Embarrassed to be a skiier!


Active VIP Member
Dec 24, 2008
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Prince George
Gotta disagree RJ, everyone has a right to express their opinion, even the idiots that are dumb enough to disagree with me. :)

But, but, but, but, but. I know what you're saying but, there are opinions and then there are outright sick comments directed at the dead and others. When people are pissing on the grave of others in a public forum, it's just not civilized and has no place being allowed to remain in print. It is very disrespectful to the dead, their friends and family. If these scumbags can't show some respect and can only post venom at those that lose their lives, they shouldn't be allowed to have their garbage remain in a public domain.


Active VIP Member
Mar 19, 2009
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pincher creek ab
Doesnt matter if you are on the hill or not I have seen castle mountain slide on the marked runs more than 10 times!!! and thats at a ski hill one slide took the groomer down the mountain 500m breaking his collarbone that was a buddy of mine jordan sinnott! the one a couple years before wiped out the top lift shack on the mountain and parts of the chair lift once again on the mountain. the main raun up top named sherrif broke free and took the whole side of the mountain. it doesnt matter if you are on the hill or not those places slide to! and for how many people wear there beacon at these different resorts i would say a max of 10% I never see anyone wearing them at castle and that hill is nasty somedays!

I just find it funny how when I talk to guys at the hill about the sled and ski issues they all say well the skiiers are a bunch of different groups we got backcountry guys,freestyle guys,mogul guys so I always stop them right there and say dont you all ride skis? well ya we do! Well then arent you classified as a skiier then? yeah we are skiiers but there are different groups! NO NO NO if us sledders get classified as 1 group then the skiiers get classified as 1 group! But they all agree that sledders and skiiers need to work together cause they all use sleds to access backcountry terrain they disagreed heavily with what was said on cbc and other forums and understand why we are growing more and more upset with that culture and they wanna try and change it as well. so that is a definate positive start to see the younger generations starting to lighten up and accept the sledder/skiier thing just like it used to be with skiiers/boarders.
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