Search results

  1. RidersWriter

    Looking for long-distance riders

    Hey all, SnoRiders is working on its upcoming Trail Atlas, and I'm hoping to do a story on someone from the Prairies who have been on a long-distance haul in the last year or two, especially someone who has great photos. If this sounds like you or someone you know, drop me a line. I'd love to...
  2. RidersWriter

    Horsepower Honeys: Represent!

    Hey ladies, I asked for it and they provided and finally SnoRiders is coming out with its Grrl Power issue in October! Front and centre will be the SledBetties. I'm looking forward to chatting with the ladies. But I need other women riders, too! I'm looking for sledders from Winnipeg...
  3. RidersWriter

    Not just a creepy lurker

    Hi all, I am a writer with RidersWest and SnoRiders magazines. We often check out your site for story ideas or to get an idea of what's going on in the riding community. I thought I should actually join and introduce myself rather than being a lurker in the background. Confession: I've only...
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