Recent content by senorjeem

  1. senorjeem

    Code 1428

    1000 thanks for posting the answer to this issue. Now the big question, if I replace the sensor, will the code clear or do I need to have it hooked up to Doo's proprietary comp system to reset the code??
  2. senorjeem

    Shuswap river

    Done deal. Filled in
  3. senorjeem

    Well here I am back at the trough

    Guys, I want a ~20 foot enclosed cargo trailer. Who is the best around? And by best I mean quality trailer brand without getting bent over. Any ideas??
  4. senorjeem

    All Weather Tires

    "New" Winter Tire Rules for BCWed, 2014-10-08 21:44 — DriveSmartBCOn October 1, 2014 the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure announced "new" winter tire rules for British Columbia. The changes are part of the conducted by the Ministry about one year ago when BC residents were asked to...
  5. senorjeem

    Best price around Calgary on a new Ford

    You guys have any input for where a guy will get the best price on a new Ford pickup, within striking distance to Calgary. Last time you guys came up with Ponoka Dodge and I got treated pretty good. Time for another one though ;););)
  6. senorjeem

    Road Rage Truck Driver

    Couldn't agree more. A little courtesy from these self absorbed, white sunglass wearing, lite bar running, coal rolling, sonz o' bitches, wouldn't hurt.
  7. senorjeem

    Getting old must suck

    Growing old is a lot better than the alternative!!
  8. senorjeem

    Dent in 2 stroke pipe.

    I wonder if you stick a welding rod on it (wire feed at too low amperage) and then heat it cherry with a torch, if you could use that stuck on wire to pull the dent out. Might need several wires.
  9. senorjeem

    Edmonton sled show

    Join us at the Edmonton EXPO OCT 17 - 19th 2014
  10. senorjeem

    Petroleum Eng. vs Power Eng.

    I've been doing this for 35 years. Got my 4th in my second now, great gig, always changing. Do a good job, keep a good attitude and doors will open, and it's always been interesting. I'm not gonna retire....keep working 20 weeks a year (full time) until I tip over. It's really...
  11. senorjeem

    2 weeks for a garage,,not bad

    Almost as popular as the "Blue Poly Roofing" material
  12. senorjeem

    Polybead or Nudo flooring

    Anyone know where to get either polybead or Nudo flooring from. I would like to redo the floor in my trailer
  13. senorjeem

    Whumping noise (Sign of weak layer).

    I have heard and felt this while meadow riding. In this case there was a layer of hoar crystals standing on edge, tilted over about 20 degrees from vertical and they were the size of twonies, very cool. Anyways the next snowfall was very large fluffy flakes that came down and basically bridged...
  14. senorjeem

    Polaris/Klim Advertises for Motorfist!!

    I don't suppose you mean the "super sexy fantastic" stuff you are pictured in Snoriders wearing? Was that gear all vendor supplied? I think that the whole message that anyone could take away from this post is that if you are going to start crowing about how great your product is, especially at...
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