RCs all bad stories ?

Al "ley Cat"

Active VIP Member
Dec 1, 2009
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Edmonton Alta.
Lately been reading all the bad run ins people have been getting with the RCs.It seems that the person feels like hes getting picked on when he is stopped, for what ever reason.I can relate a story with a RC in McBride .I had rolled my cat on a hill climb due to bogging.Came down loaded up and headed into McBride for repairs ;fix hood,vents, change oil...ect. stopped at sled den bought Spectro oil ,than up town for some other stuff than went back to bell motel.I crossed the hiway and turned to go to the Northcountry .When i was almost there ,what the hell am i doing alltimers ?3 more turns i was at the Bell with the RC lights flashing behind me.He asks "you been Drinking ? " no i say. He than tells me what i did wrong; u-turn on main street,speeding down main street,not coming to a complete stop at the stop sign,no turn signals on the next 5 turns !!!! I thought to myself he would nail me to the cross! I told him my mind was on the sled and not on driving.He went back to his car to check my reg....comes back and and says be carefull in the future and lets me off. He than starts talking about sledding for about 15 min. All i could say is thanks.


Active VIP Member
Jan 16, 2010
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Some cops can nit pick but if your not an ass to them first they are usually pretty good!It just seems like the guys on here that are doing the most complaining got tickets for a reason!I'll probably get jumped on for saying that but jesus it is never ending about complaining about the cops and dot's!Make sure everything works on your truck and trailer,get drunked up when you get there,make sure everything is tied down properly and there should be no problem!!The cops seem like they're bitchy with sledders because of the way some people on here go on and on about them and the way they talk to them!Give a little respect and you'll get treated alot better!

fat tire

Active VIP Member
Apr 29, 2009
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Central Alberta
Lately been reading all the bad run ins people have been getting with the RCs.It seems that the person feels like hes getting picked on when he is stopped, for what ever reason.I can relate a story with a RC in McBride .I had rolled my cat on a hill climb due to bogging.Came down loaded up and headed into McBride for repairs ;fix hood,vents, change oil...ect. stopped at sled den bought Spectro oil ,than up town for some other stuff than went back to bell motel.I crossed the hiway and turned to go to the Northcountry .When i was almost there ,what the hell am i doing alltimers ?3 more turns i was at the Bell with the RC lights flashing behind me.He asks "you been Drinking ? " no i say. He than tells me what i did wrong; u-turn on main street,speeding down main street,not coming to a complete stop at the stop sign,no turn signals on the next 5 turns !!!! I thought to myself he would nail me to the cross! I told him my mind was on the sled and not on driving.He went back to his car to check my reg....comes back and and says be carefull in the future and lets me off. He than starts talking about sledding for about 15 min. All i could say is thanks.
Yes sometime a guy gets lucky....sometimes the first words you say to an officer and they way you say it matters as much as the stuff you do wrong......I have no problem with the police in general, they have a tough job. It is nice however to hear a good story about a cop that gave you an education, and not the business.To all those cops out there that are decent.....Cheers!! and to the rest...( NO SOUP FOR YOU!!).


Active VIP Member
Jan 28, 2010
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Fort McMurray
I've had a few good breaks.. 2 non snowmobile related, 1 with

1. got pulled over in my moms car for speeding. was tinkering w the radar when it went off, so was originally doing 140ish but where they have to flash you twice he could only write me up for 120+ lol got on the brakes quick. but pulled me over, asked if i had radar i said ya, just got it. took lic and reg, came back and told me my ins papers vin # didnt match the car (last digit was 5, paper said 6).. so technically i got no insurance at that point.. then is goin back to his car, stops 2 feet after passing the car, comes back, and tells me my rear driver side tire is a bit low and i should stop and get it checked. So he could of nailed me hard and all i got was a decreased speeding ticket. nice man

2. pulled over coming into grassland on way home from xmas sled trip. speeding coming into town(im not driving this time :) ). Hadnt registered my trailer yet, so i was using one of dads trailer plates, so trailer dont match plate. well 2 cops (2cars) pulled us over.. there was good cop bad cop.. they asked what was in trailer and if they could get in, i opened it up, showed em, they asked about reg n ins, i told em it was in my gear bag (it was) but he declined having me pull it out.. good cop told me dont worry about the trailer, get it registered when you get home and he cut down the speeding ticket so only about 1 demerit and $120.. cant ask for much more than that


Active member
Apr 12, 2010
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Last New Years coming back from Revy by myself, 35 above the speed limit in Cochrane at 2am. Pulled over by the nicest officer; no ticket for speeding, wanted to make sure I wasn't drinking and told me to drive safe on the way home due to the thick fog that was upcoming.

the result was that I left in a good mood and did drive safer on the way home; opposed to being pissed about a speeding ticket and trying to make up the lost time.


Golden Boy
Apr 29, 2008
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We saw "good cop-bad cop" in Vale Saturday night.The young guy that was bs'ing with us in the bar and cuffed and stuffed that drunk beligerent fella(with DD's assistance) was awesome!
The douche that was at the school earlier threatening to provide little old me with accomidations for the evening could have done things waaaaaay differently and not had the whole place pissed at him.


Active VIP Member
Jun 6, 2010
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airdire alberta
Leaving hope yesterday got pulled over for speeding complemented me on the lights on my track knocked the fine Down by 100$ seems good to me


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Feb 5, 2009
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Langdon Alberta
Coming through Black Diamond doing 30 kilometers over. Pulled over, asked for drivers license, registration and insurance. Goes to his car and comes back 2 minutes later and tells me that he can break my driving record. I guess I had not received a traffic violation in 23 years. Tells me to slow down and have a nice day.:d
I have never had a problem with the RCMP. Treat them the way you want to be treated and you will not have an issue!:d


Active VIP Member
Feb 26, 2009
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Gibbons, Alberta, Canada
Lately been reading all the bad run ins people have been getting with the RCs.It seems that the person feels like hes getting picked on when he is stopped, for what ever reason.I can relate a story with a RC in McBride .I had rolled my cat on a hill climb due to bogging.Came down loaded up and headed into McBride for repairs ;fix hood,vents, change oil...ect. stopped at sled den bought Spectro oil ,than up town for some other stuff than went back to bell motel.I crossed the hiway and turned to go to the Northcountry .When i was almost there ,what the hell am i doing alltimers ?3 more turns i was at the Bell with the RC lights flashing behind me.He asks "you been Drinking ? " no i say. He than tells me what i did wrong; u-turn on main street,speeding down main street,not coming to a complete stop at the stop sign,no turn signals on the next 5 turns !!!! I thought to myself he would nail me to the cross! I told him my mind was on the sled and not on driving.He went back to his car to check my reg....comes back and and says be carefull in the future and lets me off. He than starts talking about sledding for about 15 min. All i could say is thanks.

It is a pain in the ass, because yes it seems like the generate a lot of revenue from sledders in the form of tickets, However if you have all your paper work and are not under any influences, then no worries, but I still find it a pain getting checked over like i'm some criminal.
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