurds because they wouldn't tow his line. He had gone to war with Iran. He was a volatile crackpot hungry to rule the Middle East. The world is a better place with scum like him gone. The problem with ISIS was they became an issue when the US pulled out early. This is just another example that things can go bad even when you pull out early. Lol.:ignore:

Although I agree Saddam had to go, honestly FredW is correct IMO. Those people don't think or live anything like those in a democratic society. They live a harsh and savage life-as dictated in the Koran that they are supposed to. The more they suffer, the more it pleases Allah and the better their afterlife will be. Part of why Sharia law works for them albeit highly against most human rights. But that's the way they want it.

To keep people that live this way in line, they need to be ruled by fierce and brutal dictatorship. It keeps the extreme ones from getting a chance to get a foothold and rise up. As long as they stay in their own $hitty country, I say leave them be. Enough is enough. Europe is already a mess as a result, North America better wake the F up and take notice or we will be next.

It tells you something when NONE of the other Muslim countries are taking in refugees. History is repeating itself- Afghanistan in the '80's...................


Active VIP Member
Nov 1, 2010
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Armstrong BC
Ken, I lived in the middle east when I was younger (one year) and you have no idea the perseverance these people have. They are patient, aggressive and eager to spread their way of thinking world wide. So, whether they pulled out today, tomorrow or 10 years from now the same would have happened…. guaranteed. No westerner can understand their way of thinking including myself. They have too much history compared to the west. I have said in the past, being part Greek, their heritage runs extremely strong to the point the Greeks fought the Muslim Turks for 400 years during Turkish occupation of Greece. After 400 years you would think if you can't beat them join them but this is not the case. They fought back and got their independence in 1821 while maintaining their Christian beliefs. I agree Saddam was a mad man but keep in mind that he was in bed with the Americans to topple the Iranians. When Desert Storm ended, Bush also pulled out leaving the Kurds etc to get rid of Saddam but they could not do so as Saddam regrouped and managed to stay in power again until they went back to finish the job several years later. So, in summary the mistake made was to eliminate Saddam and while on the topic Gaddafi to in Libya. just my 2 cents worth

I disagree Fred. Sadam was responsible for invading Kuwait, a ally and friend of the west. He had slaughtered 300,000 of his own people with gas, the Kurds because they wouldn't tow his line. He had gone to war with Iran. He was a volatile crackpot hungry to rule the Middle East. The world is a better place with scum like him gone. The problem with ISIS was they became an issue when the US pulled out early. This is just another example that things can go bad even when you pull out early. Lol.:ignore:


Active VIP Member
Jul 24, 2010
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Muammar Gaddafi warned the west that without him the ME would descend on the western world via Libya to Europe but Obama and Hillary decided it was better to take him out and helped facilitate his demise. Below is a picture of the flow ofpeople (I will not call them refugees). image.jpg


Active VIP Member
Dec 2, 2009
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Active VIP Member
Feb 22, 2010
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Fort McMurray
This is not over by a long shot. The world is a powder keg right now and all it needs is a source of ignition to kick off another war.


Active VIP Member
Nov 9, 2009
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Morinville, AB
I had this forwarded to me the other day, kind of an interesting read:

Go Dutch . . . But Why Wait Until 2016?

The Netherlands, where six per cent of the population

is now Muslim, is scrapping multiculturalism.

The Dutch government says it will abandon the

long-standing model of multiculturalism that

has encouraged Muslim immigrants to create a

parallel society within the Netherlands...

A new integration bill, which Dutch Interior

Minister Piet Hein Donner presented to parliament,

on June 16, reads:

"The government shares the social dissatisfaction

over the multicultural society model and plans

to shift priority to the values of the Dutch people."

In the new integration system, the values of the

Dutch society, play a central role.

With this change, the government steps away

from the model of a multicultural society.

The letter continues: "A more obligatory

integration is justified because the government

also demands that from its own citizens."

It is necessary because otherwise the society

gradually grows apart and eventually no one

feels at home anymore in the Netherlands.

The new integration policy will place more

demands on immigrants.

For example, immigrants will be required to

learn the Dutch language, and the government

will take a tougher approach to immigrants who

ignore Dutch values or disobey Dutch law.

The government will also stop offering special

subsidies for Muslim immigrants because,

according to Donner;

"It is not the government's job to integrate

immigrants." (How bloody true!!!)

The government will introduce new legislation

that outlaws forced marriages and will also

impose tougher measures against Muslim immigrants

who lower their chances of employment by the way

they dress.

More specifically, the government imposed a ban

on face-covering, Islamic burqas as of January 1, 2015.

Holland has done that whole liberal thing, and

realized - maybe too late - that creating a nation

of tribes, will kill the nation itself.

The future of Australia, the UK, USA, Canada and

New Zealand may well be read here..

READERS NOTE: Muslim immigrants leave their

countries of birth because of civil and political



Countries like Holland, Canada, USA, UK, Australia,

and New Zealand have an established way of life that

actually works, so why embrace the unworkable?

If Muslims do not wish to accept another culture,

the answer is simple; "STAY WHERE YOU ARE!!!"

This gives a whole new meaning to the term, 'Dutch

Courage' ... Unfortunately Australian, UK, USA,

Canadian, and New Zealand politicians don't have

the ... guts to do the same. There's a whole lot of truth here!!!

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Active VIP Member
Sep 22, 2008
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West of Toronto
RE: Fred's post about Saddam....His sons raped and tortured young girls.... That my friend is no way to rule regardless of what people or country you are associated with....
Thanks to mr Bush , thier sick sadistic ways came to an abrupt & fitting you have any idea how many of his own people saddam and his cohorts have killed over the years... Way more than ISIS have even thought about !
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Active VIP Member
Jan 15, 2010
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medicine hat
Totaly agree with you, and yes they should rot in hell a eternity.. But look what Bush stirred up by taking Sadam out, and then to find out Sadam had nothing to do with 9-11.. Just like the kid in the previous video, they have deep hatred in their heads for the west, and with no government controlling them with threat and death all the time, the al Qaeda, Isis, were allowed to get a strong hold quickly, and now the U.S. Has or wants nothing to do with troops on the ground trying to fight them

So many have died that refuges, families, kids that have gave up everything they ever worked for just to have a chance at a better safer life, Hard to believe your country is so terrible you would pack up and leave it for good, but it's happening at a record pace.. There is no good coming out of this anytime soon I'm sadly feeling..

RE: Fred's post about Saddam....His sons raped and tortured young girls.... That my friend is no way to rule regardless of what people or country you are associated with....
Thanks to mr Bush , thier sick sadistic ways came to an abrupt & fitting you have any idea how many of his own people saddam and his cohorts have killed over the years... Way more than ISIS have even thought about !


Active VIP Member
Jun 13, 2009
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Totaly agree with you, and yes they should rot in hell a eternity.. But look what Bush stirred up by taking Sadam out, and then to find out Sadam had nothing to do with 9-11.. Just like the kid in the previous video, they have deep hatred in their heads for the west, and with no government controlling them with threat and death all the time, the al Qaeda, Isis, were allowed to get a strong hold quickly, and now the U.S. Has or wants nothing to do with troops on the ground trying to fight them

So many have died that refuges, families, kids that have gave up everything they ever worked for just to have a chance at a better safer life, Hard to believe your country is so terrible you would pack up and leave it for good, but it's happening at a record pace.. There is no good coming out of this anytime soon I'm sadly feeling..

Strangely though , the majority of refugees aren't women and children .


Active VIP Member
Nov 28, 2007
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Think the government should use all those billions they have pledged to bring in refugees and send them all an automatic weapon and bullets. They march right back to where they came from and fight for their own freedom and rights.

How come Saudi doesn't take any of their brothers in? Saudi has 100,000 air conditioned tents that are empty, can house 4 million people they say but they won't. Saudi says they will build 200 mosques in Germany but they won't take any refugees. They sure want to get a foot hold in Western civilized countries now don't they.


Active VIP Member
May 25, 2009
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Syrians should have stayed and fought their own civil war. Lots of cowards running to other countries. It's a mess that we should stay out of.I don't here of any country in North and South America willing to take in refugees other than the bleeding hearts here in canada. We have enough homeless, seniors, working poor to help. Their problems are not ours to deal with, where a small country of 35 or so million. Just glad Harper has a tough stance and we have an ocean on both sides of the country.


SUPER COOL MOD & Supporting Vendor
Oct 21, 2006
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Edmonton/Sherwood Park
All the semi commie, Tommie the commie lovers down east are supposedly voting mulscare, and he has vowed to bring in the refugee masses, the minute he's elected.... F@ck them, until we get our own ship righted....

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Active VIP Member
Nov 22, 2006
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Just thing what we could do for the homeless, kids lunches, veteran's, senior's with the money that is currently pledged for the refugee's! Take care of your own backyard first!
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