ABCSnow Update!


Active VIP Member
Nov 14, 2008
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The Kootenays
What is going on with ABCSnow!!!!!!!!!?????
There are so many questions as of late and I'd like to just remind all club presidents to check their email. We have a Question and Answer document going around for you to update your members.

My favorite. Is ABCSnow shut down?!!!
Answer... HECK NO..... while we navigate through merger talks and organize the plan of action for the future we are carrying on business as usual.

I am so incredibly thankful for all of the support and positive phone calls as of late. This proves to me we are on the right track. Listening to our people, answering questions and everyone keeping an open positive mind set about the future is key to the success of our sport. Life is too short to bicker about inconsequential "stuff" when you look at the big picture. Do we want to preserve the right to ride? Do we want to strive for a fatality free season for our riders? Do we want to grow our sport? Do we want to enjoy our sport?
If the answer is yes to any of those questions, smile and know that the people who are working hard to figure ABCSnow and BCSF believe this is possible.
We matter, we as riders.
After our clubs have circulated the question and answer document I'll post it up here so all of our out of town supporters can also be in the loop!
Spending time talking to riders at the Edmonton Snowmobile show it became apparent that it is not only BC residents invested in a merge between the BCSF and ABCSnow it is everyone who enjoys the sport of snowmobiling. It is Industry representatives and companies. Many people are invested in a unification of power and resources.
This has been quite the learning year for me personally. I've had to double up on wearing the big girl panties, for some situations are less than pleasant to deal with, but must be done. I've become more informed and stronger as an individual for sure. Continually learning I welcome feedback and suggestions with open ears! We can do this!

Thank you to everyone for your passion. Snowmobiling is important! We are important.

Have an awesome Thursday!

Trish Drinkle
President ABCSnow


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Mar 21, 2010
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Smithers, B.C.
I think it is a fantastic idea.... strength in numbers! Thanks Trish for taking on this often thankless job!


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Jan 7, 2012
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Cranbrook BC
I think the only way to grow stronger through a merger is if the people like Trish are able to stay involved and implement their ideas for change.
We will not gain if the organization is not allowed to change and move forward, learn from the past to make the future better.
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Nov 14, 2008
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The Kootenays

Yup we need as may volunteers as possible. The only way to keep them is to really value the ones who give so much. Last night at the Kokanee Country AGM I told my club of these awesome 2 dudes who give so much that live around the moyie area. Wise dudes.. wouldn't it be awesome if we were all able to work together to provide support!
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Active VIP Member
Nov 14, 2008
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The Kootenays
alllllllllll righty then..... so I have been trying to post up the Q and A doc... but my techno skills are lacking I copied and pasted the content below to keep everyone in the loop. .... some additional things to consider.... the internal rumblings about starting a "new" association have been in the works.... Yup you have it..... those who simply couldn't play nice in the sand box are talking of starting yet another association.. because we need 3 not 2 or one. In all fairness I offered to step down and have a new board voted in to replace me if people were dissatisfied with the direction we were going. Holy man did I receive positive feedback. Not only are the Majority of our clubs happy with the current ABCSnow board they want us to keep on keeping on to resolve the issue of the merger... as I have explained before there was a vote, and the majority voted to move in this direction. Ironically I have been called a communist by one individual for allowing and fostering this democratic process... Momma Mousallini is my new handle.
Literally only a hand full of people are so opposed. Since our president's call I have received only one negative feedback email and phone call. The 18 others have been very positive and proactive.
Keep your eyes open and mind clear when being approached by anyone calling you to be independent or to form a new association. What is their intention and core motivation? The questions of transparency and accountability have been answered. So what could possibly be the motivating factor to separate yet again?
Lets keep everything into perspective and work together to create harmony. We sledders have been known to eat our own... with bickering and down right unkind behavior which effects the overall foundation of organized snowmobiling. I simply do not HAVE to be BFFS and share long walks on the beach sharing heart felt longings with everyone in organized snowmobiling.. I do however have to do the job set before me as do all of our passionate volunteers. Whether you are a club member, board member or simply a rider.. separate yourselves from the personality and keep into perspective the productivity of the volunteer or organization if you find yourself being rubbed the wrong way by an individual. If you are at odds with a person in a leadership resolve the personal conflict without bringing down the foundation of the club. Fact.. some people will not get along. Some people will not be friends... but All people who sled need to set aside personal differences and keep the big picture in mind.
Here are the Q and A s sent out to ABCSnow clubs. I hope these answers satisfy the many questions out there right now.
one last thing.. IT'S SNOWING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

November 2014 Update from the President of ABCSnow

Is ABCSnow still in operation?
Yes! ABCSnow is still carrying on business as usual and here to support our clubs, with 21 clubs confirmed for the 2014-15 season.

Is the Merger between ABCSnow and the BCSF a done deal

Right now we are in negotiations and developing a game plan of how to create this union. Based upon the survey sent out, and the feedback we have received, we are exploring options of merging with the BCSF to strengthen our sport. It is vital that we combine our ABCSnow ideals and values in this process to best represent our member clubs.

If the BCSF was less than transparent in the past, what makes them different now?

After diving in and really examining the operations of the BCSF, we have come to the conclusion that not only are they extremely transparent with interim financials available to member clubs throughout the season, they are very diligent with spending practices, always putting forth the best interest of the clubs they represent. We are all the same people, snowmobilers trying to secure a solid foundation and voice where it matters.

The BCSF has an Executive Director. Is this necessary?

Yes! When relying upon volunteers for operations of non-profit organizations having a paid employee dedicated to the fulfilment of tasks and duties maintains the integrity and structure of the organization. Donegal Wilson has proven herself to be in it for the right reasons and works hard to maintain integrity within the BCSF Board structure. She acts on direction from their Board.

Is it important to be a part of a provincial organization? Our club can survive on its own.

When you look at the big picture, yes, it is important. So many aspects are at stake including land issues, funding opportunities and safety outreach which are all strengthened by belonging to a provincial body. Networking with organization resources and professionals can stimulate club memberships and ease operational tasks. Securing our sport for our children's children is why we must unify our time, efforts, and resources to create a long term foundation for the sport of snowmobiling.

Is it really that expensive to change an association name?

Yes, an overwhelming yes, when looking at completely rebranding two organizations the costs are astronomical and a direct drain from the pockets of the member clubs. Our clubs work hard for the dollars earned. Groomers don't run on love. Money needs to be spent working for those who support the sport, especially in areas such as safety and membership growth. Let’s put our dollars... our hard earned dollars where they count! Into the efforts of those who support organized snowmobiling.

How do the finances for ABCSnow look?

It's a very fine line for ABCSnow financially. Without a viable revenue stream we are running a tight budget that doesn't allow for much growth. This is a factor in deciding to move forth with a merger. We must be productive. Our sport needs strength, power and a positive presence to enhance the efforts of our clubs. While initially the split from the BCSF may have prompted more transparency and integrity of operations, it also put us in a divided position provincially without some of the funding and support opportunities the BCSF may have. Dividing resources is proving to dilute the efforts and money of our hard working clubs.

Have clubs left ABCSnow to rejoin the BCSF?

Yes to date Sicamous, Prince George, Valemount and Merritt have left after investigating the operations of the BCSF. While we maintain great relations with these clubs, we understand that times are changing, and many clubs, especially the larger clubs need a higher level of support than ABCSnow can provide at this time.

ABCSnow has applied for a gaming grant, what is happening with that?

Yes a substantial gaming grant application was submitted by ABCSnow under the Public Safety Sector to fund safety programs that would be of benefit to all snowmobiler’s in BC. We will find out if our submission was successful by the end of this month, and if approved, ABCSnow would need to administer these funds throughout the 2014-15 season.

Do you have any questions about the BCSF?

If you would like more information about the BCSF or have any questions, please consider attending their Fall Meeting on November 15, 2014 in Kamloops, BC as all ABCSnow Member Clubs are welcome to attend. BCSF meeting details available here
Trish Drinkle, President
Brookswood RPO
PO Box 61657
Langley, BC, V3A 8C8
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Jan 11, 2012
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Thanks for posting this Trish. I'm a firm believer that sledders united under one banner will provide a stronger voice for our community and help focus resources and money in a way that will benefit everyone sledding in the province.
Thanks to everyone who volunteers their time much appreciated!
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