IMPORTANT!!! Petition to stop privatization of BC's timber supply areas


Active VIP Member
Jan 17, 2009
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Terrace, BC
Area based tenure is not a new concept. Most of the larger companies operate under TFL's and have for a long time. Willy is correct is just a tenure system and no ownership rights go along with area based vs volume based either system it is crown land.

The government won't ever be giving out new tenures to private industry...they have committed volume to first nations that they don't have. This is going to allow them to provide first nations with an area based tenure over their territory. Coastal first nations have been pushing for this for a long time.

IMO area based will lead to better management because in theory the licensee should have a longer term focus because their land base is fixed. Volume the highest margin wood you can get a permit for, log it, get it free growing off the books move onto next area...basically use it or lose it to another volume based licensee in the same supply area.


Active VIP Member
Dec 24, 2008
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Prince George
Apparently you are clueless as to the history of Vancouver Island, what has been going on there for years and just who owns what land with the rights to sell it as they see fit.

A sample.....

the government does not give away or sell crown land . these logging outfits get a tenure to log and replant the tenured area and that has to be done in a certain amount of time. After their permit is up they can no longer do any type of work on the crown land "like pull roads and culverts out ! logging company's will always tell u not to go there or they have the rights to the land ... but they dont have any right to keep u out unless they own the land . u can get tenures or access over crown land ! but sorry The Queen doesnt go around selling off crown land .
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Active VIP Member
Jan 17, 2009
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Terrace, BC
Also if you are a licensee with Forest Licenses you have little security over your access to timber and with no certainly hard pressed to invest long term. So this is another large driver and another good pt of the bill. Good for everyone for the Canfor and West Frasers of the world to be investing in their mills and communities. i am guessing suncor up in the mac has long term security of their project sites...if it were like a forest license other companies could potentially get rights to develop on their lease or whatever you call it up there. Don't think that would fly.

Old Boy

Active VIP Member
Jan 7, 2011
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Windermere Valley
Hi oneyewilliy How did Jumbo get going with so much land. 6000 h.Has a Mayor and some council at $17,000 a year. I also think their are some 20 projects for dam's on small creeks for power. How much land do the big lumber company's really own? In the east Kooteny its hard to access back country as all controlled by some one. Mike in blue river has control of more land then what Banff park has . I think if you have lots of cash you get what you want in BC. You now can buy Radium Hot Pools if you want. Take care
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