Packing your garbage out this weekend.....


Active VIP Member
Nov 28, 2007
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That's twice I have seen that same phrase now - no offence dude, but my reply to that is: Well, I guess they expect people to be responsible and not leave their trash around, burn the forest down, destroy the wilderness. Are their expectations too high?

I go to the wilderness to get away from people and enjoy myself, not shack up with 1000 drunken idiots.

They can't patrol the stuff they have, how can they make more? They handed out over 600 tickets last weekend, I would say they are out there patrolling. They have funnelled people into areas and created facilities but when some juvenile #$%&, chops down and burns the outhouse, what are they going to do? They have funnelled them into designated areas, those same people are simply destroying those areas now, instead of the other places they used to go (because they are closed - imagine that). The only defence the government has is to close the areas and restrict use, which is what they will do at Maclean Creek. The problem is that 90% of the population that uses these areas is responsible, its the remaining 10% that ruins it for the rest of us (a few bad apples spoil the bunch...).

I agree with Billy Boy, the low lifes of the backcountry are just adding fuel to the fire.

Sad to see.

If the government continue to shut down camping areas those 10% low life retards will just continue to go into the wilderness, trespass and wreak havoc in some remote location where the law enforcement people won't find them. The damage will be done and will be discovered by the good folks some time later.

If they had the animals in a designated area, charge them for camping, get their names and addresses and make them sign a wavier that says "If you leave this area in a mess, you will be sent a portion of the clean up bill". Let them drink there fool faces off and leave them alone. At least they would be corralled up, not out in the middle of nowhere causing environmental damage.

I agree it is sad to see, but the problem isn't going to go away. They won't accomplish anything by banning booze or shutting down recreation areas. What about the responsible folks (the 90%) who like to sit by the fire and have a beer. How are they going take it if they can't go to these areas and enjoy themselves?


Active VIP Member
Dec 6, 2006
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In my head
I agree, put out too many restricitons and all you do is force the yahoos out even further. To cause even more destruction in areas that are even more sensitive. Not good.

Gee, a tax on OHV's to increase enforcement and management. Isn't this what a mandatory province wide trail pass system is supposed to do! Nothing new there.....Louise Sherron and the ASA have been trying to get the Gov to do this for years. Works very well in other provinces. Huge success in Saskatchewan.

Going to be interesting to see what Mr. Morton decides. We know it's coming. How rough it will be is the question.


Active VIP Member
Feb 14, 2007
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Fort Saskatchewan, AB
Zrrr its funny that you would mention extra taxes for enforcement; in this mornings Caglary Herald it listed the "Land Use Policy Highlights" and one of the highlights is to have an environmental fee, charge or taxes in a possible green tax reform. Now what the environmental tax will mean is any bodys guess:confused: But that tax could go towards more enforcement but more than likely it will go towards fixing the damage that has been done over the past years to certain areas. One way to bring more revenue into the coffers for more enforcement and trail development is to have a surcharge tacked onto your quad, dirtbike, sled and possible 4X4 registration that would be designated for that purpose. A good way to enforce that is if you get caught without proper registration and insurance you lose your OHV for a year with with about a $5,000 fine tacked along with it!!!!even for a first time offense!!!
I think by tacking on the extra fee to your registration it would give the user a vested interest in using the backcountry areas responsibly.

Billy Boy:cool:

Not that I agree, but the tax is going to be hard to pass by people that don't use the recreational areas. Wish the government luck with that.
May 3, 2008
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I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that it is also grad weekend. I personally believe that the govt should make the May long a no booze weekend. Out south of Calgary we have the grads going into the hills for the May long and they just get pukeyed sh%^faced. Then they do the stupidest things.


Super Mod Geek
Nov 7, 2006
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Parkland County
I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that it is also grad weekend. I personally believe that the govt should make the May long a no booze weekend. Out south of Calgary we have the grads going into the hills for the May long and they just get pukeyed sh%^faced. Then they do the stupidest things.

grad weekends vary from school to school, grads started in april, we can't blame this strictly on grads. it's simply irresponsible people, its really not that hard to take stuff back to town with you that you have hauled out, this includes couches, cars, etc. if the vehicle breaks down, call for a tow truck, don't burn it and leave it. I think the owners of those vehicles should be tracked using the VINs and charged.


Golden Boy
Apr 29, 2008
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I saw the same thing at Vega May long.90% of people are responsible but theres always one campsite that looks like a garbage dump.I'm gonna start writing down license numbers and reporting idiots because i don't think its fair that a few idiots are gonna screw things up for the rest of us.


Active VIP Member
Jan 22, 2007
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More rules and laws just dont calculate with idiots. More unmarked mysterious graves are the only solution for stupid people.:eek:


Dec 11, 2006
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Hidden zone
Seen some of the same at a near by park (Grad party).... A few did take part in the clean up ! It was more than just the garbage... But the turf turning by the tires of autos & atv's (Which are not allowed) They had a good time & left an equal mess ! :eek:


Active VIP Member
Sep 25, 2007
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well. here is my unpopular opinion again. i think they need to come up with liscencing for ohv's. we have it for everything else why not atv's. with a liscence comes education and the ability to enforce laws, liscence suspensions etc... if there is nothing that they can really do but fine people here and there for minor offences then there is no real deterent for the morons. i have heard it many times " what are they going to do? fine me?". how about you can lose your liscence, cant drive that $10,000+ toy except around your yard might be a deterent. or how about if your an idiot then your registration goes through the roof or your insurance skyrockets, maybe even a criminal record. and for the guys that say this will only increase the amount of people riding without all the legalities taken care of. how come we dont see more on the road then. there are rules etc... there. these same people typically drive around our roads with some sort of respect becasue they dont want to lose thier liscence. and if they arent legal then there are increasing fines and jail time. we wont be able to completely eliminate idoits but at least we could control it unlike now.

as for the camping maybe a yearly liscensing fee could help. something along the same lines as a fishing permit. buy it once a year and you have the right to random camp in apporved areas. with this, big fines for garbage and such. revenue from fines and permits could be put towards education about what the impact of thier actions are.

and again, i know this isnt popular but what would you rather have? one more minor thing you have to do before you can relax and camp or quad. or would you like to try to sell your trailers and toys for pennies on the dollar, to other areas of the world that still allow them. and yes if you thought that the actions of these guys/gals only affect where you can play but you dont go there anyway, think again. try explaining to the finance company or bank that you cant repay the $50 000 that you owe because you only got $5000 (or less) for it.

alright. flame away! LOL.


Active VIP Member
Nov 13, 2006
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Any where there is snow
Plum Bum you made some good points!!! We already have the licencing process in place for atvs, bikes and sleds the government may have to carry it a step further where you have to prove that you can operate that ovh in a safe responsible manner and that could be through a safety course or what ever. Also a part of the registration fee should go into trail maintenace and development, I believe Saskatchewan and Ontario have that process in place. Gone are the days where you can hop on your toy and go riding wherever, it is now getting to the point where we will only be able to ride in designated areas and as riders we better get invovlved in the process of developing or keeping the areas we already ride in, I don't have to tell you what will happen if we just sit back and don't get involved. Alberta is a victim of its own success with the population explosion which in turn puts more pressure on our back country riding areas and now it is time that we will have to have a more srtuctured off road trail system. As for the drunken bums that are bent on destroying our wilderness areas in a drunken and drug induced orgy, I think Snot Rocket had the solution!!!! Enough said.



Active VIP Member
Feb 14, 2007
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Fort Saskatchewan, AB
I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that it is also grad weekend. I personally believe that the govt should make the May long a no booze weekend. Out south of Calgary we have the grads going into the hills for the May long and they just get pukeyed sh%^faced. Then they do the stupidest things.

What did YOU do for grad? Did you have ANYTHING to drink on May long? That's just not practical.


Active member
Dec 3, 2007
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Sherwood Park, AB
It is truely a sad state of affairs when these kinds of stories surface in the media. In reality no one can expect the government to be policing these areas, for them to have those kinds of resources you would be paying twenty times the taxes you currently pay. It is simply something that needs to be self policed, in effect you need to "RAT" out on the bad apples that are doing a fine job of ruining it for the rest of us! Without showing good stewardship of any area, it will only take a few bad seeds to grow into a big headache for all to bear. If you're not comfortable bringing it up personably with the individual (as in dealing with idiots and drunks) simply record licence plates and any other info as you can and report to authorities as soon as resonable. With this day of digital cameras, a simple snapshot can capture lots of details with one click! Not many people are as comfortable as some of us at dealing with these kinds of fools, but a couple of half decent photos can capture enough details to convict these idiots and cause them to sell off their toys to pay the fines they'll get! Yes, I did say fines, unfortunately that's about all we can expect from our (in)justice system these days!


Active VIP Member
Dec 31, 2006
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Northern Alberta
What did YOU do for grad? Did you have ANYTHING to drink on May long? That's just not practical.

Believe it or not, most grad parties are not what your people find them to be! Here in the Peace Region at least grad parties are called SAFE GRADS where they take place in a "Safe area" where no harm can be done to public property, and are supervised by parents! As well local law enforcement is told about the parties and do hourly walk throughs.

However, there is still small groups of people/grads that go out for a weekend camping trip that gets out of hand... Teenagers and "Grads" are easy to blame, but don't put us all in the same boat. There is ADULTS that leave big huge messes in the bushes/campgrounds as well.. there is more people contributing to this problem than just graduates on a may long weekend.

rant over...
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