Looking to get my girlfriend into sledding


Active VIP Member
Dec 15, 2010
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Grande Prairie/Kamloops
Mine said the same last winter, took her for one trip, asked the Bettie girls and a few other members and listened to some tips and today I got a phone call from an overly excited girlfriend that HTR gave her a deal and modified the color of a wrap to put on my backup/her sled....riding a pretty purple cat isn't high on my priority so fingers crossed I don't need a backup sled;) biggest thing is warmth, then be patient and supportive, don't even bother if you're trying to get a really good technical ride until they're at that point themselves, just enjoy spending time together and having fun in the snow knowing eventually she will be the one bitching to go ride, last is sled choice and the variables are cash dependent, go for reverse and longer track for flotation, it will pay dividends when getting stuck, I went with a 53 because the deal fit but I wanted another 62, best of luck, have a good winter


Active VIP Member
Dec 18, 2011
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Calgary, Alberta
Thanks! And the wrap on my sled has a lot of purple in it, nothing wrong with that. :) I'm hoping she takes to it, so it is just one more thing to add to the list of things we can do together.
As for sled, I would likely try to get her into, or myself another Pro, just to keep parts the same. I would likely upgrade myself to a 163, and she can have my 155.


Active VIP Member
Dec 15, 2010
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Grande Prairie/Kamloops
Nothing wrong with purple I'd have to upload a pic for you to understand, but the guys in my group would tape fairy wings on my jacket to match how pretty she's making the 07;)


Active VIP Member
Nov 8, 2008
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Radium Hot Springs, BC
Sorry if something like this has been posted already. I have done a few searches for other threads, but couldn't find anything useful (if there is another thread out there already, a link would be awesome). I figure the ladies of the sport would have some good insight to help me out.

I work at 2 week in and 2 week out job at a diamond mine up north, so I spend half of my time away from home. During the summer, she has had no problem spending the other half of the time with me, but I'm a winter guy. I ski and sled, and they are huge part of my life. She used to ski and snowboard but hasn't in a few year, and now is one of those people that isn't a fan of winter. I'm trying to get her back in to it, and let her know the reason she doesn't like it, is because she doesn't have anything to look forward to in the winter. She is very open to getting back in to skiing, but I would love to get her in to sledding as well. We both ride motorcycles together in the summer, so I don't think it should be too much of a stretch.
What I guess I'm looking for is some advice on how I can get ease her in to the sport so that it is something she enjoys and wants to do together. I've thought about getting a couple other buddies and their girlfriends out as a group to make it more of a social thing at first.
Thanks in advance.

I would LOVE to get my hands on your girlfriend :D Just sayin'....lol


Active VIP Member
Jan 28, 2010
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Fort McMurray
Your idea on going out with other couples is certainly a good idea. but make sure the other females are into riding to so that she doesnt get drug down into a group whine attitude before giving it a chance.

1) Warm & Comfortable - Layers, quality gear, wool socks, little heat packets, even thermos w hot liquids
2) Quality machine for the terrain - Dont ask her to go into 3' pow with a 121" track first round. Same as dont drag her through the moguls on a 162". Too long will be heavy, hard to manouver and intimidating. Something in the 150's is perfect.
3) ATTITUDE! - Very Important. Keep a good attitude. DONT YELL. Dont get mad or upset, even if she rolls the machine into a tree. If she rolls or goes to trees she's going to be freaked out. Put the tether on her and if something goes awry FAK the sled you run to her first. Make sure she's ok, re-assure her. Sled is parts and replaceable. If you can present that attitude early on she will be less worried as she learns. Same as when she gets stuck dont get mad or frustrated, dig her out and go again. If shes starts showing interest in learning (maybe a few trips in) start giving her pointers. Like if she gets stuck 5x in a row doing same thing give her tips on what she doin wrong, or how to begin digging the sled out so that its quicker when you get there. If you laugh/make light of things and make it a fun day, she is surely going to get hooked.
4) Area - like everyone said take her out on nice weather and days. so spring riding is ideal. blue skies lots of snow. Mid week is also a fab idea bc not busy you will have the place to yourselves. Cabins are helpful but if dressed ok not required. muff pot is a sure win. Same as not to difficult terrain. I remember my first trip to the mtns i was getting scared on the groomed trails in by the vertical hops sometimes! Im also scared of heights but slow and steady she will improve. Take her on groomed trails in, easy terrain to first few bowls where there will be a packed trail for her to follow, then when in the meadows and open let her play and learn in the pow.
5) Safety - helmet done up right, goggles set up so she not fogging up. spare mits ballaclava toque neckwarmer, i often wear mitts on the trail for warmth and gloves in the alpine for control. Teach her hand signals, safe spacing between machines, SHOULDER CHECKING, always looking for the next person. That you WILL NOT leave an area without her, that if your not in sight for a moment its ok, sit tight, your only behind a tree or something.

Thats all my mind can pound out early in the am haha I wouldnt assume she wants a spa day on day 2, if shes out doorsy thats not gonna be her, maybe do a 3 days riding couples trip and give her option on day 3 of all the girls goin to spa. then shes had 2 solid days of actual experiece w it. Dont gear her up head to toe before leaving hotel either, she sweats in the truck and then freezes. Let her put on her boots and stuff while you unload the machines, same as when u get back let her gear down if she wants. She will get quicker, find what works for her, and you guys will eventually come up w a system for loading and unloading that works for you. throwin a sandwhich in muff pot for trail ride down to share hot and gooey at the trukc is always a winner too ;)

Lots of good advice in here for sure

and last but not least, pleaseeee get her invovled w us betties! We do group rides that you guys would be more than welcome to come on, plus ladies rides. Theres womens clinics too.


Active VIP Member
Nov 8, 2008
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Radium Hot Springs, BC
Newbie Ride in Golden Feb 23. (I see you're in Calgary) The Betties PSN with the Golden Snowmobile club/Golden Snowmobile Rentals/Highfire Avy Training...it's a Co-Hosted event, open to all genders.
LOTS of women will be there and dudes. Cabin with BBQ, avy tips and basic riding tips. Hang at the cabin, go out for a rip with the girls/guys, back to the cabin for some grub, go for another rip...going to have all brands to demo there as well. Golden Snowmobile Rentals has a deal on rentals for this day already in effect, so you can book her ride anytime!


Bogger of the GBCA
Feb 21, 2007
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Down by the Bay
encourage her to fall off.... Took a while to convince Arlene that falling off the sled is an acceptable method of learning....

Keep it fun and NEVER let her believe she is slowing you down or holding you back, I play around a lot and make sure she is the one waiting for me to catch up.

And I would recomend putting her on your sled right off the hop, borrow or rent one for yourself, she will feel much more comfortable knowing it's yours and then as soon as she is hooked (may only take one trip if done right) make it HER sled, even if you have to buy yourself a temp until you grab your 2014....

Arlene enjoyed the mountains from day 1, (99 summit 670x Mine was a 98) but once she had HER new 2011 M6 (even now mine is an 07) she was the one pushing to go. I understand your dealing with very new sleds so probably not an issue, but the guys who buy themselves a new sled and give the wife/gf thier 10 year old hand me down or buy them an old outdated one then can't understand why she can't find the enjoyment in it drive me nuts....

And the more she sees you crash/fall off/ get stuck, the more comfortable she will be with her own mistakes.....

Here's her breaking in the M6....

arlene sled.jpg
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Active VIP Member
Dec 18, 2011
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Calgary, Alberta
Thanks so much guys, for all the great advice. You guys are why I love this site so much. Unfortunately I'm out of town at work during that Betties ride in Golden, but that doesn't mean I won't be able to load up my sled in my truck and send her off with some friends. Hopefully I can get her to the point where she feels comfortable doing that by then.


Super Mod Geek
Nov 7, 2006
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Parkland County
Thanks so much guys, for all the great advice. You guys are why I love this site so much. Unfortunately I'm out of town at work during that Betties ride in Golden, but that doesn't mean I won't be able to load up my sled in my truck and send her off with some friends. Hopefully I can get her to the point where she feels comfortable doing that by then.

My girl is one of the ones who is fortunate enough to have been able to make it to many of the betties rides. She's done 2 solo trips now, and even though for the first one I was nervous, her dad was nervous and she was nervous, it was a GREAT experience for her (aside from going east instead of west on Stony Trail) I highly encourage you to try to get her willing to go out on her own!

Any time the girls are going riding I know for a fact they would welcome you guys into their "pack" keep in touch with Taminator, she lives in Radium and rides Golden & Radium often (both short drives for you) I'm sure that she and her hubby would be happy to go out with you guys and help get your lady hooked.


Active VIP Member
Jan 28, 2010
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Fort McMurray
As well jeepchic and mattmedic are in the elkford / fernie area, not far for you either. They will be doing a newbie ride in elkford the same time, and powdergirl is getting one going (not sure dates) in the edmonton area.

But as tyler G said get her hooked up with us on the betties site or on here, we often head out in groups to ride and you guys are welcome to come along. Solo trips are a huge independance, emotional, learning, incredible journey (i remember my first one for sure) lol and if shes adventurous someone is usually passing through with space on a deck or in a trailer ;)

but i like boggers advice, put her on your machine off the hop. you rent one, then she not so afraid to damage it either lol


Active VIP Member
Apr 12, 2009
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That's some great advice!

encourage her to fall off.... Took a while to convince Arlene that falling off the sled is an acceptable method of learning....

Keep it fun and NEVER let her believe she is slowing you down or holding you back, I play around a lot and make sure she is the one waiting for me to catch up.

And I would recomend putting her on your sled right off the hop, borrow or rent one for yourself, she will feel much more comfortable knowing it's yours and then as soon as she is hooked (may only take one trip if done right) make it HER sled, even if you have to buy yourself a temp until you grab your 2014....

Arlene enjoyed the mountains from day 1, (99 summit 670x Mine was a 98) but once she had HER new 2011 M6 (even now mine is an 07) she was the one pushing to go. I understand your dealing with very new sleds so probably not an issue, but the guys who buy themselves a new sled and give the wife/gf thier 10 year old hand me down or buy them an old outdated one then can't understand why she can't find the enjoyment in it drive me nuts....

And the more she sees you crash/fall off/ get stuck, the more comfortable she will be with her own mistakes.....

Here's her breaking in the M6....

View attachment 139754


Active VIP Member
Jan 14, 2007
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Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
As well jeepchic and mattmedic are in the elkford / fernie area, not far for you either. They will be doing a newbie ride in elkford the same time, and powdergirl is getting one going (not sure dates) in the edmonton area.

I am hosting a ride along side of Alberta Beach Snowmobile Club on Feb 23 2012 it also is a newbie ride

Ive been riding all my life and I have to start slow take her on a couple trail rides playing in fields and meadows let her get the feel of it. Tell her to stand on her machine makes it easier to feel how it moves and easier to react to the movements. Encourage her and praise her on everything she tries it might be nothing to you but it could be big for her.


Active VIP Member
Feb 23, 2012
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I am hosting a ride along side of Alberta Beach Snowmobile Club on Feb 23 2012 it also is a newbie ride

Ive been riding all my life and I have to start slow take her on a couple trail rides playing in fields and meadows let her get the feel of it. Tell her to stand on her machine makes it easier to feel how it moves and easier to react to the movements. Encourage her and praise her on everything she tries it might be nothing to you but it could be big for her.

Please keep us posted about this ride. Katie and I would like to join you.


Super Mod Geek
Nov 7, 2006
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Parkland County
Please keep us posted about this ride. Katie and I would like to join you.

highfly, send your email to Sara and myself, and we'll make sure you're added to the people we keep updated :)


Active member
Apr 19, 2010
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Lots of good advice on here. I had to use a lot of it yesterday as my girlfriend out for her second ride had a encounter with a fence post. I very calmly asked her if she was ok as i fought the urge to look at the sled first. But it was definitely the right thing to do as she was willing to get on and ride it home. Im happy i read these posts before i went sledding with her as i wasnt always so very understanding when stuff gets wrecked. These posts kept me from being a single guy for sure lol. Thanks again for the good read.


Active VIP Member
Nov 8, 2008
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Radium Hot Springs, BC
Lots of good advice on here. I had to use a lot of it yesterday as my girlfriend out for her second ride had a encounter with a fence post. I very calmly asked her if she was ok as i fought the urge to look at the sled first. But it was definitely the right thing to do as she was willing to get on and ride it home. Im happy i read these posts before i went sledding with her as i wasnt always so very understanding when stuff gets wrecked. These posts kept me from being a single guy for sure lol. Thanks again for the good read.

Nicely done Saskcat! :thumb:
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