Big money owed ????


Active VIP Member
Sep 10, 2013
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Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada
I think it's really funny how both governments say they are there to support the "middle class", well I'm in trade school right now and went to apply for an AlbertaWorks grant today and low and behold they are out of money, so both Provincial and Federal Governments are running huge deficits and I'm seeing less benefits than from the previous Governments, I wonder where all the $$$ is going? Sure nice when you're promised stuff and it never comes through.


Active VIP Member
Sep 22, 2008
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West of Toronto
I think if Jerk off justin keeps sending money to African country's to battle climate change , throws over a 100 mill into bringing in more refugees , and taxes the oil industry out of buisness , as well as making sure all $$$$ to natives DO NOT have to be accounted for.... He is in fact delivering change !!!

How anyone can think this moron can fiscally compete with Harper is totally beyond me....
WOW , is he a joke , and we all pay for it !!!!


Active VIP Member
Dec 17, 2011
Reaction score
West koots
I think it's really funny how both governments say they are there to support the "middle class", well I'm in trade school right now and went to apply for an AlbertaWorks grant today and low and behold they are out of money, so both Provincial and Federal Governments are running huge deficits and I'm seeing less benefits than from the previous Governments, I wonder where all the $$$ is going? Sure nice when you're promised stuff and it never comes through.
Maybe this will make you feel better. I heard on CBC radio today there hiring more teachers and health care workers to offset and help with the refuges with special classes to bring them up to speed in school and full health care to. Sadly there's no help for my daughters learning disability and last I checked there not giving away health care, but being we're already citizens of Canada we get to eat the big one.
Even with all the tax I pay I'm still not special enough to help. I guess Helping your own people move forward doesn't make the news headlines.


Active VIP Member
Dec 17, 2011
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West koots
I think if Jerk off justin keeps sending money to African country's to battle climate change , throws over a 100 mill into bringing in more refugees , and taxes the oil industry out of buisness , as well as making sure all $$$$ to natives DO NOT have to be accounted for.... He is in fact delivering change !!!

How anyone can think this moron can fiscally compete with Harper is totally beyond me....
WOW , is he a joke , and we all pay for it !!!!

Something I'm sure we can all agree on!!! On a happier note. Heading back to glamis again this spring? With all the doom and gloom might feel good to just sit on a big sand pile and spin your tires.


Active VIP Member
Sep 11, 2012
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65billion or 200billion debt...who cares. With such a cash cow of resources in BC, Albt. or our sister provinces it baffles me why we don't have this in the bank instead and our streets paved with gold. Our governments no matter which one, are so piss poor at managing money and not being accountable for there stupid decisions and lack of intelligent spending is it any wonder we're seeing a mass of people overspending and living beound there means too. Monkey see monkey do. We're seeing this right before our eyes now. If you find yourself in a hole STOP digging!
Now if that is not enough, let's bring into our country more people and support them like were rolling in it, hey maybe we should be giving them a pentsion to boot.
Now we know why we're in a state of 911.

i agree with everything except about who cares about the amount of debt. look at what happened to most of the western world after the Wall Street raping everyone took in '08-10. Canada weathered it well due to stricter banking laws and prudent management of stimulus spending and cost cutting by successive Harper governments. now the price of oil has tanked and our GDP takes a hit, but with responsible management it's something we could have managed. Then along comes notley and Trudeau, the perfect pair of unqualified inexperienced social activists that together will mismanage and spend the Canadian economy into deep levels of debt. Add to that, the premier of Ontario is doing her level best to make it unaffordable for manufacturers to do business there. Central Canada is going to die because once gone, the manufacturers will never come back from the southern states and Mexico.
Western Canada will survive only because we have the resources that the world wants. Ontario and Quebec will see the money flowing back into western Canada and will demand " their share". We in the west will have to decide how we deal with this. Motley and the NDP will be gone next election cycle, right about the time the east- west animosity will be at its worst. I don't think this time the west will sit still for another raping like the NEP.


Active VIP Member
Nov 1, 2010
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Armstrong BC
for all of you that believe Harper was a great leader here is an interesting read. Again, I know liberals have their own skeletons in the closet and I am sure a list such as this can be drafted up but Harper was far from a great leader and he bet his whole term on the success of oil and gas. As a business owner I would never put all my eggs into one basket.

• Stephen Harper has managed to turn 10 consecutive federal budget surpluses of the Martin-Chretien era into 7 straight consecutive deficits.
• Stephen Harper has the worst record of economic growth of any Prime Minister since RB Bennett and the great depression.
• Under Stephen Harper, household debt has exploded. The average household debt-to-income ratio (i.e., the amount of debt the average Canadian household owes for every dollar of their annual disposable income) has risen from $1.31 to $1.64 -- which is where the United States was before the housing market crashed.
• A significant contributor to household debt can be traced to rising housing prices. Mr. Harper's finance minister, Jim Flaherty, helped fuel the housing bubble with his irresponsible introduction of 40-year mortgages with zero down-payment.
Although he has since reversed himself completely on this policy, it was too late to avoid the damage he caused.
Speaking of Debt
• Fact: Between 1996-97 and 2005-06, the Liberal government paid $81.4-billion against the national debt.
• Fact: The federal debt in the fiscal year 1996-97 was $562.9-billion. By the time the Liberals left office in 2006, it was reduced to $481.5-billion • In contrast, by the year 2014-15, the Conservatives will have added $176,400,000,000 to the national debt.
Let me say that again, Stephen Harper has added and will add $176,400,000,000 to our debt.
• Fact: The Conservative federal debt in 2008-09 = $457.6-billion.
• Fact: The expected Conservative debt in 2014-15 = $634.0-billion (forecasted).
• Fact: 24% of the total accumulated debt since Confederation was amassed under Stephen Harper, this just since 2008.
This is the real and true economic and fiscal record of the Harper era.



Golden Boy
Apr 29, 2008
Reaction score
Sure got a lot of animosity towards ol' Stephen. He run away with your wife or something?
for all of you that believe Harper was a great leader here is an interesting read. Again, I know liberals have their own skeletons in the closet and I am sure a list such as this can be drafted up but Harper was far from a great leader and he bet his whole term on the success of oil and gas. As a business owner I would never put all my eggs into one basket.

• Stephen Harper has managed to turn 10 consecutive federal budget surpluses of the Martin-Chretien era into 7 straight consecutive deficits.
• Stephen Harper has the worst record of economic growth of any Prime Minister since RB Bennett and the great depression.
• Under Stephen Harper, household debt has exploded. The average household debt-to-income ratio (i.e., the amount of debt the average Canadian household owes for every dollar of their annual disposable income) has risen from $1.31 to $1.64 -- which is where the United States was before the housing market crashed.
• A significant contributor to household debt can be traced to rising housing prices. Mr. Harper's finance minister, Jim Flaherty, helped fuel the housing bubble with his irresponsible introduction of 40-year mortgages with zero down-payment.
Although he has since reversed himself completely on this policy, it was too late to avoid the damage he caused.
Speaking of Debt
• Fact: Between 1996-97 and 2005-06, the Liberal government paid $81.4-billion against the national debt.
• Fact: The federal debt in the fiscal year 1996-97 was $562.9-billion. By the time the Liberals left office in 2006, it was reduced to $481.5-billion • In contrast, by the year 2014-15, the Conservatives will have added $176,400,000,000 to the national debt.
Let me say that again, Stephen Harper has added and will add $176,400,000,000 to our debt.
• Fact: The Conservative federal debt in 2008-09 = $457.6-billion.
• Fact: The expected Conservative debt in 2014-15 = $634.0-billion (forecasted).
• Fact: 24% of the total accumulated debt since Confederation was amassed under Stephen Harper, this just since 2008.
This is the real and true economic and fiscal record of the Harper era.



Active VIP Member
Nov 1, 2010
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Armstrong BC
LOL. No I can only wish :cool:

I just hate being lied to which seems every politician is doing so just enjoy pointing out the facts that he is no better than current or past leaders. Same old BS no matter what banner they fly under. For example, Harper says he was not going visit China due to their human rights abuse but on the other hand agrees to a $14 billion arm deal with the Arabs…… who also have a dismal human rights record. If you believe in a cause you stand up for that no matter what. Don't say one thing and do another.

Sure got a lot of animosity towards ol' Stephen. He run away with your wife or something?


Active VIP Member
Sep 10, 2013
Reaction score
Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada
Maybe this will make you feel better. I heard on CBC radio today there hiring more teachers and health care workers to offset and help with the refuges with special classes to bring them up to speed in school and full health care to. Sadly there's no help for my daughters learning disability and last I checked there not giving away health care, but being we're already citizens of Canada we get to eat the big one.
Even with all the tax I pay I'm still not special enough to help. I guess Helping your own people move forward doesn't make the news headlines.

Oh trust me I know, the page that used to contain the apprentice grants now has a link to click showing how we are helping the Syrian Refugees. I pay more in tax than a lot of people make and all I get in return is 8 weeks of school and sh!tty roads to drive back and forth on from the government. Really irks me, I work hard to have what I have and all I do is pay pay pay, and then those that don't give 2 f@cks get everything handed to them.


Active VIP Member
Sep 11, 2012
Reaction score
for all of you that believe Harper was a great leader here is an interesting read. Again, I know liberals have their own skeletons in the closet and I am sure a list such as this can be drafted up but Harper was far from a great leader and he bet his whole term on the success of oil and gas. As a business owner I would never put all my eggs into one basket.

• Stephen Harper has managed to turn 10 consecutive federal budget surpluses of the Martin-Chretien era into 7 straight consecutive deficits.
• Stephen Harper has the worst record of economic growth of any Prime Minister since RB Bennett and the great depression.
• Under Stephen Harper, household debt has exploded. The average household debt-to-income ratio (i.e., the amount of debt the average Canadian household owes for every dollar of their annual disposable income) has risen from $1.31 to $1.64 -- which is where the United States was before the housing market crashed.
• A significant contributor to household debt can be traced to rising housing prices. Mr. Harper's finance minister, Jim Flaherty, helped fuel the housing bubble with his irresponsible introduction of 40-year mortgages with zero down-payment.
Although he has since reversed himself completely on this policy, it was too late to avoid the damage he caused.
Speaking of Debt
• Fact: Between 1996-97 and 2005-06, the Liberal government paid $81.4-billion against the national debt.
• Fact: The federal debt in the fiscal year 1996-97 was $562.9-billion. By the time the Liberals left office in 2006, it was reduced to $481.5-billion • In contrast, by the year 2014-15, the Conservatives will have added $176,400,000,000 to the national debt.
Let me say that again, Stephen Harper has added and will add $176,400,000,000 to our debt.
• Fact: The Conservative federal debt in 2008-09 = $457.6-billion.
• Fact: The expected Conservative debt in 2014-15 = $634.0-billion (forecasted).
• Fact: 24% of the total accumulated debt since Confederation was amassed under Stephen Harper, this just since 2008.
This is the real and true economic and fiscal record of the Harper era.

Youre blaming Harper for things they had no control over. For example, household debt and rising house prices. I don't remember conservatives forcing people to run their credit cards up or buying more house than they could afford. Also your numbers don't jive. If the federal debt was 481 billion in 06, and the conservative debt in 08-09 was 457 billion, then somewhere in there the conservatives paid down some debt.
Also remember in 08-10, an economic crisis equated to the Great Depression, all world govts had to inject money into the economy for stimulus reasons. The conservatives did so as well, they propped up GM and poured billions into central Canada to keep the lights on. So to criticize Harper and to compare his economic growth record to what happened in the '30s is disingenuous at best. And since 2010, the world economy has been sputtering, but because of oil and gas Canada did better than most. As for relying on resources too much, for the years listed, it was about the only game in town. Manufacturing largely has gone offshore and to think that central Canada is ever gonna bring it back is wishful thinking, particularly in the present anti- business climate of Wynne and Trudeau.
Was harper perfect? Far from it. But compare Canada to the rest of the world. Up until last fall, we were doing well by comparison. But it's probably harpers fault that oil is $35 a barrel.
No need to worry though....Justin's got it all figured out.


Active VIP Member
Sep 10, 2013
Reaction score
Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada
for all of you that believe Harper was a great leader here is an interesting read. Again, I know liberals have their own skeletons in the closet and I am sure a list such as this can be drafted up but Harper was far from a great leader and he bet his whole term on the success of oil and gas. As a business owner I would never put all my eggs into one basket.

• Stephen Harper has managed to turn 10 consecutive federal budget surpluses of the Martin-Chretien era into 7 straight consecutive deficits.
• Stephen Harper has the worst record of economic growth of any Prime Minister since RB Bennett and the great depression.
• Under Stephen Harper, household debt has exploded. The average household debt-to-income ratio (i.e., the amount of debt the average Canadian household owes for every dollar of their annual disposable income) has risen from $1.31 to $1.64 -- which is where the United States was before the housing market crashed.
• A significant contributor to household debt can be traced to rising housing prices. Mr. Harper's finance minister, Jim Flaherty, helped fuel the housing bubble with his irresponsible introduction of 40-year mortgages with zero down-payment.
Although he has since reversed himself completely on this policy, it was too late to avoid the damage he caused.
Speaking of Debt
• Fact: Between 1996-97 and 2005-06, the Liberal government paid $81.4-billion against the national debt.
• Fact: The federal debt in the fiscal year 1996-97 was $562.9-billion. By the time the Liberals left office in 2006, it was reduced to $481.5-billion • In contrast, by the year 2014-15, the Conservatives will have added $176,400,000,000 to the national debt.
Let me say that again, Stephen Harper has added and will add $176,400,000,000 to our debt.
• Fact: The Conservative federal debt in 2008-09 = $457.6-billion.
• Fact: The expected Conservative debt in 2014-15 = $634.0-billion (forecasted).
• Fact: 24% of the total accumulated debt since Confederation was amassed under Stephen Harper, this just since 2008.
This is the real and true economic and fiscal record of the Harper era.

Don't forget though that Harper had his time in what is arguably the worst economic times since the depression, yes he added to the national debt but he also isn't paying $600 million to bring refugees to Canada either, and that's just the tip of the iceberg on that cost, wait until they start needing healthcare and education and other social services. Harper definitely wasn't perfect either though, but at least he had half a clue.
Last edited:


Active VIP Member
Nov 1, 2010
Reaction score
Armstrong BC
I did not write the article.

Youre blaming Harper for things they had no control over. For example, household debt and rising house prices. I don't remember conservatives forcing people to run their credit cards up or buying more house than they could afford. Also your numbers don't jive. If the federal debt was 481 billion in 06, and the conservative debt in 08-09 was 457 billion, then somewhere in there the conservatives paid down some debt.
Also remember in 08-10, an economic crisis equated to the Great Depression, all world govts had to inject money into the economy for stimulus reasons. The conservatives did so as well, they propped up GM and poured billions into central Canada to keep the lights on. So to criticize Harper and to compare his economic growth record to what happened in the '30s is disingenuous at best. And since 2010, the world economy has been sputtering, but because of oil and gas Canada did better than most. As for relying on resources too much, for the years listed, it was about the only game in town. Manufacturing largely has gone offshore and to think that central Canada is ever gonna bring it back is wishful thinking, particularly in the present anti- business climate of Wynne and Trudeau.
Was harper perfect? Far from it. But compare Canada to the rest of the world. Up until last fall, we were doing well by comparison. But it's probably harpers fault that oil is $35 a barrel.
No need to worry though....Justin's got it all figured out.


Active VIP Member
Nov 1, 2010
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Armstrong BC
Canada weathered the tough economic situation better as our banks were heavily regulated which even Harper himself admitted. The funny thing is that he tried to de-regulate them but failed.

As for the refugees, hate to say it but refugees have been pouring in for years. Last year alone we had over 14,000, the year before that over 15,000 and in 2013 was over 16,000. So, this is nothing new and I fail to see the hype over it. If anything we should be upset as to all the TFW that were coming in.

Anyway, IMO he is just another leader that has failed to put our country on top with all the great "tools" this great country has to offer.

Don't forget though that Harper had is time in what is arguably the worst economic times since the depression, yes he added to the national debt but he also isn't paying $600 million to bring refugees to Canada either, and that's just the tip of the iceberg on that cost, wait until they start needing healthcare and education and other social services. Harper definitely wasn't perfect either though, but at least he had half a clue.


Golden Boy
Apr 29, 2008
Reaction score
Maybe refugees have never been in the spotlight like they are right now and most of us didn't realize how much our government is spending saving the world.
Canada weathered the tough economic situation better as our banks were heavily regulated which even Harper himself admitted. The funny thing is that he tried to de-regulate them but failed.

As for the refugees, hate to say it but refugees have been pouring in for years. Last year alone we had over 14,000, the year before that over 15,000 and in 2013 was over 16,000. So, this is nothing new and I fail to see the hype over it. If anything we should be upset as to all the TFW that were coming in.

Anyway, IMO he is just another leader that has failed to put our country on top with all the great "tools" this great country has to offer.


Active VIP Member
Nov 1, 2010
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Armstrong BC
true but doesn't change the fact that even under Harper's term we were receiving thousands just like JT is doing now. I just checked the immigration web site and despite the tough times in 2008/09 we received 7100 in '08 and over 11,000 in 2009. Why wasn't anyone up in arms then? Reason being is that this was an election hot button.

Maybe refugees have never been in the spotlight like they are right now and most of us didn't realize how much our government is spending saving the world.


Active VIP Member
Sep 22, 2008
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West of Toronto
It appears to me that while you have spent considerable time fact checking Harper , he has Been f#%^ checking your old lady .....


Active VIP Member
Jan 2, 2012
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for all of you that believe Harper was a great leader here is an interesting read. Again, I know liberals have their own skeletons in the closet and I am sure a list such as this can be drafted up but Harper was far from a great leader and he bet his whole term on the success of oil and gas. As a business owner I would never put all my eggs into one basket.

• Stephen Harper has managed to turn 10 consecutive federal budget surpluses of the Martin-Chretien era into 7 straight consecutive deficits.
• Stephen Harper has the worst record of economic growth of any Prime Minister since RB Bennett and the great depression.
• Under Stephen Harper, household debt has exploded. The average household debt-to-income ratio (i.e., the amount of debt the average Canadian household owes for every dollar of their annual disposable income) has risen from $1.31 to $1.64 -- which is where the United States was before the housing market crashed.
• A significant contributor to household debt can be traced to rising housing prices. Mr. Harper's finance minister, Jim Flaherty, helped fuel the housing bubble with his irresponsible introduction of 40-year mortgages with zero down-payment.
Although he has since reversed himself completely on this policy, it was too late to avoid the damage he caused.
Speaking of Debt
• Fact: Between 1996-97 and 2005-06, the Liberal government paid $81.4-billion against the national debt.
• Fact: The federal debt in the fiscal year 1996-97 was $562.9-billion. By the time the Liberals left office in 2006, it was reduced to $481.5-billion • In contrast, by the year 2014-15, the Conservatives will have added $176,400,000,000 to the national debt.
Let me say that again, Stephen Harper has added and will add $176,400,000,000 to our debt.
• Fact: The Conservative federal debt in 2008-09 = $457.6-billion.
• Fact: The expected Conservative debt in 2014-15 = $634.0-billion (forecasted).
• Fact: 24% of the total accumulated debt since Confederation was amassed under Stephen Harper, this just since 2008.
This is the real and true economic and fiscal record of the Harper era.

Dont think there saying Harper was a great leader.. Just the one we got now is $hittier


Active member
Nov 15, 2006
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I think it's really funny how both governments say they are there to support the "middle class", well I'm in trade school right now and went to apply for an AlbertaWorks grant today and low and behold they are out of money, so both Provincial and Federal Governments are running huge deficits and I'm seeing less benefits than from the previous Governments, I wonder where all the $$$ is going? Sure nice when you're promised stuff and it never comes through.
You come from the wrong country to receive assistance or benefits. ...move and return as a minority,or come from Quebec.

Sent from my SGH-I337M using Tapatalk


Active VIP Member
Mar 17, 2014
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Central AB
for all of you that believe Harper was a great leader here is an interesting read. Again, I know liberals have their own skeletons in the closet and I am sure a list such as this can be drafted up but Harper was far from a great leader and he bet his whole term on the success of oil and gas. As a business owner I would never put all my eggs into one basket.

• Stephen Harper has managed to turn 10 consecutive federal budget surpluses of the Martin-Chretien era into 7 straight consecutive deficits.
• Stephen Harper has the worst record of economic growth of any Prime Minister since RB Bennett and the great depression.
• Under Stephen Harper, household debt has exploded. The average household debt-to-income ratio (i.e., the amount of debt the average Canadian household owes for every dollar of their annual disposable income) has risen from $1.31 to $1.64 -- which is where the United States was before the housing market crashed.
• A significant contributor to household debt can be traced to rising housing prices. Mr. Harper's finance minister, Jim Flaherty, helped fuel the housing bubble with his irresponsible introduction of 40-year mortgages with zero down-payment.
Although he has since reversed himself completely on this policy, it was too late to avoid the damage he caused.
Speaking of Debt
• Fact: Between 1996-97 and 2005-06, the Liberal government paid $81.4-billion against the national debt.
• Fact: The federal debt in the fiscal year 1996-97 was $562.9-billion. By the time the Liberals left office in 2006, it was reduced to $481.5-billion • In contrast, by the year 2014-15, the Conservatives will have added $176,400,000,000 to the national debt.
Let me say that again, Stephen Harper has added and will add $176,400,000,000 to our debt.
• Fact: The Conservative federal debt in 2008-09 = $457.6-billion.
• Fact: The expected Conservative debt in 2014-15 = $634.0-billion (forecasted).
• Fact: 24% of the total accumulated debt since Confederation was amassed under Stephen Harper, this just since 2008.
This is the real and true economic and fiscal record of the Harper era.

Nice Google search....geeze...

How about this one...I didn't write this article either:

Below are some 100 examples of policies and legislation, put into place by the Harper Conservatives that, in my opinion, make Canada better than what it was before they were elected.
Adoption Expense Tax Credit increased — from a one-time $13,100 to 15,000 in 2014 (Link)
Adult “Basic” Education Northern Initiative — announced by PM Harper on Thursday, Feb. 23rd, 2012 in Iqaluit, for Aboriginal people living in the three territories; (Link)
Aga Khan and PM Harper open Ismaili Centre and Aga Khan Museum — a multicultural partnership dedicated to artistic & intellectual contributions by Muslims (Link)
Age of Consent Legislation — raised from 14 to 16 effective May 1, 2008 (Link)
Air India Final Report of the Commission of Inquiry — PM Harper apologizes to the friends and relatives of all those who died in that disaster (Link)
Apology to Native People — by the Government of Canada on June 11, 2008 for residential school abuses (Link)
Arctic All-Season Highway — a 137 kilometer project linking Inuvik and Tuktoyaktuk and the Arctic Ocean for first time (Link)
Arctic Research Council launched to improve lives for people in the North — for resource development, shipping, marine safety, community infrastructure (Link)
Benin Foreign Investment & Promotion Protection Agreement (FIPA) — legally binding rights and obligations with respect to investment in effect May 12, 2014 (Link)
Beyond the Border Agreement with the U.S. — passed in late 2011, on perimeter security co-operation (Link)
Boundary Dam at Estevan, Saskatchewan — site of carbon capture coal plant receiving $240 million in federal subsidies (Link)
Canada Apprentice Loan Program — up to $4000 for those registered in any Red Seals apprenticeship training announced in January 2015(Link)
Canada’s Citizenship Act Amendment — to reduce processing time to less than a year and reducing backlog by over 80% (Link)
Canada/EU Trade Agreement — although ratification still required, an `End of Negotiations`Agreement signed on September 26, 2014 (Link)
Canada Student Loan Program expanded — to include shorter-term duration educational programs of at least 34 weeks duration (Link)
Canadian Wheat Board Monopoly Ends — Bill C18 removed the CWB’s monopoly regarding decisions made by many Western farmers to market their wheat (Link)
China Foreign Investment Deal (FIPA) — while controversial, sets out legal framework to clarify obligations and rights re investment in Canada (Link)
Chinese Head Tax Apology— by the government on June 22, 2006 (Link) (Link)
Chinese Immigrant Provision — of $20,000 to every individual and/or surviving spouses who paid the head tax plus $24 million towards an “historical recognition program”(Link)
Columbia Free Trade Agreement — went into force on August 15th, 2011 (Link)
Consumer Product Safety Act — came into effect June 20, 2011 to ensure manufacturers do not market dangerous products (Link)
Corporate Tax Rate — reduced from 18% to 16.5% effective January 2012, with another 1.5% reduction in 2012 to 15% (Link)
Corrupt Regimes Act (C-61) – allows Canada to act upon the request of a foreign state to freeze the assets that their former leaders and members of their entourage, including family members, senior officials and associates, may have placed in Canadian financial institutions (Link)
Czech Republic Foreign Investment Promotion & Protection Agreement (FIPA)— went into force January 22nd, 2012 (Link)
Devolution of Land & Resources in the Northwest Territories — from the federal government to the Government took place on April 1st, 2014 with the legislation receiving Royal Assent on March 25, 2014 (Link) (Link)
Disability Savings Plan — part of the 2007 budget, it was fully implemented in December, 2008 (Link)
Ebola Virus Eradication — Conservative gov’t committed $ 113.4 million to support health & humanitarian efforts in Western Africa (Link)
Eeyou Marine Region Land Claims Agreement — between Canada, Nunavut and Grand Council of the Crees (Link)
Employer Caregiver’s Plan — called the CECP, it is an attempt to help employers help employees who have caring responsibilities (Link)
Employment Insurance Premiums Reduced — in the fall of 2014 by 15% for to encourage small businesses to hire (Link)
Exploited Persons Act — legislation that received Royal Assent to protect against drug, organized or prostitution type of crime (Link)
Express Entry Immigration into Canada Program — when skilled immigrants to Canada will get quick entry so that they can contribute to economy (Link) (Link)
Fair Representation Act — Bill C-20 became law on Dec. 16, 2011 and will come into effect for the 2015 federal election (338 seats in total rather than the current 308) (Link)
Fair Elections Act — requires Chief Electoral Officer to lay out clear electoral guidelines became law on June 19, 2014 (Link) (Link) (Link)
Fairness at the Pumps Act (C-14) – protects Canadian consumers from inaccurate measurements when purchasing gasoline effective August 2014 (Link) (Link)
Family Caregiver Tax Credit — Bill C-13 established a new $2000 tax credit on December 15, 2011 to help families dealing with challenging medical expenses (Link)
Family Income Splitting — families with children under 18 will be allowed to split income beginning in 2014 up to $50,000 with credit capped at $2000.00 (Link)
Federal Infrastructure Plan — longest long-term plan in Canadian history supporting projects that enhance economic growth, job creation and productivity (Link) (Link)
First Nations Transparency Act — passed on March 27th, 2013 and requires all First Nations to post financial records and documents on a website as of July 1st, 2014 (Link)
Food Labelling Initiative — to clarify and modernize labelling on food products, including “Product of Canada” and “Made in Canada” claims (Link)
Forest Market Opportunity Program — supporting innovation and diversification in the forest sector until March 2016 (Link)
Free Trade Agreement — signed on July 2, 2009 — between Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland (Link)
Gun Registry Scrapped — as the legislation passed Third Reading (Link) (Royal Assent)
Gender Equity in Indian Registration — legislation that addresses a court ruling on gender discrimination in the Indian Act (Link)
GIS Improvements — for seniors in 2006, changed to allow for higher earned income — (Link)
GST /HST– Goods & Services Tax Cut — From 7% to 6% and then to 5% (Link)
Haiti’s Debt to Canada Cancelled — on June 25, 2010, at the G8 meeting in Huntsville (Link)
Honduras Free Trade Agreement — completed and signed on November 5th, 2013 and will enter into force on June 19, 2014 (Link) (Link) (Link)
Identity Theft Legislation– (Bill S-4) — received Royal Assent on October 27, 2009 — for obtaining and possessing identity information, trafficking in that information or unlawfully possessing or trafficking in gov’t documents (Link)
Immigration and Refugee Protection Act Amendment (C-35) – to crack down on crooked immigration consultants who exploit prospective immigrants and undermine the integrity of Canada’s immigration system (Link)
Income Splitting for Canadian Seniors — a change to the Income Tax Act for pensioners starting in 2006 (Link)
Indian Residential School Settlement Agreement signed (Link)
Infrastructure “New Building Canada Plan” — $53 Billion to support the renewal and construction of municipal infrastructure (Link) (Link)
International Child & Maternal Health at U.N.– $3.5 billion committed for 2015-2020, building on Muskoka 2010 – 2015 initiative (Link) (Link) (Link)
Internet Spam Protection — signed December 15, 2010 to protect consumers and business from the most harmful and misleading forms of online threats (Link)
Jordan Free Trade Agreement — went into force on October 1st, 2012 (Link)
Kid’s sport tax credit — up to $500 per child (Link)
Kruger Mill Investment in Trois Rivieres, Quebec — Government to provide $15 million towards development of first cellulose filament production facility (Link)
Kuwait Foreign Investment Promotion & Protection Agreement (FIPA) — went into force February 19, 2014 (Link)
Land Claim Agreements with First Nations — over 800 claims concluded since the gov’t came into power (See progress chart at this Link)
Latvia Foreign Investment Promotion & Protection Agreement (FIPA) — went into force November 24, 2011 (Link)
Manley Report — approved (Report — click for PDF file at link)
Mental Health Commission of Canada — established and incorporated as a non-profit corporation in March of 2007 (Link)
Mission Against ISIL extended March 30, 2015 — to aid the people of Iraq and Syria (Link)
Missing Persons DNA Index — $8.1 million allocated to develop, over 5 years, help matching missing persons to their families (Link)
Northern Regional Development Economic Agency — announced by Prime Minister Stephen Harper on Tuesday, August 18th, 2009 in Iqaluit, Nunavut (Link)
Nunavik Inuit Land Claims — Agreement (Link)
Offshore Health & Safety Act — Bill C-5 to implement Newfoundland and Nova Scotia Atlantic offshore accord with Royal Assent June 19, 2014 (Link)
Ombudsman for Victims of Crime — Established (Link)
On-reserve schools grant of $500 million — in 2014 to be available from investment of $5.8 billion Infrastructure Fund (Link)
Panama Free Trade Agreement — went into force on April 1st, 2013 (Link)
Peru – Canada Free Trade Agreement — adopted by Parliament June 18, 2009 (Link)
Prime Minister Harper’s speech to Israeli Parliament — on January 20, 2014 (Link)
Protecting Victims from Sexual Offenders — signed on December 15, 2010 to protect children against sexual predators (Link)
Public transit tax credits (Link)
Red Tape Reduction Act — passed in 2014 to make sure the One-for-One rule in law (Link)
Research Excellence Fund for post-secondary institutions — $1.5 billion competitively available that results in long-term economic advantages for Canada (Link)
Romania Foreign Investment Promotion & Protection Agreement (FIPA) — went into effect November 23rd, 2011 (Link)
Rotary Foundation Polio Eradication Award — in 2014 to PM Harper for the millions the Conservative gov’t has contributed to eradicate the disease (Link)
Rouge National Urban Park Act –– enacting and enlarging the Rouge National Urban Park in Pickering and Uxbridge, Ontario (Link)
Safe Streets & Communities Act — passed March June 13, 2012 to protect children and communities against terrorism (Link) (Link)
Self-employ Fairness Act — (Bill C-56) — provides special benefits to the self employed on a volunteer basis (Link)
Slovak Republic Foreign Investment Promotion & Protection Agreement (FIPA) — went into effect March 14, 2012 (Link)
Small Business Tax reduction — through a Job Credit to lower EI premiums (Link)
Small Craft Harbours Improvement Fund — provides an investment of $10.6 million (Link)
Softwood Lumber Agreement (Bill C-24) (Link)
South Korea Free Trade Agreement Signed on September 22, 2014 — 1st Asia Pacific Agreement with final legislative steps for full implementation on November 26, 2014 (Link) (Link)
Tanzania Government Foreign Investment Promotion & Protection Agreement (FIPA) — went into effect December 9th, 2013 (Link)
Tax cuts made 160 Times — since the Conservatives took office in 2006 (Link)
Tax Free Savings Account with an initial annual limit of $5500.00 — which was raised to $10,000 in April 2015 budget (Link) (Link)
Taxpayers Bill of Rights (Link)
Taxpayers Ombudsman (Link)
Temporary Foreign Workers Program — reforms made so that Canadians are hired first (Link)
Ukrainian & Eastern European immigrants — Gov’t to distribute $10 million to educate Canadians about the internment in Canadian work camps during WWI (Link)
Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko invited to speak in House of Commons — indicating PM Harper`s full support of the Ukrainian people (Link)
UN Global Fund contribution for mothers, newborns and young children — $540 million pledged for 2015-2020 by PM Harper and added to the $1.5 billion already promised at the G8 summit in Muskoka and G20 in Toronto, it is the largest contribution ever made by Canada to an international health institution (Link) A further commitment was made in 2014 for the 2015-2020 period for $3.5 billion.
Universal Child Care Benefit — in 2006 $1,200.00 per year for every child under age six (Link)
Universal Child Care Benefit Enhancement — effective January 1st, 2015, beginning July 1st, 2015, parents will receive $160.00 per child per month up to age six and $60.00 for each child aged 6 to 17 (Link) (Link) (Link)
Victims Bill of Rights — Bill C-32 passed on June 18th, 2014 — (Link) (Link)
White Collar Crime Act — Bill C-21 was reintroduced after the May 2, 2011 federal election and became law on November 1, 2011 (Link)
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