Neil Young Tour


Active VIP Member
Nov 1, 2010
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Armstrong BC
I think he is going about it the wrong way to get a productive msg out. First of all, stop associating yourself/tour along with D.Suzuki - little credibility there. Instead, he should be using his stardom power and inform Canadians with regards to the mis-management of selling our resources to outsiders in the aggressive fashion presently taking place. I heard his brief TV interview and he kept saying mis-management. IMO that statement is somewhat correct but not the way he has in mind. Our government is not managing this precious resource for current and future generations and is eager to let it slip thru our fingers and let someone else control our destiny. That's what he should be telling the people then I would agree with him 110%. I said this in another thread that I don't understand the urgency to expand so big well beyond what Canadian owned companies can financially handle. End of my rant :)


Active VIP Member
Nov 29, 2010
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Just cause the guy is against raping the land,it makes him a bad person?
Canada is dead without more tar sand's development?Interesting.
We all live off of the back of fossil fuel's,that's 100% true.If he is against
all fossil fuel's then he is on glue,if he is for being more "responsible" in it's
extraction and use,that's a whole different thing.


Active VIP Member
Jul 25, 2011
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Stauffer, AB
Just cause the guy is against raping the land,it makes him a bad person?
Canada is dead without more tar sand's development?Interesting.
We all live off of the back of fossil fuel's,that's 100% true.If he is against
all fossil fuel's then he is on glue,if he is for being more "responsible" in it's
extraction and use,that's a whole different thing.

When you go against what supports Albertians and jobs, your gonna have a hard time being supported by them.


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Aug 1, 2010
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Neil young can do no wrong, leave him alone! Wow some people are bitter on here.


Active VIP Member
Nov 29, 2010
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Local New's just has a segment on how the oilsands is firing back at Neil.IMO they(oil sands)
just made themselves look stupid."we have given alberta people and aboriginal people billions
of dollars over the years"blah blah,"Mr.Young Isn't well informed on how thing's work"Blah,blah.
If Neil is protesting about tailings ponds,toxin's being leaked,ect. Then Why not go on national new's
and show footage of land that has been reclaimed?Why not talk about "new tech".that they have come
up with to dispose of all of the toxins they have in the pond's?
Deflection,deflection,deflection.If their only response to all of the issues at hand is to talk about money
then they look like "tard's" IMO.
Something like .1 or .2 of 1% of any mining done has been reclaimed to date.If that is the best that can
be done,then that's a shame.I'm not a tree huger,I know oil and the money it makes for our country is
a cog in the wheel that makes the world economy go round and round.But,if we have kid's and our kid's
have kid's then maybe we should use our heads a little sometimes.

Iron Horse Racing

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Dec 23, 2008
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Sherwood Park, ALberta


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Jul 12, 2009
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Edmonton, alberta
Wonder how many thousands of gallons of diesel and jet fuel he's burned over the course of 20 years of touring? He should pull the bong off his face sober up and look at where the power for his pile of **** electric prius is made.

Or just drive it off a cliff for all I give a ****


Active VIP Member
Mar 3, 2009
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So he sold out his concert in Calgary. I was pizzed and couldn't believe it until I found out he is playing the Jack Singer Hall. 600 losers in a city of 1.1 mill. HaHa even Larry the Cable Guy filled the Jube which is way bigger!


SUPER COOL MOD & Supporting Vendor
Oct 21, 2006
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Edmonton/Sherwood Park
[h=3]Several luxury buses used for Neil Young’s Honor the Treaties four-city concert tour were left running outside while the rocker gave a news conference ahead of his concert Sunday night at the Epcor Centre for the Performing Arts.[/h]
While Neil Young spoke to a Calgary news conference at the Jack Singer Concert Hall prior to his Sunday night show, five rock star-style motorhomes were left running outside, spewing fumes into the Calgary air, even though they were mostly unoccupied.
Inside the concert hall, the 68-year-old rock ‘n’ roll legend was talking about the “elephant in the room,” which he later explained was man-made global warming. The only elephant I could see was his enormous carbon footprint and his even bigger hypocrisy between his walk and his talk.
Oh, his talk is righteous, all right. His walk, however, remains an abomination.
Calgary was the last stop on Young’s four-city Honor the Treaties tour, which is designed to raise awareness and money for the Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation, which is suing the federal government and Shell Canada in an effort to stop Shell’s Jackpine Mine expansion proposal in northern Alberta.
Click here to see photos of Young's visit to Calgary

The first question Young was asked was, does he ever fly on private jets?
“Yes, I do fly on private jets,” said the 68-year-old rock ‘n’ roll hall of famer. “Sometimes I have to brush shoulders with oil executives,” he said, his face screwing up in distaste. The horror! Poor old Neil. If that’s supposed to absolve him of some of his environmental guilt, he needs to recognize that oil executives don’t tend to lecture others on how to live absolving them of the sin of hypocrisy, at least.
“Sometimes to play my shows I have to use them (private jets) to get from one place to another to do my job and be in good enough shape to do my job when I get there,” explained Young.
So, what’s the main thing wrong with that explanation? If you said Young’s use of the words “I have to,” you’d be right. Neil Young does NOT “have to” fly on a private jet. He chooses to.
Click here to read a review of Young's Sunday night benefit concert

In other words, for Neil Young and other hawkers of hypocrisy like him, he chooses his own comfort over his convictions. Actually, scrap that. If he actually truly believed that human created CO2 causes catastrophic global warming, he wouldn’t even so much as look at a private jet let alone climb aboard one.
Flying by private jet is the most carbon intensive way to move humans next to space travel.
According to a 2008 report entitled High Flyers: How Private Jet Travel is Straining the System, Warming the Planet, and Costing You Money,” private jet travel is at least five times more carbon intensive than commercial air travel.
For example, the report states that four passengers flying in a private Cessna Citation X from Los Angeles to New York would each be responsible for more than five times as much CO2 emitted by a commercial air passenger making the same trip.
But that’s a very forgiving calculation when you consider about 40 per cent of private jet flights are empty as pilots often return home rather that waiting for the return trip.
What’s more, private jet travelers pay lower taxes and fees than ordinary commercial travelers.
The irony wasn’t lost on me that the person who chirped up to come to Young’s defence on his high-flying lifestyle was David Suzuki, the CBC television star who is fond of flying hither and yon and is severely over housed — as he owns several large homes and often insists on his own limo when he goes on CBC shoots rather than travel with the rest of the film crew. Two CBC camera men, who have asked to remain anonymous, have told me so.
Click here to read the full story on Young's press conference in Calgary

Outside, Young’s diesel buses spewed away, keeping the interiors toasty warm, with a big-screen television displaying a football game to no one at all.
How do I know that the buses were running while Young was inside the Jack Singer concert hall? Because I spoke to a security guard tasked with keeping fans away from the five buses parked along 9th Avenue across from the Epcor Centre of the Performing Arts and also in the parking lot and in the loading dock.
When asked if the buses had all been kept running for the past hour, he said they had been running for longer than that.
I knocked on the doors of all of the buses, rented or leased from Florida Coach Luxury Design and Leasing, and only one was opened by a young man who introduced himself as a cook. The chef explained that the motorhomes, must be kept running to run the equipment aboard.
“But some of the buses don’t appear to have anyone on board,” I said.
“We just always keep them running whether they’re occupied or not, but we use bio-diesel which is trucked in from the U.S., so it’s OK.”
Get it? A little bio diesel here a little solar power there and the gigantic greenhouse gas footprint of the likes of Neil Young and David Suzuki should be overlooked by us peons who have much smaller carbon footprints.
Never mind that biodiesel is causing great hardship for the world’s poorest citizens since staple food crops like corn are used to power vehicles rather than grow their food, causing their food prices to spike.
There is no doubt that Neil Young is a very talented musician with a heart of gold. Too bad his facts are made of mush and his lifestyle and rock-star livelihood is the very thing that makes Saudi Arabia’s bloody oil gush and pressure for Alberta’s oilsands to continue to grow.
Licia Corbella is a columnist and editorial page editor.

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[h=1]Several luxury buses used for Neil Young’s Honor the Treaties four-city concert tour were left running outside while the rocker gave a news conference ahead of his concert Sunday night at the Epcor Centre for the Performing Arts.[/h][h=2][/h]

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