coyote chasers


Active VIP Member
Mar 21, 2007
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County of Smokey Lake
Here is a little reminder to the 2 individuals chasing the coyote accross the field north of the fort yesterday (boxing day) along hiway 15. Yes you know who you are and you know you were in the wrong because when I stopped you 2 scene me and took off running scared just like the coyote was

"Two Unity area residents and one Albertan involved in running down a
coyote with snowmobiles were recently convicted of four Wildlife Act
infractions and one Criminal Code offence at provincial court in Unity
and fined a total of $2,300. A .22 calibre handgun was forfeited to
the Crown and all three received one-year suspensions of hunting and
trapping privileges.

The three violators were convicted of unlawfully using vehicles to
chase wildlife and fined $600 each. The offender from Alberta received
an additional $500 in fines for careless handling of a firearm and
unlawfully hunting a fur bearer."

The sport already gets enough negative publicity without your stupidity !!! If you want to kill a coyote let me know there lots in my back yard. If you choose to be stupid about it and chase it with your sled, at least do it in the back 40 and not right along side a busy hiway where you are visible to all the passing traffic.

I hope the RCMP catch up with you

Have a nice day


Active VIP Member
Jan 2, 2009
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Slave Lake, AB
talk about stupid !!!!!!!!!!!!! Chit heads.....too bad you couldn't have chased them with yer truck but then again ....a guy wouldn't be any better then they are....these are the kind of idiots that give all sledders a bad name....hope they had fun....and then they'd be the first ones to start screaming when we get all sorts of rules laid down to where and when we can ride.....its idiots like this that effect us all as sledders! :404:


Active VIP Member
Dec 24, 2008
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Prince George
Just curious...."A .22 calibre handgun was forfeited to the Crown"

I didn't read in this story that the guy with the handgun was charged with possession of a hand gun in public, or what ever the charge may be.
You can't, (the last I heard) be running around with a handgun in your possession in Canada.
Never the less, anyone breaking wildlife laws are losers!
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