The coalition is dead

Billy Boy

Active VIP Member
Nov 14, 2006
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Central Alberta
Well Jack Layton has declared the coalition (of the three stooges) is dead. It seems (according to Jack) that Mr. Ignatieff has formed a coalition with the conservatives. It was almost pathetic hearing poor little Jack crying the blues after being stood up by the Liberals at the coalition alter:rolling: The Liberals seem a little smarter under their new leader and they new if they went ahead with the coalition or forced an election it would have been political suicide. Poor little Jack missed his opportunity for that grasp at power, gee to bad Jack kiss my rosey red:kissass: Canadians can breath a slight sigh of relief but not to much of a sigh as there is still a long tough road ahead for our country.

Billy Boy:cool:


Active VIP Member
Apr 29, 2008
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you nailed it there good to here the liberals have a small amount of common sense.:d:canadaflag:

Billy Boy

Active VIP Member
Nov 14, 2006
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Central Alberta
And I do emphasize small. They will one day try to bring down the governemnet for antoher chance at power.

Billy Boy:cool:


Active VIP Member
Nov 13, 2006
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Any where there is snow
Sometimes I look at how this country is run by our inept politicians and I just shake my head:eek: But you get the government you vote for and we have far to many people in this country who could not care about how or who runs our country. Just look at our last results for the amount of people who showed up to vote!!!! It makes me ashamed of our Canadian citizens who can't even bother to take an hour out of their day to vote and then you see how people in third world countries getting the chance to vote for the first time and are risking their lives to show up at the polling stations and they are doing this by the tens of thousands. We live in a scary time.



Active VIP Member
Nov 8, 2007
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Sylvan Lake
I couldn't believe my ears when baby Jacky said he was going to oppose the budget wether he agreed with it or not. How does someone this stupid, get to be the leader of a federal party? It has to be unbelievably embarassing to be an NDP'r right now! I can sure see why they will never be in power.


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Nov 19, 2007
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Me to. I was like, how can you say that you stand up for Canada when you won't even take a look at what the party who was elected to power is proposeing. I can now see why Stephen Harper did not getting along with them. Give me a break:rant:. I think that Jack had a good showing at the last election and thought that this was his moment to make a power move and instead I think he is going to damage his party because of it. The librials at least have a decent leader who is willing to stand up for what he belives in make the changes to policy that he belives is right and will now start to rebuild a liberal party. Even though they liberal :nono::PDT_bud: i can say that they have made a step in the right direction. However now they have to catch Harper who by and large has a solid party and is making a move improve to current situation.


Active VIP Member
Mar 13, 2008
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This was from a small town paper and one of the best "letters to the editor" I have ever seen. I've convinced that it conveys the sentiments of most Canadians accurately and I sincerely hope that the politicians read it as well:

"Dear Editor,
To watch as the government you have elected into power for the second time be thrown out by a coalition party is devastating to say the least.
Millions of people went to the polls with the firm knowledge that this is a free, democratic country and that when we spoke our voices would be heard. We chose a leader who would defend and protect Canada’s most valuable resource, its people. Stephen Harper has proven himself to be a more than capable leader in his previous years as Prime Minister.
After being elected, the Conservative government presented the people with one of the most sensible fiscal ideas we have seen from a political party in decades. They theorized that as the people suffered job losses, wage cuts and prepared for hard times, they could not allow irresponsible and reckless spending within all political parties to continue and proposed a financial plan limiting or eliminating wasteful spending by politicians.
To see the opposition parties react with such vengeance to this plan only further reinforces the feeling that we chose the right party to lead our country, a government responsible to the people first and themselves second.
It is with blatant disregard for our democratic election process that this coalition “government” is forming, doing so with not only the opposition of the people, but at a time when our country needed economic and political stability more than ever before. It is our sincerest hope that you will support the Conservative government, the government that we, the people elected, not this coalition who, when they could not win their place at the ballot boxes, tried to take it in the back rooms of Parliament Hill."
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