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  1. dbar7

    154 t3 or 163 t3

    So I'm starting to think about getting a new sled I ride a 2013 154 trygstad 872 right now.. I do mostly only tree riding. Been really thinking of going to the 163 t3 but have been hearing lots of good things about the 3" 154. Was wondering what would be better to go with pros and cons of both...
  2. dbar7

    163- 3inch or 2.5... Pros and cons

    Yeah I love my 872 that's why I don't really wanna go thru the hustle on putting it on another sled. I figure it's easier to put a new track on then a bb on a new sled
  3. dbar7

    163- 3inch or 2.5... Pros and cons

    No worries didn't mean to come off pissy, just kinda trying to figure stuff out. Thanks for the info
  4. dbar7

    163- 3inch or 2.5... Pros and cons

    Don't do any riding in sk, and not worried about the price.... Just wanting to no the pros and cons about the 2.5 vs the 3..
  5. dbar7

    163- 3inch or 2.5... Pros and cons

    Hey guys So Im thinking of extending my 154 872 to a 163.. Im just wondering If Its worth it to go for the 3 inch or should a guy just stick with the 2.5. Its alot cheaper to go with the 2.5 since everyones takeing them off and putting on the 3 inch. also will it fit if i put 7 tooth drivers on...
  6. dbar7


    yeah I know you can get it at the airport was just wondering if any places in town carried it, I was told there was but cant seem to find it
  7. dbar7


    Anyone know where I can get av gas in Revelstoke?
  8. dbar7

    pre-season service

    thanks Guys its a 2013 summit 154 872 E-tech.. Ive already did a little service just making sure I didnt miss anything
  9. dbar7

    pre-season service

    Just wondering what everyone does for there pre-season inspection. I only put 450 kms on my sled last season, so just wondering what I should all go thru this season
  10. dbar7

    2013 872 etech project

    290 spring... 62 steep helix and stock ramps.. 14.7 grams weight... set on clicker 3 and pulling and holding rpm great
  11. dbar7

    2013 872 etech project

    the team tied set up for the 872 with 14.7 grams of weight worked unreall
  12. dbar7


    Here's my 872 e tech with custom lime nine wrap
  13. dbar7

    Spending the night

    also forgot to mention I always carry a couple cliff bars& cans of 2 go tuna
  14. dbar7

    Spending the night

    personally I think those mini stoves seem like over kil? i dont know about you guys but I dont feel like hauling 80lbs on my back everyday.. Ive stayed on the mountain one night (planned). It was planned so brought actual sleeping bags so we werent toughing it to bad. Juust thought it was a cool...
  15. dbar7

    2013 872 etech project

    I just ordered the team set up aswell but instead of going with the tss04 I went with the team tied.. team industries recommended it to me so, should be here next week and ill be testing it on the 20th ill let you know how it goes
  16. dbar7

    2013 872 etech project

    sly dogs are awesome!! this is my 3d set
  17. dbar7

    2013 872 etech project

    dynamo joe and roosterbuilt are still working on clutch set ups and dont have any kits available yet
  18. dbar7

    2013 872 etech project

    So what I'm wondering the guys who are out there who are already running this application what are you guys running for clutching, i need help figuring out a clutching configuration that will work the best ... Ill throw up more pictures of the build when I get them
  19. dbar7

    2013 872 etech project

    Alright so I wrapped my sled and I'm in the process of installing my trygstad 872 etech.. First all I have to say is Dave is awesome to deal with and recommend him over any other company he I very knowledgeable... So what I'm wondering the guys who are out there who are already running this...
  20. dbar7

    These TSS cans sound awesome!

    you never get hp gains from a can just loose weight from stock
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