11 police shot, 4 killed at Dallas protest


Active VIP Member
Apr 23, 2010
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So, the only way you can argue with the number's is to compare the USA to third world countries?
American police are trained from day one to shoot to kill if they feel they could be in danger. And the
citizen death toll draw's a pretty clear picture.
Guy shot to death in his car FYI was not a criminal, he was just a guy. The police even held his wife
or girlfriend at gunpoint in the car while the guy sat beside her and bled to death.She was later ordered out
of the vehicle /placed on her knee's and hand cuffed AT GUN POINT.All of this infront of a 4 year old kid.
Does this sound like sane rational human being's?
How about the mentally dissabled kid killed (on film) when 2 officers found him hiding in a closet in his mom's
house.When ordered out of the closet both officer's had their sidearm's drawn and pointed at the door, when the
door opened the kid had a screwdriver in hand and within about 1 second both officer's opened fire...........
Sane,rational behavior ? they feared for their lives?
They couldn't just grab him and pull him out because he was a deadly killer ninja? A officer has many weapons
on their person and they alway's use the gun. "another justified" stat.
Right after the story went to air the police released a video of the kid throwing a steel ball through the neighbor's
window to show the public he was a "dangerous violent criminal" .Nothing more than a scumbag move by police
union lawyer's to release a dead persons entire past to the public.
But hey Collin it's all good cause the cop's made it home safe to their families after a near death experience.
If i'm using the stats to my advantage and we can all throw number's around as you say.
Then back it up.....Show me some number's. Show me American police aren't 70x more violent then any other country.
11,000 death's/13 conviction's =.0011%.That changes the number's to 99.9988% of death's are justified.So according to you 10,987 people were trying to dissarm and kill an officer..........
You really believe that?
AND........ when enough evidence is present for criminal charges only 1 in 5 cases move forward, only 20% of the 1 in 5 are convicted.
I'll wait for a stunning comeback.

IMO ALL LIVES MATTER, It's not just boy's in blue that deserve to go home at the end of the day.Nobody nowhere deserves to die unless they are threatening the life of someone else and the situation cannot be dissolved in ANY OTHER WAY. 100% i agree this is the case sometimes,
but it is not the case in 99.9988 % of shooting death's.You would have to be a idiot to believe
99.9988% of those people deserved to die.

I'm not going to engage in an endless argument, I think we have both established where we stand. If you are in doubt, I am very pro Police and yes, when they screw up they should be held accountable (re: checks and balances) You show me any career where the People involved do not make errors. Feel free to look up stats from the various Justice Depts. and the FBI. The media and the internet are really not the most dependable sources of information.

Final comment: Maybe it is time for ALL the Police down South to take a couple of weeks off, Nation-wide. I'm thinking it may help some folks to re-align their views and their priorities. Yes, it would be messy...
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