the official canadian temperature conversion chart.


Active VIP Member
Oct 5, 2010
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Fraser Lake
The Official Canadian Temperature Conversion Chart:

50 Fahrenheit (10 C) Californians shiver uncontrollably.
Canadians plant gardens.

35 Fahrenheit (1.6 C)
Italian Cars won't start
Canadians drive with the windows down

32 Fahrenheit (0 C)
American water freezes Canadian water gets thicker.

0 Fahrenheit (-17..9 C)
New York City landlords finally turn on the heat. Canadians have the last cookout of the season.

-60 Fahrenheit (-51 C)
Santa Claus abandons the North Pole.
Canadian Girl Guides sell cookies door-to-door.

-109.9 Fahrenheit (-78.5 C)
Carbon dioxide freezes makes dry ice.
Canadians pull down their earflaps.

-173 Fahrenheit (-114 C)
Ethyl alcohol freezes. Canadians get frustrated when they can't thaw the keg

-459.67 Fahrenheit (-273.15 C)
Absolute zero; all atomic motion stops. Canadians start saying "cold, eh?"

-500 Fahrenheit (-295 C)
Hell freezes over. The Toronto Maple Leafs win the Stanley Cup


Active VIP Member
Oct 5, 2010
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Fraser Lake
How to determine a REAL snowmobiler


Prays for snow every night.
Turns on the Weather Channel first thing every morning.
Curses the Weather Channel second thing every morning.
Doesn't like to be passed under any circumstances.
Wants a new snowmobile every year.
Would rather ride than watch the Super Bowl.
Wishes he could forget about the speed limit.
Feels that no snowmobile suit is ever out of fashion, or too dirty to wear.
Would never admit to being tired out when riding with buddies.
Has no trouble choosing between an aftermarket pipe, or a new couch for the living room.
Is about as friendly as a grizzly bear when someone "high marks" him.
Refers to standing around as "wasting daylight."
Thumb twitches when snow is forecast.
Enjoys the smell of two-cycle exhaust and the sound of revving engines.
Carries enough odds and ends in his "possibles bag" to make it home, regardless.
Views a heavy, fresh snowfall as an invitation to paradise.
Considers burgers, fries and malts a delicacy.
Can locate gas stations like a coon dog on a hot trail.
Considers his exact sled width when approaching two trees, out of control, and careening downhill.
Always knows (with GPS precision) which way is bac


Active member
Oct 16, 2008
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Medicine Hat
The Official Canadian Temperature Conversion Chart:

50 Fahrenheit (10 C) Californians shiver uncontrollably.
Canadians plant gardens.

35 Fahrenheit (1.6 C)
Italian Cars won't start
Canadians drive with the windows down

32 Fahrenheit (0 C)
American water freezes Canadian water gets thicker.

0 Fahrenheit (-17..9 C)
New York City landlords finally turn on the heat. Canadians have the last cookout of the season.

-60 Fahrenheit (-51 C)
Santa Claus abandons the North Pole.
Canadian Girl Guides sell cookies door-to-door.

-109.9 Fahrenheit (-78.5 C)
Carbon dioxide freezes makes dry ice.
Canadians pull down their earflaps.

-173 Fahrenheit (-114 C)
Ethyl alcohol freezes. Canadians get frustrated when they can't thaw the keg

-459.67 Fahrenheit (-273.15 C)
Absolute zero; all atomic motion stops. Canadians start saying "cold, eh?"

-500 Fahrenheit (-295 C)
Hell freezes over. The Toronto Maple Leafs win the Stanley Cup

The one about the Italian cars is way to true. Last weekend when I was at home, we got back from sledding on Saturday. Pulled upto the house with the sunroof open and the windows down on the truck. My neighbor was in his garage revving the $h!t out of his Ferrari trying to charge up the battery.
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Active VIP Member
Dec 18, 2010
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Salmon Arm
It's 3C here today and I was cruising with the window down.


Active VIP Member
Oct 5, 2010
Reaction score
Fraser Lake
The one about the Italian cars is way to true. Last weekend when I was at home, we got back from sledding on Saturday. Pulled upto the house with the sunroof open and the windows down on the truck. My neighbor was in his garage revving the ch!t out of his Ferrari trying to charge up the battery.

LOL after sledding i think it must be the unwritten code to drive with all the windows open. it's always way to hot in the truck.
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