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  1. D

    Snowmoboarding/skiing crews I can tag along with?

    I live in Crowsnest and am also looking for others to go backcountry skiing/boarding using sled access. We need more snow in Crowsnest before it's worth heading out.
  2. D

    Window Mountain - lost dog

    He was in the field about 2 km north of the highway. Getting lost is just part of being part husky. They need to run and you can't always keep them on a leash. photo of Oakley flaked out after the adventure
  3. D

    Window Mountain - lost dog

    We found Oakley this morning in the fields beside Atlas Rd. near the highway. Thanks for offering to look.
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    Window Mountain - lost dog

    He didn't ride on the sled. He ran the whole way in at 30+ km/h.
  5. D

    Window Mountain - lost dog

    Thanks,. Our phone number is 403 562 8224. I will check on this post too.
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    Window Mountain - lost dog

    The snow was great there today March 25 - we were skiing using sleds for access. But we lost a dog. He is a husky cross, named Oakley, friendly but hard to catch. Our phone number in Coleman is on his collar. Please call if you see him.
  7. D

    Heading out this Saturday?? Corbin/Pipeline?

    We park the sleds at the bottom of a good hill and walk up, using "climbing skins". They stick to the bottom of the skis or splitboard, slide forward well but grip well when pushing back. I know a couple of fit guys that can regularly get over 10,000 vertical feet in a day that way.
  8. D

    snow in the pass

    Yeah, there's two feet of fresh snow 30 to 50 km south of Corbin on the Flathead Road
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