Why We Will Continue to Lose Riding Areas!


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Dec 26, 2008
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Thank you Doug for that clarification that's all I wanted. You are wrong though the individual that was in there, he honestly believed it was still open as it was a couple of years ago, the last time he was there. I will pass the info on, but he is an individual that has been a member of a local club for longer than either of us, as far as being a "RedNeck" I guess depending on your definition that may include many of us. He is another person that respects closures and is just misinformed I will talk to him on Monday

coomby a my lord coomby a.............its up to each rider to know before you GO


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Jan 25, 2009
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Elk Valley BC
Why does the crying continue? The riders said it was their mistake and said they would not ride there again. I guess the sledders need an area to themselves also, but no they just wave or stop and chat to the many skiers and snow boarders that are out there in the big wilderness that belongs to everyone!
I sat at the table when these areas were in discussion and don't remember all this area being designated just for skiers. I guess I am ignorant or the area got snuck in the same way the rest of the political decisions get made. And it is nice that we sledders can use these areas after march 15 th when there is no snow!
I have many times found myself in an area where I should not have been. Because of weather or got my bearings and directions wrong, I have stumbled into these areas, just to turn around and learned not to go there again. I'm not perfect and do get confused once in a while and I have been in these mountains for over 35 yrs.
Skiers and borders are welcome at my fire any day. I would just like to see them stay away from traversing across the slide areas as I cannot get up there to help them in an Avy.:nono:


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Mar 19, 2009
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pincher creek ab
here's my :twocents:


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Jan 16, 2009
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Why does the crying continue? The riders said it was their mistake and said they would not ride there again. I guess the sledders need an area to themselves also, but no they just wave or stop and chat to the many skiers and snow boarders that are out there in the big wilderness that belongs to everyone!
I sat at the table when these areas were in discussion and don't remember all this area being designated just for skiers. I guess I am ignorant or the area got snuck in the same way the rest of the political decisions get made. And it is nice that we sledders can use these areas after march 15 th when there is no snow!
I have many times found myself in an area where I should not have been. Because of weather or got my bearings and directions wrong, I have stumbled into these areas, just to turn around and learned not to go there again. I'm not perfect and do get confused once in a while and I have been in these mountains for over 35 yrs.
Skiers and borders are welcome at my fire any day. I would just like to see them stay away from traversing across the slide areas as I cannot get up there to help them in an Avy.:nono:

The crying will continue until these a$$holes start respecting the SRM land use plan. I posted pictures of the signs that were put up on feb 26, they were torn down the next weekend. So the bullsh!t line that they didn't know it was a closed area no longer holds any water. By the way the signs were put up again yesterday. Feel free to go out and tear them down again so you can claim ignorance or in this case stupidity!

These guys know fu****g well this area is closed. We all know who they are now.

Whoever started this post is right if this kind of attitude continues YOU WILL CONTINUE TO LOSE ACCESS TO RIDING AREAS!


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Jan 25, 2009
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Elk Valley BC
The crying will continue until these a$$holes start respecting the SRM land use plan. I posted pictures of the signs that were put up on feb 26, they were torn down the next weekend. So the bullsh!t line that they didn't know it was a closed area no longer holds any water. By the way the signs were put up again yesterday. Feel free to go out and tear them down again so you can claim ignorance or in this case stupidity!

These guys know fu****g well this area is closed. We all know who they are now.

Whoever started this post is right if this kind of attitude continues YOU WILL CONTINUE TO LOSE ACCESS TO RIDING AREAS!

I asked at least 25 people in the area.( from club pres. to outfitters,riders etc.) and not one new where the boundries where. According to the map posted, easy street looks open, so your signs are in the wrong place. According to the maps on the web on the Southern site, it is hard to tell with the colour and with all the detail on the maps. I guess we are all imperfect except yourself. We should all get together and talk like people should, no name calling etc.( thats how wars start)and get some things straightend out????Who's to say the sleders will loose the access to the areas? The sledders are not the ones traversing the goat winter range?


Mar 8, 2010
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The crying will continue until these a$$holes start respecting the SRM land use plan. I posted pictures of the signs that were put up on feb 26, they were torn down the next weekend. So the bullsh!t line that they didn't know it was a closed area no longer holds any water. By the way the signs were put up again yesterday. Feel free to go out and tear them down again so you can claim ignorance or in this case stupidity!

These guys know fu****g well this area is closed. We all know who they are now.

Whoever started this post is right if this kind of attitude continues YOU WILL CONTINUE TO LOSE ACCESS TO RIDING AREAS!

My arent you full of yourself! Maybe I'm the only one here who will say it but f__k the skiers! This is my back yard, I pay taxes here, I have ridden here my entire life and I love it here! I pay more tax in a year than most of the hippy, import, better than you, drug smoking, granola F__KS make in a year. As for your threats to teach us a lesson, you better bring friends a$$hole.:rant:


Active VIP Member
Mar 19, 2009
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pincher creek ab
why can skiers and boarders come ride our sled terrain and we cant ride there precious ski terrain. Sounds to me like mike wiegle might have influenced there brains down here too.


Active VIP Member
Mar 19, 2009
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pincher creek ab
A couple of signs have now been put up around the bottom of thunder gully and easy street. Hopefully they will help to prevent this kind of thing in the future.



no offense but these maps suck the colors to distinquish what areas are wich are way to hard to get a clear idea of what is open and when it is open colors are to hard to read


Mar 8, 2010
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LOL - Maybe YOU should do some research!!!

You will want to read the statement about 1/2 way down the page that states no motorized access to the cabin and rethink comments about who's yippin' without the facts.

You seem pretty defensive about someone else's actions.....

Learn to read the whole story before you flap off dic_head! Motorized vehicles like snowmobiles arent allowed for access to the cabin for skiers because that would go against their agreement which allows them to have the cabin, same as the tunnel creak thing when they got in sh_t for using snowmobiles to get in there to ski. If your the great backcountry skier and want to hike in there thats up to you, I dont ski I sled so dont be in my way when I'm coming up the hill and we will get along just fine. Other wise I dont really care, I go out sledding to get away from you whining douche bags so just f_ck off.:nono:


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Oct 12, 2008
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Moyie B.C.
why can skiers and boarders come ride our sled terrain and we cant ride there precious ski terrain.

Because snowmobile tracks on ski terrain make it un-usable, or at least extremely dangerous to ski. Ski tracks on sled terrain cause.....well....two little grooves in the snow. As sledders we may not like to hear it, but it's a fact.

Regarding signs.....they need to be there. But that only keeps the honest sledders out. Too many of us still don't care, and as this post started out to say it's going to cost us all in the end.

Check this out. Bright yellow sign on the right, a ribbon across the road...and a hiway of sled tracks going right on by. At least they left the sign up this time. Saved me the trouble of putting it back up yet again. :nono:


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Active VIP Member
Mar 19, 2009
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pincher creek ab
ya those signs and the other non motorized signs are easy to read and should be honoured by people but some dont but the maps that they have published to markout designated areas is horrible they have two almost identical shades of peach to determine non and motorized access if you don't look super hard at it in the light you wouldn't know the difference. But why can they have there own little designated areas that absolutely no one but them can come into and ride but yet we have to share Our designated snowmobile areas with them they got the heli and cat skiing areas the nordic and cross country trails there own private ski touring areas plus our designated snowmobile areas while we have these restrictions of caribou,ski touring areas,cat/heli ski areas. It's everyones backcountry we should all be able to use it when we want to as long as we are not damaging the area.

Because snowmobile tracks on ski terrain make it un-usable, or at least extremely dangerous to ski. Ski tracks on sled terrain cause.....well....two little grooves in the snow. As sledders we may not like to hear it, but it's a fact.

Regarding signs.....they need to be there. But that only keeps the honest sledders out. Too many of us still don't care, and as this post started out to say it's going to cost us all in the end.

Check this out. Bright yellow sign on the right, a ribbon across the road...and a hiway of sled tracks going right on by. At least they left the sign up this time. Saved me the trouble of putting it back up yet again. :nono:


Active VIP Member
Oct 12, 2008
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Moyie B.C.
Gotta re-read my first statement. They have there own because snowmobile tracks on a ski-able slope destroy it for their use.

It's a big country out there. There's room for every one!

Caribou closures is a whole different issue...one that I'm getting really tired of talking about! :(


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Nov 20, 2007
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crowsnest Pass
Holy crazy MAN!!!!!!!!! I am going to go get my trusty winchester and blow me up some dudes.

Pretty redneck comments on here, I almost peesed my pants.

If you honestly showed some of the comments on here to Joe Normal, they would have a field day with this.

I agree with the Poster that says their is a lot of area to play out their and more than enough for everyone. ( Except them Freakin caribou ;)

Living in an area does not entitle anyone the right to disobey regs etc and people have to learn this. Their is way too much of that attitude about localism going around. Lets all play nice in the pen.

The only thing you own or have rights to in this world is what you have paid for:)


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Jan 25, 2009
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Elk Valley BC
I thought it was an agreement not a regulation??? How did the back side of Polar get in the aggreement?? Just wondering??
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