Massive Land Closure In The U.s.


Active VIP Member
Nov 13, 2006
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Any where there is snow
When I first read about this all I could say was holy crap!!!!! There has been a bill (HR1975) submitted by a U.S. Democrate Senator(?) from Arizona which calls for the closure of 20 1/2 million acres in Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington and Wyoming in order to create a massive wilderness area where only the privlage few would have access. There would be no motorized access, some industrial sites would have to be shut down and reclaimed to a wilderness area, don't know how this would affect towns, cities, farms and ranches which fall into this area?? I think this is another one of those wake up calls for us in Canada over land closure issues. As a side note here in Alberta be forwarned that we could be facing massive land closures over the Grizzly Bear species at risk. Ted Morton is about to make a major anouncment on this in the near future and I know all the so called experts (environmentalists) would like to see grizzly bear habitat protected from Hi-way 3 to Hi-way 16 which means no motorized access!!! We may be in for one hell of a battle in order to protect our rights to have access to our public lands:realmad:


Super Moderator
Nov 30, 2006
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The Trailerhood
Some hunters we heard from 2 weeks ago had 2 seperate Grizzly Bear encounters while hunting. I think GBs are doing fine as it is. But what do I know with going out into the bush. Or would I sooner believe what some overprotection Treehugger tells me as I sit in my nice 20th floor condo overlooking the mountains as I write the cheque out to WWF. These groups use fear tactics to sell the need to protect vast amount of area for the select few that may pay to see it. It is happenning here now already. Look what changes were made to the Bighorn Area and Soon to the Castle area. Where is it next. Read previous post.:twocents::rant:

Billy Boy

Active VIP Member
Nov 14, 2006
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Central Alberta
I have noticed an increase in articles in the Calgary Hearald about the Grizzly Bear along the foothills being an endangered species and what has to be done to protect them and their habitat. You don't even have to read between the lines to see were this is going??You guessed it all motorized access banned and if you have an industrial site in this area (oil & gas, forestry or mining) you are to have a locked gate to your facility or work area to restrict access. There was also an article stating that Ted Morton will be coming out with an announcment on how the Province is going to handle the GB problem in the foothills from Crowsnest area to Hinton area so brace yourself it may not be good news for those of use who choose to enjoy these areas on a quad or sled. I wonder if restricting access also applies to horse, mountain bike, dog sled and foot access???? Because if the GB's are in that much trouble we better keep every body out of there (The AWA are rubbing their hands in glee). One interesting thing in the article was that the GB study did not take into account the GB population south of Hi-way 3 and north of Hi-way 16, I wonder if the GB's have a bad habit of wondering out of the study area every now and then therefore affecting the results of their research??? Just a thought.

Billy Boy:cool:


Active VIP Member
Nov 26, 2006
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Kelliher, Saskatchewan
Man i used to work in the edson area alot. I could not go one darn day without seeing at least 2 or 3. I even had a pet one that hung around one of my leases all of the time. Big old bugger too. I think that the bears are doing just fine, just continue the no hunt on grizzly for a while and all will be good. I for one would go to this if they tried to shut it all down. I want proof that we are infact damaging there habbitat. That would also meen that alot of Oil And Gas companies would have to shut down cause of this. Time will tell


Active VIP Member
Nov 8, 2006
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Whitecourt, Ab
The grizzleys are all sleepin' when the sleds are out. 'Nother reason to keep your stock silencer....right Glen?:D:D:D


Active VIP Member
Nov 13, 2006
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Any where there is snow
Just herd this on the news tonight driving home from work "Alberta Goverenment Considering Banning Quads and Sleds From the East Slopes Areas To Protect Grizzley Bear Habitat". We may not be sledden or quadden in the east slopes in the very near future. I agree with Billy Boy the AWA and the like are rubbing their hands in glee!!!! They may have finally found their silver bullet to shut down motorized recreation in the east slopes area. I hope there is a massive letter writing campaign to your local MLA and the Preimer voicing your disagreement over this move. If only 10% of sled and quad owners in this province would mount a letter writing campaign maybe the Government may sit up and listen? But Ed has bigger fish to fry at the moment so we may not even register!!!!!



Active VIP Member
Jan 24, 2007
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I was sheep hunting last week west of longview, didn't see one legal ram but we did come across 2 grizzlies at about 30 yards away I usually see 1 or 2 grizz each year I think they are doing just fine number wise. If I seen as many legal ram as I see grizzlies I would need a bigger living room!!

Billy Boy

Active VIP Member
Nov 14, 2006
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Central Alberta
It was on the news this morning that the Govmnt has limited access for atv's and snowmobiles to the east slopes areas of the province for the protection of Grizzley Bears. Don't know any specifics on what, where, when and how this is going to happen? and if it will be throughing a monkey wrench into my riding in the Crowsnest area, Cataract Creek and West Central Alberta??? The environmentalists will be getting down on their knees tonight and giving thanks to their environmental God (Al Gore). They got their wish to shut out the motorized recreation public to public lands.:(

Billy Boy

Billy Boy

Active VIP Member
Nov 14, 2006
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Central Alberta
Hate to be a pest on this but here is the news release on the Grizzly Bear recovery plan from CHQR Oct 18/07. Looks like were going to have to get those pens warmed up and start another letter writing campaign to our elected representatives!! Here we go again this never ends.

Plan To Help Grizzly Bear Population Gets Passing Grade
Oct, 18 2007 - 9:40 PM

CALGARY/AM770CHQR - A plan by the provincial government to help the grizzly bear population recover is getting a passing grade from Defenders of Wildlife Canada.
Among other things, the plan calls for limiting the use of all-terrain vehicles and snowmobiles along the eastern slopes of the mountains.
The government wants to hear back from the public before making a final decision.

Billy Boy

Billy Boy

Active VIP Member
Nov 14, 2006
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Central Alberta
Re: East Slopes Closure

Write to the usual suspects - SRD Minister-Ted Morton, The Preimer and your local MLA. The addresses should be on the Government of Alberta web site. I also changed the title to East Slopes Closure.

Billy Boy:cool:


Super Moderator
Nov 30, 2006
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The Trailerhood
Well we new it was coming and with all the sugar the gov. blows up our houie about how responsible the ASA is and snowmobilers and how we are going to work together in the future now they come out with this. 4 weeks ago during the ASA annual meeting we had reps from SRD to talk about future Land Use Framework Process. Nothing was mentioned about a Grizzly Bear Project or any other issue. The Gov. says one thing and does another. All from one department. This will never end untill the green team gets there YtoY program complete. Yellowstone to Yukon all protected along the Rocky Mountains. BC is next just watch. Now do we sit back and watch our recreation be slowly minimized or do we get involved and do something. We all talk about being peed off BUT we have a hard time getting involved. Form letters arent the answer YOU have to write your own letter to your MLA NOW. This will continue and will be around forever so lets start now to fight back and refuse to give up anything.


Active VIP Member
Nov 13, 2006
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Any where there is snow
I will be sending letters this weekend to Morton and company. But my local MLA is totaly useless I think he is there for the paycheck. When everyone is writing their letters make sure you write Luck Oulette (Inisfail MLA) I remeber during the battle of the Big Horn Luke came out on the side of the motorized rec uses (he is one himself) and he did go to bat for the motorized users at that time. Good Luck because we are going to need it!!!!



Active VIP Member
Nov 13, 2006
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Any where there is snow
Sledder Glen I agree with you about people getting off their duff and writing a letter (heck you don't even have to get off your duff!!) but sadly it comes down to that old saying 20% of the people do 80% of the work. The wifes cousin is an MP in the federal government and he says that a written letter in your own words carries alot of weight, the politicians do sit up and take notice of a written letter!!!!! but if their is name calling,threats, swearing etc the letters are punted to file 13.



Active VIP Member
Apr 21, 2007
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Westend, Edmonton, Ab
Maybe alot of people want to write a letter but don`t know, what to say or how to say it. If someone on here could help with what to put into a letter and make it sound positive without sounding like you are trying to tear them a new A hole. Also alot of people don`t know the whole thing about the closure and if someone could put down in point form that may help with the letter. I know we can all read but sometimes the way things get worded in their speeches gets confusing.


Active VIP Member
Nov 13, 2006
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Any where there is snow
I am hoping the ASA will get ahold of this next week and get a letter writing campaign organized. I know during the Big Horn review the ASA had some really good tips on writing letters to the politicians. I am not the best at letter writing either but I have done quite a few over the years. I just try and state how the land clousre will negatively affect the motorized recreation public. Also how many thousands of volunteer man hours have gone into developing and maintaining these trails so everyone can enjoy them safely and how all this will be lost if they go ahead with this closure. I also stated how upset that I am with this process and I also stated how many areas have been closed to atv and snowmobile users over the years. Also state that as a citizen of this province that your right to public lands to enjoy them (responsible atv and sled user) are being taken away. There are some snowmobile and atv web sites that also have some great letter writing hints just have to cruise around the web and you should find some.

Good Luck

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