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  1. M

    Best Sled vids ?¿

    I think boondockers 13 & 14 are some of the best lines rode out to b seen on video/crazy creek beds. What do u think ??? last years slednecks was just ok 509 last year was sick to but ,this years is kinda like there just going through the same motions japan was a big effort tho , and...
  2. M

    How often do u fowle a spark plug?

    Just wondering if I got a problem ? i go through 2 every 50 k. ? and Evan 2 at once , i put new ones in and it runs great for awhile , i always warm my sled up before I go ,and some times it will fowle for a couple of secs and then continue to work fine ? i have Evan replaced the coil packs...
  3. M

    2011-2012 polaris cut out

    Can any one help with info on my sled ,It cuts out some times when I dump on the gas(2011 rmk assault )The dealer said I must run shell gold only And it will go away(no ethanol ) ,Wtf So I dumped the petro gas (the good stuff mined u)And ran shell gold , it went away and thought it Was fixed...
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