Vendor Bashing - Locked thread


Active member
Mar 18, 2008
Reaction score
Sturgeon County

The thread that was locked about the 827 VS 860 kits was pretty tame in my opinion. There are disclaimers at registration time that release the website and the software developer from liability for site content.

If you want to see a thread with a good reason to be locked goto
the Performance / Modified section on "snowest" and look for the thread entitled "Calling all PSI customers". That is a crazy thread. It even goes as as far as threatining the owner of PSI. I am surprised that thread still exists.


Good Thread and Post. I said in my reply on the 827 VS 860 kits (which is no longer there and no worries as it was explained to me why...:D) Pro's and Con's discussion about a vendor whether they are a supporting member of a website or not should be allowed. I also believe that non supporting members should be allowed to promote or defend their product/service if brought up by another member.

Some good natured bash/trash/smack is HEALTHY amongst forum members and that some peeps need to lighten the fug up and not get their Panties in a Knot.

With that said, I do agree 100% though that PHYSICAL threats are a HUGE NO NO and the owner of the site or mods should report that type of post to the proper authorities..and yes that means the POLICE if need be.

I also believe that attacks directed at your spouse or kids are WRONG!!!


ps...SW is a GREAT site that has gone way downhill...I know as I have been on that site since 2001 and I was a real CH!T disturber for a few years...:eek:;):D (who wudda thunk it...LOL). It took me awhile and a few bannings to realize how important some of the info was (just like my 1st go round on S&M and more so now that I moderate another sledding forum). SW has had a complete lack of moderation since the new format and now it is just as bad as HSC...:(

When we bashed/trashed we did it with CLASS!!! and still do...I have made some LIFE LONG FRIENDSHIPS because of the sled sites I belong to and yes some of them are with peeps that I talked SMACK with/against (GOT DEANO670)

IMO if you are going to take attacks personally then it is time to get off the WEB.


Sep 27, 2006
Reaction score
Parkland County, AB and Valemount, BC
I decided to end the thread as it was going no where, and with the current posts was going to fuel a new fire between a few. At this time I am not commenting on vendors and vendor bashing.

Our moderation team is looking at some policy's in regards to this action, whats acceptable and whats not and we will be making some adjustments shortly. As this site has grown alot this year alone, we have to watch what is said on here. Myself I agree that everyone is open to there opinion but there must be backup as well. Last year there was Thread opened about a complaint, and not 1/2 a day more and I had lawyers sending me letters and phoning me. Wow they must sit on google and look for bad things about them, (we wont discuss who either). Every time you post on here or another site, its open to the world. Now, this does not mean your email address or any personal information, that is very protected and not accessable by search engines. See the example at the bottom,

If you find a thread closed/locked there is a reason why. It will now be discussed between the moderators before a thread is locked as well and a decision will be made.

I and we find some do get upset that we closed a thread or deleted some posts, and sometimes we screw up and delete them when we shouldn't right ron:D, Were all human and mistakes happen. We have alot of PM's that come our way that applause us for keeping the site clean and not having bashing and crap, which we are proud of. Getting PM's or emails from people that enjoy the site make it all worth it..


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I also should add that I think the supporting vendors should pay attention to the forums that they advertise on. They should reply/respond/agree/disagree to what is being said about them by their customers.

(in some cases apologize for their product or service failing)

I realize it could be a full-time job and they wouldn't get anything done...:D


Active VIP Member
Oct 10, 2007
Reaction score
Good Thread and Post. I said in my reply on the 827 VS 860 kits (which is no longer there and no worries as it was explained to me why...:D) Pro's and Con's discussion about a vendor whether they are a supporting member of a website or not should be allowed. I also believe that non supporting members should be allowed to promote or defend their product/service if brought up by another member.

Some good natured bash/trash/smack is HEALTHY amongst forum members and that some peeps need to lighten the fug up and not get their Panties in a Knot.

With that said, I do agree 100% though that PHYSICAL threats are a HUGE NO NO and the owner of the site or mods should report that type of post to the proper authorities..and yes that means the POLICE if need be.

I also believe that attacks directed at your spouse or kids are WRONG!!!


ps...SW is a GREAT site that has gone way downhill...I know as I have been on that site since 2001 and I was a real CH!T disturber for a few years...:eek:;):D (who wudda thunk it...LOL). It took me awhile and a few bannings to realize how important some of the info was (just like my 1st go round on S&M and more so now that I moderate another sledding forum). SW has had a complete lack of moderation since the new format and now it is just as bad as HSC...:(

When we bashed/trashed we did it with CLASS!!! and still do...I have made some LIFE LONG FRIENDSHIPS because of the sled sites I belong to and yes some of them are with peeps that I talked SMACK with/against (GOT DEANO670)

IMO if you are going to take attacks personally then it is time to get off the WEB.

Couldnt agree with you MORE:D


Bad Bunny
Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
Edmonton Alberta, Canada
It's really tough deciding when the line is being crossed. We as a mod team struggle with over vs under moderation....both can be a problem.
If your post is moderated or a thread is closed and you don't agree or you have a concern regarding the reasoning, please feel free to contact the Moderators. These concerns should be handled by PM when possible. As other have found, we are more than willing to explain our position or change it if we feel we are in error.

It's all about "what's best for this site".

Feedback is always appreciated

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