Gardening Tips?

mudd kitty

Active VIP Member
Mar 29, 2010
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high level Alberta
I don't have any lol. But we bought an acreage last year in July so I didn't have time to put a garden in. But this year I planted most veggies a couple weeks ago and I'm going to plant my tomatoes and peppers this weekend.

I would like to know some of your gardening tips S&M peeps. This is my first large garden without any help and I'm thinking I'm going to be a little overwhelmed by the end of the season. How often do u water? Any tips for keeping weeds down? What do u like to plant beside eachother and why? Looking forward to ur replies thanks :)

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Active VIP Member
Nov 27, 2009
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I don't have any lol. But we bought an acreage last year in July so I didn't have time to put a garden in. But this year I planted most veggies a couple weeks ago and I'm going to plant my tomatoes and peppers this weekend.

I would like to know some of your gardening tips S&M peeps. This is my first large garden without any help and I'm thinking I'm going to be a little overwhelmed by the end of the season. How often do u water? Any tips for keeping weeds down? What do u like to plant beside eachother and why? Looking forward to ur replies thanks :)

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Plant your rows far enough apart so that you can rototill between them instead of weeding manually...

Watch out for slugs. They are the reason I don't have a vegetable garden anymore!! I just buy flowers from
the nursery and pretend I have a green thumb :)

That's all I know.


I'm doo-ing it!
Dec 2, 2008
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beautiful, downtown Salmon Arm, BC
Plant your rows far enough apart so that you can rototill between them instead of weeding manually...

Watch out for slugs. They are the reason I don't have a vegetable garden anymore!! I just buy flowers from
the nursery and pretend I have a green thumb :)

That's all I know.

First of all, there shouldn't be any slugs in High Level as it is too cold. I gardened for 20 years in Fort Smith and had some lovely gardens. Lots of sunshine up there.

I would suggest protection of some sort so the sun can bounce around and really warm up the garden area. Tomatoes and peppers might need to be in containers and in full sheltered sun. With them being in containers they will be easy to take in when there is a threat of frost. Any of the root crops will thrive as will all of the brassica's (broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage). Watch out when the cabbage butterflies start hanging around and get out the spray. Onions and radishes may need dirt treatment to prevent worms. Garlic will be fine but plant in early August and harvest in July the following year. It will survive under the snow. I never got corn to maturity but there are earlier varieties out now. All the bedding plants like flowers seemed to doo very well. Watering is just as you think they need it (depends on how heavy the soil is really).

Good luck and enjoy the ride.


Active VIP Member
Nov 14, 2008
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The Kootenays
I love raised beds. Grandma and I planted up a storm in raised beds this year. We use different types of mulch too to keep weeding to a minimum. I grow my potatoes under straw. It works well and I can steal them while the rest of the plant grows. Marigolds are wonderful for repelling insects.

And rabbit poop!!! Rabbit poop is awesome.

I compost our scrap veggies and fruit, I can usually get about 2 turns of utilizable compost for the gardens each summer.

Happy Gardening!! :)
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