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  1. C


    Wow that didn't take long to line up. I would have done the extended chain case but didn't want to spend the money on it when so many said it would work with out and it does. Drop me a line when you get it done and see if I can get out. That sled will rock with that set up. :d:d
  2. C


    Climbin I don't think they make a 880. Mine runs pretty strong for pump gas and I'm sure someone like you could get more out of it. I have herd bikemen performance 880 kit is good.
  3. C


    I am running stock gearing rooster clutching SHR 860 sizcor relocater and the only problem i have is keeping the front end down. This sled rocks and when I get a skid and can get the front end down and get even more of the track in the snow it will be the perfect monster. Climbin can't wait to...
  4. C


    Yes had a blast on it. The best mod on it so far bit after riding monday I realy need a skid but it will have to wait till summer.
  5. C


    Got my 3 inch track on and heading to revy tomorrow. Can't wait :d
  6. C

    09 xp blowen motor on rental

    The sled was warmed up properly. It had 2000 miles on it and the bottom was covered in hay and when we filled it cause they don't we put 39 lt in it so I am sure it has been road hard. Just sucks that they just point the finger and not take everything into consideration
  7. C

    09 xp blowen motor on rental

    If this happend on sat or sun they might have a leg to stand on but day 1, 4KM's up the trail BULL SHAT. Weekend wasn't a total loss cause one of our buddies travels with a spare in his trailer so that got us threw friday, but he rented for sat so they should give his money back and compinsate...
  8. C

    09 xp blowen motor on rental

    He would but they have a pre auth for 1500 that they are taking. He canceled his credit card but they said they still might be able to access it.
  9. C

    09 xp blowen motor on rental

    I am posting this to get more info for a buddy. We talked our buddy into renting a sled for last weekend so he did. He rented from All Season Rentals in Calgary. He picked it up thur night and we hauled it to revy in our heated enclosed trailer. Friday morning unload to ride boulder. We let...
  10. C

    Official REVY riding condition!!!

    We rode boulder fri, sat . Conditions fri were awesome but poor visability, sat kicked ass visability was great. Fri morning the trail was great on the way up and poor on the way down. Sat trail was good the way up and poor the way down till we passed the groomer then it was nice and smooth. I...
  11. C

    Official REVY riding condition!!!

    Heavy snowfall warning :d leaving in 3 hours :beer::beer:
  12. C

    XP Jaws Twin Pipes For Sale

    PM me if you still have the pipes and can I am in calgary and very interested
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