Rasmussen Jumps to DOO!!!!!!


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Apr 25, 2007
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Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada
I dont know Brett...but have been racing bikes and quads and cars......when it comes to sponsers it is almost always about money.....

That's a good point. And why is that? Because its a business and if its a smart business decision your going to do it. Granted usually with that decision comes more opportunity for bigger and better.

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Active VIP Member
Nov 21, 2009
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Stony Plain, Alberta
Who really gives a rats azz what sled other guys ride? I really don't understand all the hype about what sled other guys ride. Most of us on here could jump on one of those sleds right after they get off it; and still end up looking like a monkey fawkin' a football if we tried to do what they are doing with it. Go buy the same sled as your favorite rider, turbo that thing up, put the same wrap on as them, buy the same gear they wear, then go out there and feel good about yourself knowing that even though you will never be able to buy their skills; you now have everything else just like them.:rolleyes:
There are MANY riders out there with mad skills that won't ever be seen on a professionally produced DVD
I am not saying me but I've seen lots


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Mar 3, 2009
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I can almost guarantee that SkiDoo marketing is offering him a chance to be a part of the direction of future BRP mountain product. BRP is not scared to pick peoples brains that are players in particular segments. The problem is they want the info to better the product for free. That was fine for me as it was a huge advantage for my business knowing what was coming down the road and having some influence in the process. For other guys who I won't name on this forum they have great idea's but want compensation. I'm sure they will try and get as much info from Brett with the least amount of cost involved. Lol.


Active VIP Member
Dec 26, 2008
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Who really gives a rats azz what sled other guys ride? I really don't understand all the hype about what sled other guys ride. Most of us on here could jump on one of those sleds right after they get off it; and still end up looking like a monkey fawkin' a football if we tried to do what they are doing with it. Go buy the same sled as your favorite rider, turbo that thing up, put the same wrap on as them, buy the same gear they wear, then go out there and feel good about yourself knowing that even though you will never be able to buy their skills; you now have everything else just like them.:rolleyes:

i agree with ya but lots of people do, why do you think they sell so much slednecks gear? assaults? freerides? how many big black trucks with big tires and a sled deck can you count in revelstoke parking lot on a saturday with a slednecks sticker in the back window? Its cause people see the bretts and chris's riding these sleds and they want them, to look like them, ride like them. They sell and move sleds and gear. Why were so many guys looking for a boss low seat just to be like brett and low risers? cause he says its good and works for him so now the masses want that same exact seat as him same sled as him. All my buddies who ride cat and other guys talkin in the cabins/bar were always bragging up cat cause look who rode them chris and brett now there gone you guys arent quite as loud, as much as you cat guys dont want to admit it they sold sleds, cat had a good sled but the new proclimb is not so good?(nice way of putting it) and you lost two big sponsors was money a factor sure (especially for chris) but both of those guys ride 150days+ in a season there also going to ride sleds that fit them that they like money or not.

Where you make some decent points in your post I cant help feel that maybe just maybe your a little butthurt over this hahahahahaha



Active VIP Member
Apr 4, 2011
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im not sure but it sure seemed to matter what bret rode when he was with arctic cat. all of you were very clear in letting it be known that it did matter. now it does not...weird

Maxxy....I have a question for you....now I know you may have trouble relating to this because you don't have a sponser....nobody is paying you to ride....but.....and we all know you are a die-hard doo guy............if Cat or Polaris approached you and offered you a substantial amount of money to ride their machines for the season......would you do it???

Would you drive a different brand (other than BRP) is someone approached you with a boat load of cash??


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Apr 25, 2007
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Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada
Maxxy....I have a question for you....now I know you may have trouble relating to this because you don't have a sponser....nobody is paying you to ride....but.....and we all know you are a die-hard doo guy............if Cat or Polaris approached you and offered you a substantial amount of money to ride their machines for the season......would you do it???

Would you drive a different brand (other than BRP) is someone approached you with a boat load of cash??

You obviously don't know as much s you think.

But to answer your questio..yes if I was lucky enough to be that talented to be paid big bucks to ride then money would be a motivating factor as it is effects your everyday life not just snowmobiling. But I'm not bret rasmussen so why areyou asking me this? I've never turned a raise down at work so I'm not sure why I would for sledding if it would make my quality of life better. Then again if I can't ride the stupid thing I don't know what good I would be. My point is simply that I believe brets decision was based on more than just money. That's all. I'm sure money was a factor.

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Active VIP Member
Apr 4, 2011
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You obviously don't know as much s you think.

But to answer your questio..yes if I was lucky enough to be that talented to be paid big bucks to ride then money would be a motivating factor as it is effects your everyday life not just snowmobiling. But I'm not bret rasmussen so why areyou asking me this? I've never turned a raise down at work so I'm not sure why I would for sledding if it would make my quality of life better. Then again if I can't ride the stupid thing I don't know what good I would be. My point is simply that I believe brets decision was based on more than just money. That's all. I'm sure money was a factor.

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Point being....oh, wise one....If you...the die-hardiest doo lover around are willing to jump-ship for cash......do you really think the pros won't.

Get off your high horse with that big bloated head of yours...... do you really think Ras flipped to BRP because he thinks its a better sled??? Really??? Get serious!
I am not saying that BRP does not make a machine of decent quality but the main deciding factor for him was......MONEY!!!! Yah money!!
And, no doubt, I am sure Brett is excited to try the new features of BRP's mountain sled......but if you think he came over just because of that...your are totally delusional!

These guys are is the promotion business and guess who has a big budget today to promote their new mountain sled??? Yup, BRP....but you already knew that. And if you had some promo money....and a new mountain sled.....who would you go after to promote it....who has one of the best names in the "mountain sledding" biz??....yup....right again...Brett Rasmussen.

Remember, Cat brought out a complete line of sleds, so Brett Rasmussen means nothing to the trail runners & lake riders of other parts of US & Canada. Cat has to spread their promo dollars for their new fleet across many different riding styles.....not just mountain riders in the west.

BRP has a new "mountain sled" .......nothing else......so it makes perfect sense to go after a big name in that style of the sled business.

Is BRP the last stop for Brett Rasmussen....my guess.......probably not.....someone else will come out with a few changes and have the advertising budget to go after a big name and the bullshat will start again.....


Active VIP Member
Mar 3, 2009
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Point being....oh, wise one....If you...the die-hardiest doo lover around are willing to jump-ship for cash......do you really think the pros won't.

Get off your high horse with that big bloated head of yours...... do you really think Ras flipped to BRP because he thinks its a better sled??? Really??? Get serious!
I am not saying that BRP does not make a machine of decent quality but the main deciding factor for him was......MONEY!!!! Yah money!!
And, no doubt, I am sure Brett is excited to try the new features of BRP's mountain sled......but if you think he came over just because of that...your are totally delusional!

These guys are is the promotion business and guess who has a big budget today to promote their new mountain sled??? Yup, BRP....but you already knew that. And if you had some promo money....and a new mountain sled.....who would you go after to promote it....who has one of the best names in the "mountain sledding" biz??....yup....right again...Brett Rasmussen.

Remember, Cat brought out a complete line of sleds, so Brett Rasmussen means nothing to the trail runners & lake riders of other parts of US & Canada. Cat has to spread their promo dollars for their new fleet across many different riding styles.....not just mountain riders in the west.

BRP has a new "mountain sled" .......nothing else......so it makes perfect sense to go after a big name in that style of the sled business.

Is BRP the last stop for Brett Rasmussen....my guess.......probably not.....someone else will come out with a few changes and have the advertising budget to go after a big name and the bullshat will start again.....

Why would Brett be publically critical of Arctic product if he loved it? I believe as well the quality of the product was partially the reason he left, but money and A CHANCE to have input in the product the 2 main factors. I can guarantee you this..............if he spouts off publically about BRP having poor product that you will have him back at Cat before you know it.


Active VIP Member
Dec 23, 2008
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Bonnyville Alberta
Have any of you so called experts on "Brett Rasmussen" actually spoke with him and asked him why he switched brands. You guys all seem to have your opinions as to why by can you substantiate them with facts. It may very well be that he likes the jerseys that Doo has. I know I still have my Doo jerseys and I ride a Cat.


Active VIP Member
Apr 25, 2007
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Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada
Have any of you so called experts on "Brett Rasmussen" actually spoke with him and asked him why he switched brands. You guys all seem to have your opinions as to why by can you substantiate them with facts. It may very well be that he likes the jerseys that Doo has. I know I still have my Doo jerseys and I ride a Cat.

Crazy talk! Facts....pfft. This site wouldn't exist if we had facts LOL.

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Active VIP Member
Mar 3, 2009
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Crazy talk! Facts....pfft. This site wouldn't exist if we had facts LOL.

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Yah this site is all about opinions and fabricated bullchit....................and of course the continued education of the non believers of the Skidoo domination of the sport.



Active VIP Member
Jul 25, 2011
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Stauffer, AB
Yah this site is all about opinions and fabricated bullchit....................and of course the continued education of the non believers of the Skidoo domination of the sport.


Whatta guy.


Active VIP Member
Oct 25, 2008
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Sherwood Park
Sometimes a sled just doesnt fit a certain rider!!! Simple as that. Look at motocross, Put Bubba Stewart on a yami from a kawi and he shits the bed, put him on a zuki and he is back. If it is your job to be one of the best back country riders in the world and your sponsor puts out a product that just doesnt perform for you personally it will effect your career and is sometimes better moving on for the sake of your riding reputation. I am not sure why people got it in their heads that there is an all mighty brand that will best suit every man, women and child. One of my very good friends sells doo and I would love to buy a sled off him every year instead of my cat dealer that has me pissed off every time I go there but the fact is I personally havent been able to feel at home on a doo even though alot of my crew does. Could this not be the case with Brett???? Good sled but bad fit for him personally? I am sure the economics were pretty tasty too though.


Active VIP Member
Dec 4, 2006
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Grande Cache AB
im not sure but it sure seemed to matter what bret rode when he was with arctic cat. all of you were very clear in letting it be known that it did matter. now it does not...weird

Not all of us Max. I actually don't care what the pros ride. My last 4 Sleds; 2012 ProClimb, 2008 M8, 2005 RT 1000, 2003 Vetrical Escape. I am as far from being brand loyal as anyone can be. :d:beer:


Active VIP Member
Jan 7, 2010
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Point being....oh, wise one....If you...the die-hardiest doo lover around are willing to jump-ship for cash......do you really think the pros won't.

Get off your high horse with that big bloated head of yours...... do you really think Ras flipped to BRP because he thinks its a better sled??? Really??? Get serious!
I am not saying that BRP does not make a machine of decent quality but the main deciding factor for him was......MONEY!!!! Yah money!!
And, no doubt, I am sure Brett is excited to try the new features of BRP's mountain sled......but if you think he came over just because of that...your are totally delusional!

These guys are is the promotion business and guess who has a big budget today to promote their new mountain sled??? Yup, BRP....but you already knew that. And if you had some promo money....and a new mountain sled.....who would you go after to promote it....who has one of the best names in the "mountain sledding" biz??....yup....right again...Brett Rasmussen.

Remember, Cat brought out a complete line of sleds, so Brett Rasmussen means nothing to the trail runners & lake riders of other parts of US & Canada. Cat has to spread their promo dollars for their new fleet across many different riding styles.....not just mountain riders in the west.

BRP has a new "mountain sled" .......nothing else......so it makes perfect sense to go after a big name in that style of the sled business.

Is BRP the last stop for Brett Rasmussen....my guess.......probably not.....someone else will come out with a few changes and have the advertising budget to go after a big name and the bullshat will start again.....
So I guess my question to you linksys is what is the right answer,because maxwells answer was what 95% of us would have said or is someone alittle pissy there hero switch brands?


Active VIP Member
Jan 7, 2010
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Not all of us Max. I actually don't care what the pros ride. My last 4 Sleds; 2012 ProClimb, 2008 M8, 2005 RT 1000, 2003 Vetrical Escape. I am as far from being brand loyal as anyone can be. :d:beer:
I agree,but I will admit I like that we will have another great rider that can help with some R+D input.:cool:
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