Things to check before the riding begins,Please add yours.


Super Moderator
Nov 7, 2006
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It is that time of year to get all your stuff together and ready to go.Lots of people are buying abs backpacks or like myself,digging them out of storage.Dont for get to take out the nitrogen bottle and wiegh it to make sure it hasnt leaked over the summer.This is something you should do before every trip begins.The abs air cylinder should wiegh 16.4 ounces when full or 475 grams. If it is more than 5 grams under this weight get it checked out.Would suck to pull the trigger and have a couple red flags waving around.This wieght only applies to abs so if you have a different brand check with the manufacturer.


Active VIP Member
Dec 1, 2006
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Calmar, AB
There is a guage on the Snowpulse cylinder. It looks very much like a fire extinguisher gauge with a "too low", "good", and "too high" area on it. With the Snowpulse, the instructions say that it is a good idea to check the cable that runs from the cylinder to the pull handle. Make sure that the cylinder is not attached and pull the cable from each end back and forth to make sure nothing is caught up. The other day I pulled out my 3 pairs of goggles and cleaned them up. I double checked that my insurance and registration was the newest ones in both sleds. I checked that the first aid kit in the truck was still in original form and the same thing with the one I carry in my backpack. There are many more things yet to do, but this is how far I have got with the "non-mechanical" pre-season prep.
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