Environmental dilemma

Billy Boy

Active VIP Member
Nov 14, 2006
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Central Alberta
My My what is Eddie going to do? Trying to run a province of 3 million people and trying to impress the latest Hollyood hot shot coming here to take another shot at the so called environmental disaster called Ft. McMurray. Eddie does have his problems!!!!

Billy Boy:cool:


Active VIP Member
Sep 21, 2007
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How much tax dollars are going to be wasted entertaining this clown?, well its not like the feds didnt waste enough on the G8 and G20 summits now did they:nono:

$30,000 for flag poles, and I think it was $130,000 for sun screen and bug spray? I mean come on, these people should be talking out for something like that!:mad:


Active VIP Member
Mar 13, 2008
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PR stunt. Cameron probably has a new movie coming out and wants to get his name in the news.

Him and Ed can both take a long walk off a short pier.

Ed Stelmach - worst thing to happen to Alberta in a over decade


Active VIP Member
Mar 19, 2009
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pincher creek ab
it's getting retarded these days with enviromental issues the last part says it all "Mental" I love how they all talk about our pollution problem but yet they all jet around the world in there billion dollar jets. I seen a sticker to back loggin up in the states we need something like this for Ft.Mac area.


Billy Boy

Active VIP Member
Nov 14, 2006
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Central Alberta
Hollywood and the entertainment industry should worry more about their own back door instead of runnning around the world preaching environmental responsability to the unclean masses. If they are so comcernd about co2 and tailings ponds they just have to look out their front & back door. It is a much worse problem than the Oil Sands. But hey we are the target of the decade.

Billy Boy:cool:


Bogger of the GBCA
Feb 21, 2007
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Down by the Bay
Eddy's a farmer... not that thats a terrible thing but he sure ain't Ralph.

The whole "Alberta Royalties are too low, we must raise them" issue screwed us, gotta compare apples to apples, you can not compare Alberta oil extraction to the gulf or middle-east. extraction here is a much more complex and costly endevour..

Our royalties might have been low BUT

Everyone in the province who wanted to work was working, and being paid well.
this allowed services to prosper, restaurants, dealerships, hardware stores, etc...
Alberta is still part of Canada, our taxes may be lower but they are still nothing to sneeze at.

Now Because of the "Royalty Re-allignment" expansions have been put on hold... Even when they decided to backpedal and say that they would re-evaluate the cost to producers it was too late.... Saskabush welcomed them with open arms and will be financially and socially better off for it.

People complained about Ralph and his "Old boys Club"..... well guess what when the old boys are makin money so are the rest of us....

Eddy is not an oil guy.... we need an oil guy...

Reports now say that the millions of barrels of oil in the Gulf "are not as bad as expected"... so surely the effects of removing oil from naturally saturated ground can't be that bad....

Fuggin politicians... It ain't that hard... 90% of the population will agree on 90% of action required 90% of the time....

Our federal and provincial governments spend way too much time and effort trying to appease the 10% of vocal left and right extremests...

Billy Boy

Active VIP Member
Nov 14, 2006
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Central Alberta
Why is Ed even giving this guy the time of day? God be with us if the entertainment industry starts calling the shots!!! I thought I paid them to entertain me not preach to me!!!!

Billy Boy:cool:


Active VIP Member
Dec 20, 2009
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unless he plans on investing he can get the fugg out

fat tire

Active VIP Member
Apr 29, 2009
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Central Alberta
Eddy's a farmer... not that thats a terrible thing but he sure ain't Ralph.

The whole "Alberta Royalties are too low, we must raise them" issue screwed us, gotta compare apples to apples, you can not compare Alberta oil extraction to the gulf or middle-east. extraction here is a much more complex and costly endevour..

Our royalties might have been low BUT

Everyone in the province who wanted to work was working, and being paid well.
this allowed services to prosper, restaurants, dealerships, hardware stores, etc...
Alberta is still part of Canada, our taxes may be lower but they are still nothing to sneeze at.

Now Because of the "Royalty Re-allignment" expansions have been put on hold... Even when they decided to backpedal and say that they would re-evaluate the cost to producers it was too late.... Saskabush welcomed them with open arms and will be financially and socially better off for it.

People complained about Ralph and his "Old boys Club"..... well guess what when the old boys are makin money so are the rest of us....

Eddy is not an oil guy.... we need an oil guy...

Reports now say that the millions of barrels of oil in the Gulf "are not as bad as expected"... so surely the effects of removing oil from naturally saturated ground can't be that bad....

Fuggin politicians... It ain't that hard... 90% of the population will agree on 90% of action required 90% of the time....

Our federal and provincial governments spend way too much time and effort trying to appease the 10% of vocal left and right extremests...
thats sad...........Big oil runs this province not the gov't..........and we albertans have been pushed around so much by big oil it has given us...or most of us amnesia.........does anyone remember back say 5 yrs ago......oil was climbing to $40.00 then over night it climbed to $50.00.......................everyone* was dog tired from working so hard.....we were all in overdrive....the royalties were unchanged and big oil was making so much money, as was the province that nary a sound came from either side..........ok fastforward 3 years..........as the price climbed and climbed to a whopping $146.72 and onstream changes in production almost tripled everyone was in denial of the bubble..............well it burst....and with that burst in price cam the inception of a new royalty regieme.......penney's really......and what does big oil do .....send the push back to albertans in the form of a firm foot on the brakes attitude.......the province is partly responsible for counting there futures on a unrealistic price.....but the greed was only big oils...... because they dictate what they will pay and push back anything that isn't in line with there own bottom line................the penney's that the new royalties imposed on big oil do add up in production numbers and CPB but are a quite well offset by the shear price of the product (exception to natural gas here....but not including gas to the mix) the peak price* of $146* went down substancially from that figure but has remained constant for the last 3 yrs between $70 to $80 PB.........production has not yeilded lower numbers since that decline......our province says there losing money because of the price and big oil cries the same story.............yet the price is still 1/3rd above what the price was 5 yrs ago........of $40 PB.... sure the royalties have changed (penney's really) but production is triple what it was then and climbing as we move forward.............but yet everyone cries foul..............you* know what we need it isn't an oil guy....or a farmer.......we need someone or a group of someones who will not be bought by big oil.......we need to* be the pushers not the push-ees and bluntly say enough is enough.......... we have this rich resource which isn't renewable..... so if you want it here is what you have to pay (not just penney's) and if you don't like it* then guess what .....Alberta will* mine it extract it refine it and ship it and that cost will benefit our people..........Chavez did it for his people.......check out what the price of gasoline is per liter in Venezuela......it's about 75% lower than what we pay here.......sure* that country is poor and is ruled comunist..........but if big oil had there way that country would still be getting penney's in royalties and at the end of the day wpuld still be comunist................Alberta needs people who will stand up for it's people............Chavez had a good point........he said we have it and you can buy it from us for a price........ we should do the same.........then things will turn around for this province in a good way.*** Just* my $.02


Active VIP Member
Aug 24, 2009
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Edmonton, AB
Heard today on the morning news that Cameron was comparing the oilsands (as he was flying overhead in a helicopter) to the clear-cutting in the Amazon forest, and that he is concerned about the indegenous people who are losing their land, and that the native people speak for the wildlife and blah blah blah.. he was comparing the whole thing to Avatar too, no joke.. they were saying he said stuff like "the Native here are like the Pandora's.. " or whatever, I dunno.. it was funny though.

Sofa king

Active VIP Member
Nov 3, 2008
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I think all this bs is to divert attention away from fracture drilling in the states, if you get a chance watch "Gasland" (they are doing it here to btw).

fat tire

Active VIP Member
Apr 29, 2009
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Central Alberta
Sorry for my rant* I didn't want to get off topic.........but we are all taking it rather well.......being on a boat with no captain!


Active VIP Member
Nov 13, 2006
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Any where there is snow
We can do what Ecquador is going to do; for not drilling in their heavy oil reserves in the head waters of the Amazon the rest of the world should pay them 3 billion dollars. Now thats good hold the rest of the word for an environmenatal ransom!! I wonder if Eddie is listening?? This brings up some interesting ideas.



Bogger of the GBCA
Feb 21, 2007
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Down by the Bay
Sorry for my rant* I didn't want to get off topic.........but we are all taking it rather well.......being on a boat with no captain!

your probably a lot more in line and educated on the subject than I am....

I was simply throwing out an observation based on then and now.... It was recently reported that economically Alberta is still depressed compared with Sask and a lot of guys I know have left AB to grab high paying oil jobs in Sask.

I was proud to have an alcoholic, redneck, good-ol boy running the show...

I never wanted for work


Super Senior Member
Jan 12, 2009
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I agree ............... no way should entertainment gurus be messing in business plain and simple. Also plain and simple is the fact that Eddie must go along with the entire conservative party. Need someone in there that can make a decsion right or wrong and stick with it so business can plan. The reason so many projects are on hold is the wishy washy nature of the tories!! I'm liking the sound of the Alliance party.


Active VIP Member
Mar 13, 2008
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...Chavez had a good point........he said we have it and you can buy it from us for a price........ we should do the same...........

LOL - not a chance IMO! It worked out so well for Venezula.... LOL they are all still dirt poor, the only people that benefitted from the selling of oil there were the top 1% of the population who were in bed with the govt, none of the $$$ trickled down to the people. Did everyone forget about the Gulf War? purely about oil control. The Iraqi's said "Fawk u", so the US came in and took it. Venezula was too poor to fight a war...LOL

At least in Canada I have a job because of the high paying oil companies, regardless of who "runs" the province, the gov't still gives me a cut, and it's a hell of a lot better than some places. I bought a house, I have all my own teeth, I have health care for my child, etc etc. Tell me what a Venezula banana farmer has that I don't, because I don't understand the comparison. So the Venezulan gov't looks like it controls the oil (which it doesn't), the people are still broke. I don't see anyone from Canada going to Venezula to have a baby because their health system is so stellar. Let's not even talk about infrastructure - I like having roads, running water and toilet, not a bucket.

Our reliance on oil is too high to try and play hardball, go ahead and tell them "tough cookies, you want it, you will pay for it." They will pack up shop and head somewhere else, leaving us to be broke ass crackers living in single wides.

Everyone thinks its so bad here, it's really not. The environmental issues and media frenzy are all about control of the oil. The oilsands are a diversion to take some pressure off the US. James Cameron would have made a big deal about the Gulf of Mexico, but the US already controls the oil there (instead they tried to downplay it). What about the Mackenzie Delta? oh - same thing - US owned. Anyone ever been to Russia and some of the eastern block? The Canadian oilsands are an order of magnitude lower on the environmental disaster scale compared to rivers (literally rivers like the size of the Athabasca) flowing with oil from 48" pipeline ruptures overseas. Lakes drained for water use and entire species wiped out. I could go on.

Ed doesn't understand politics is the first thing, he should have stuck with farming and talking about the weather. You have to get industry to buy into an idea and use the subtle approach when you first get elected. You don't just walk into the cantina with your guns blazing the moment you step into town, otherwise you're gonna get gunned down in a hurry.

fat tire

Active VIP Member
Apr 29, 2009
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Central Alberta
your probably a lot more in line and educated on the subject than I am....

I was simply throwing out an observation based on then and now.... It was recently reported that economically Alberta is still depressed compared with Sask and a lot of guys I know have left AB to grab high paying oil jobs in Sask.

I was proud to have an alcoholic, redneck, good-ol boy running the show...

I never wanted for work
I hear ya ...and* no* i'm* not anymore or less educated that anyone else.......but facts are facts* and there is money in confusion.........if anyone wants to get rich in alberta the easiest way to accomplish that is to form a review pannel and cater to it as the government dictates...........the university professor who had his envrimental study slighted by Ed and the boys (who will do there own study.........no doubt of the outcome) gets nothing for his efforts and the efforts of his team for producing findings of a study....all for the interests of the enviroment......that's who cameron should have had a meeting with ...not* the indian chief...and Eddy oil boy......I hope I live longenough to see a balance between industry and enviroment.........as for the down turn..yes it has betten all of alberta either directly or indirectly.........and I know that there is no simple solution ( alberta mining extracting and refining...etc) but i would be willing to bet if alberta refined* more product then there would be jobs and stability a plenty..................but do the math......over 90% of the product is shipped and refined elsewhere..........the numbers suggest that Canada as a whole only* refines 13% of it's raw product.........yet we import indirectly more than we refine...why is that?? Could we not refine more product here in this country so the fuel we use could be made more affordable to the people............the US has cheaper fuel prices than anada as a whole ...basically based on market share and consumption.........if Alberta refined more product we could export our excess for profit that would offset the production and refining cost, and make fuel more consumer cost friendly..........Government control of the oil and gas industry could make life in canada allot better for canadians.I think we as albertans should be benefiting more from the resources we have...........sorry to get off the topic again...... but* yeah* bogger I wish there was more continuity within the industry as related to the job market.......... and i'm sure you do too.

fat tire

Active VIP Member
Apr 29, 2009
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Central Alberta
LOL - not a chance IMO! It worked out so well for Venezula.... LOL they are all still dirt poor, the only people that benefitted from the selling of oil there were the top 1% of the population who were in bed with the govt, none of the $$$ trickled down to the people. Did everyone forget about the Gulf War? purely about oil control. The Iraqi's said "Fawk u", so the US came in and took it. Venezula was too poor to fight a war...LOL

At least in Canada I have a job because of the high paying oil companies, regardless of who "runs" the province, the gov't still gives me a cut, and it's a hell of a lot better than some places. I bought a house, I have all my own teeth, I have health care for my child, etc etc. Tell me what a Venezula banana farmer has that I don't, because I don't understand the comparison. So the Venezulan gov't looks like it controls the oil (which it doesn't), the people are still broke. I don't see anyone from Canada going to Venezula to have a baby because their health system is so stellar. Let's not even talk about infrastructure - I like having roads, running water and toilet, not a bucket.

Our reliance on oil is too high to try and play hardball, go ahead and tell them "tough cookies, you want it, you will pay for it." They will pack up shop and head somewhere else, leaving us to be broke ass crackers living in single wides.

Everyone thinks its so bad here, it's really not. The environmental issues and media frenzy are all about control of the oil. The oilsands are a diversion to take some pressure off the US. James Cameron would have made a big deal about the Gulf of Mexico, but the US already controls the oil there (instead they tried to downplay it). What about the Mackenzie Delta? oh - same thing - US owned. Anyone ever been to Russia and some of the eastern block? The Canadian oilsands are an order of magnitude lower on the environmental disaster scale compared to rivers (literally rivers like the size of the Athabasca) flowing with oil from 48" pipeline ruptures overseas. Lakes drained for water use and entire species wiped out. I could go on.

Ed doesn't understand politics is the first thing, he should have stuck with farming and talking about the weather. You have to get industry to buy into an idea and use the subtle approach when you first get elected. You don't just walk into the cantina with your guns blazing the moment you step into town, otherwise you're gonna get gunned down in a hurry.
Yes* like I said there a comunist country......and* yes there poor.....well 3rd worl status actually..........but there actually better off than if big oil had gotten what they wanted insted of getting what they get..........I agree with ya ......* I just wish we had a government here that would listen to the people and do what would be better in the long run instead of back door deals and secret hand shakes and* the rest...........sorry to* offed you if my observations are off.......... but there just my words and my opinion and really mean nothing................I wish our system was better that's all.


Active VIP Member
Mar 13, 2008
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Yes* like I said there a comunist country......and* yes there poor.....well 3rd worl status actually..........but there actually better off than if big oil had gotten what they wanted insted of getting what they get..........I agree with ya ......* I just wish we had a government here that would listen to the people and do what would be better in the long run instead of back door deals and secret hand shakes and* the rest...........sorry to* offed you if my observations are off.......... but there just my words and my opinion and really mean nothing................I wish our system was better that's all.

Don't apologize, we all have our feelings on the subject. No worries here man, I've got an open mind and I hear what you are saying.


Active VIP Member
Nov 12, 2008
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Grande Prairie, AB, CDN
I agree with you, if we refine the stuff we are pumping out than export it, that would take out the middle man. We would be maximizing our profits.

Smaller Scale examples..

The major trucking companies in Grande Prairie teamed together and started up a swamp mats company. They sent all there business to their because they had an invested interest.

One of the top builders in Grande Prairie purchased his own Rona, and now all his homes products come from that distributor. Its now the top Rona in Alberta.
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