Lloydminster ATV Rider looking for others who enjoy the same.

Apr 10, 2014
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Hello All, I am new here and am always looking for people to ride with. I have a 2010 Can Am Outlander 800 with mods on 30" Zillas, 06 Outlander 800 with mods on 27" Mud Lites, and old faithful - 08 Honda Foreman 500 stock on 27" Zillas. So, I can go from Braap Braap to a Relaxed Rap. I can and will ride with anyone, anywhere within a couple hours, and pretty much anytime. I am not much of a social butterfly but am always willing to try. I don't Drink but ride with many that do, and quads aren't all as I Love my Jeeps too.

Email or Facebook, Lets start there and then to text messages.
Apr 10, 2014
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Thanks, I am still learning to navigate here. I can't believe all the valued info available, You are all awesome. I would like to put together a group who would like to explore places like Onion Lake outside the Rally setting. Am thinking you are a long ways away winter or summer. Anyway, this is my quest as I have been warned against being my independent self and exploring alone.
Apr 10, 2014
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The first step is admitting you have a problem. Welcome to Snow and Mud!
LMAO, Ok then. I have a Problem, I am the closest thing you can find to a Hermit and do most everything myself. Even when the instructions call for 2 people, but even tho it takes a little longer, when it comes to disappointment I need only look to myself. Since adopting this Philosophy I have not had anyone "accidentally" kick a hole in my Rad, cross thread a drain plug, drop their end, or knock a rebuilt 327 over busting the crank. Nevermind all the wait time I saved, I did recently purchase help from a very talented mechanic to install a 4" Long Arm Lift Kit on 1 of my WJs. So, Thanks Phil. I would have never finished it on my own and you changed my outlook on admitting when I need help. That would be before I start.
This new outlook is what brings me to this fabulous place. Although I like to be out front with an unobstructed view, I am learning to hang back and enjoy the Rooster Tails and Bitchin Trails. Finishing Rallies First has lost its luster.
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