Is America Ready to Self Destruct?


Active VIP Member
Mar 3, 2009
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Whats it gonna take to get America back to where it was? A peaceful nation that didn't take any crap from anyone when provoked? Are dark forces pulling it apart. Trump is defending from every direction but the swamp just won't drain without a fight. There is talk Obama is running a shadow government, leaking information to make Trump's job impossible. The MSM with the exception of Fox is even at the point of making up stories to support their hidden agenda. Is it George Soro's at the helm? And you thought 911 had its conspiracies.


Active VIP Member
Apr 13, 2008
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Whats it gonna take to get America back to where it was? A peaceful nation that didn't take any crap from anyone when provoked? Are dark forces pulling it apart. Trump is defending from every direction but the swamp just won't drain without a fight. There is talk Obama is running a shadow government, leaking information to make Trump's job impossible. The MSM with the exception of Fox is even at the point of making up stories to support their hidden agenda. Is it George Soro's at the helm? And you thought 911 had its conspiracies.

Been awhile since the president ran that country I think. Major corporations seem to be at the helm south of the boarder


Active VIP Member
Sep 10, 2013
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Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada
While every other government in the world is attempting to move their country and people into the future, Trump is bound and determined to move America back 50 years. Who the hell would be willing support that?

Openly saying there are "good people" amongst neo-Nazi demonstrators is outrageous.

Threatening tariffs and trade embargos on any country that doesn't want to renegotiate trade deals isn't making him any friends.

Pushing the buttons of a dictator with the mind of a child possessing nuclear weapons is as stupid as... well there really isn't much dumber he could do.

Trump is an absolute joke, I had hopes he could do good for America but that has since left, he will spend the rest of his term in constant struggle with serious social issues without actually accomplishing anything for the people. So people can say that he is being attacked, and in many ways he is, but someone needs to stand up to this tool, not that he cares anyway.


Active VIP Member
Nov 23, 2010
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Dease Lake BC
I didn't think Trump would last this long

Hope he is gone before the **** goes sideways

just sayin


Active VIP Member
Mar 3, 2009
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I think Trump's policies are solid. The message? Meh.

Illegal immigration: What part of illegal don't people understand? Look it up in the dictionary. In Obama's world you run the border and head straight to a sanctuary city? Why not just open the border? In the left's world that would be a good thing. How does that help America's job prospects? And the drain on the health care and food stamps systems?

America first: Why not? Thats his job isn't it? They could have Trudeau and he could drain their bank account giving it away to the rest of the world like he is here?

Extreme vetting: Not a travel ban like MSM would have you believe. Its taking Obama's 7 identified most dangerous countries for state sponsored terrorism and taking your time to get it right before you let them in. Ask France, the UK, Germany, Spain, Belguim and Sweden how a lax border is working out for them. Compare that to Hungary, Poland and the Checzh's closed border policy. No terrorism there.

North Korea: Well its 3 days after Guam was supposed to get nuked and not a peep out of the little pack rat? Maybe it has something to do with the first president in 40 years to tell him he was gonna turn his country into a Walmart parking lot if he so as much looked sideways one bit at America or its allies.

Fake News: This was Harpers undoing as well. Its hard to like a biased media that doesn't like your parties politics and will go to great lengths to discredit you to the point of actually making up a story like Russian collusion about you. Yes its true. It was made up by CNN for ratings. Do they talk about it now? No. Its on to the new flavor of the day ......

Charlottesville: The guy waits for the whole story to unfold before commenting and he's the worst president in history. He condemned the White nationalists publically which is what he should do. But he also condemned the alt left ANTIFA who were there in force, funded by Soros dressed in their ninja costumes brandishing baseball bats. Heaven forbid criticizing the left's thugs?

Climate Change: Thats up for debate but Trump can see a bad deal a mile away. Why sign on to something that is doomed to fail? The guys that need to make it happen is the US, Russia, China, India and Pakistan. Well China immediately chose to increase coal production building a **** load of new plants right after the deal was signed. Russia is building up there military and you really think Pakistan and India give a crap about climate change? Is there liberalism in those countries? Lmao! Good for Trump. Its just a money grab, just like our fackin carbon tax.

Give the guy a chance I say. America can be great again I'm betting? Just my 2 cents.


Active VIP Member
Mar 3, 2009
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Just as a further comment. I in no way think Trump knows how to deliver a message. He is not very presidential and borders on having a grade 2 mentality but he is a smart guy and has some good idea's in my estimation.


Active VIP Member
Nov 23, 2010
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Dease Lake BC
I think Trump's policies are solid. The message? Meh.

Illegal immigration: What part of illegal don't people understand? Look it up in the dictionary. In Obama's world you run the border and head straight to a sanctuary city? Why not just open the border? In the left's world that would be a good thing. How does that help America's job prospects? And the drain on the health care and food stamps systems?

America first: Why not? Thats his job isn't it? They could have Trudeau and he could drain their bank account giving it away to the rest of the world like he is here?

Extreme vetting: Not a travel ban like MSM would have you believe. Its taking Obama's 7 identified most dangerous countries for state sponsored terrorism and taking your time to get it right before you let them in. Ask France, the UK, Germany, Spain, Belguim and Sweden how a lax border is working out for them. Compare that to Hungary, Poland and the Checzh's closed border policy. No terrorism there.

North Korea: Well its 3 days after Guam was supposed to get nuked and not a peep out of the little pack rat? Maybe it has something to do with the first president in 40 years to tell him he was gonna turn his country into a Walmart parking lot if he so as much looked sideways one bit at America or its allies.

Fake News: This was Harpers undoing as well. Its hard to like a biased media that doesn't like your parties politics and will go to great lengths to discredit you to the point of actually making up a story like Russian collusion about you. Yes its true. It was made up by CNN for ratings. Do they talk about it now? No. Its on to the new flavor of the day ......

Charlottesville: The guy waits for the whole story to unfold before commenting and he's the worst president in history. He condemned the White nationalists publically which is what he should do. But he also condemned the alt left ANTIFA who were there in force, funded by Soros dressed in their ninja costumes brandishing baseball bats. Heaven forbid criticizing the left's thugs?

Climate Change: Thats up for debate but Trump can see a bad deal a mile away. Why sign on to something that is doomed to fail? The guys that need to make it happen is the US, Russia, China, India and Pakistan. Well China immediately chose to increase coal production building a **** load of new plants right after the deal was signed. Russia is building up there military and you really think Pakistan and India give a crap about climate change? Is there liberalism in those countries? Lmao! Good for Trump. Its just a money grab, just like our fackin carbon tax.

Give the guy a chance I say. America can be great again I'm betting? Just my 2 cents.

If the rockets come I will see them about 4 mins before you ............. Ken :shocked:


Active VIP Member
Sep 10, 2013
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Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada
I will agree that there are policies that Trump has that are better than Obama had including immigration. But I don't believe Kim didn't bomb Guam specifically because of Trump's threats, anyone can look back at history and understand that the US reacts with brutal force when their territory is attacked. But more than that I believe it to be more propaganda to be used on the NK people. For instance there is propaganda on NK state TV showing they can obliterate the entire US with nukes when of course the rest of us know they can't.


Active VIP Member
Nov 22, 2008
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Red Deer
As usual a whole pile of drama created by a small number of nut bags alt right alt left what ever you want to call it, this does not represent the 300 million mainly sane persons who live in America. Media reporting is beyond fake imo, in Chicago last week alone there were close to 40 murders try to find a story there, instead we have endless news over the nut job in the challenger killing the protester who was protesting the protest, but nothing on real issues.


Active VIP Member
Nov 6, 2008
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Creston, BC
It really is amazing how much the media twists things. And the problem is that the majority of people nowadays dont think for themselves so it works! I think there is alot of stuff Trump says and does that is absolutely retarded, but he did go in with some good intentions and policy. I cant imagine how frustrated he is at this point.


Active VIP Member
Jan 8, 2012
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There is no real news anymore and people are too simple to decide for themselves. It's getting pretty sad out there.


Active VIP Member
Jun 13, 2009
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I think it's a very good thing for America that Trump is in that chair. I totally agree with snopro, a lot of his initiatives are essential to the betterment of Americans, all of them. not just the ones who have literally been running the show with the help of the Media. The main initiatives Trump is attempting to change, in reality should have been massaged years ago, but that wouldn't have been in best interests of the elitist who have had the reigns, and they really hate the fact that so many of their self serving agenda items, have been laid bare bybTrump,for the world to see. Is he a brash, unpolished kinda guy, you bet , but I suggest that's exactly the kind of guy needed to accomplish what's needed to be done for the American people by a President , since the 60's. The media hate him cause he told them to eff off, called their bluff and said you don't run this show , I do, guess we'll see how that turns out, so far there's been an awful lotta egg on a lot of so called news casters and reporters faces , and Americans and the world are watching the news now and before believing it, are asking more questions, and that's a great result, time to stop being sheeple.
I think he's a loud , non political, arrogant guy, extremely clever, great business sense, and I think his goal truly is to make America great again, for all Americans, not just the elite and puppet masters.
Trump is just a guy trying to do a job. The media , directed by the Obama crowd , are the most corrupt in this case, and they are getting more and more desperate lately cause More and more people are realizing many of Trumps ideas make a lot of sense , if your actual goal is the good of all Americans. I just wish he was our Prime minister instead of the prancing pony idiot we're saddled with.
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