Hinton to cadomin to nordegg trail

Lem Lamb

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Apr 5, 2010
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Lacombe AB
Nordegg to Harklick/ Camp 15 area that is now the Swale Rd connects hwy 11 to Nordegg River Rd via cut-lines, or you can catch the cut-line on the West side of Baldy Mt to go up top as well as into town of Nordegg. Oil field/ logging roads or cut lines of your choosing.

North side of Brazzoo River is Cardinal Indian Band that will lead you to the washed out Mountain Park bridge. One can access the Pembina road South to Cardinal Band, Mountain Park washed out road is now OHV's only, way better fishing and views with no autos on that trail.

South side from the Cardinal hamlet is Chungo, but the bridge is removed. Way down river "East" is a crossing that would put you in-line with Husky De-hy Plant. No crossy if raining up stream, there is a bridge to cross the Black Stone.

Cadimun to Hinton East can be accessed by cut-line as well. Lots of zig-zagging. I'll PM you with what I have Madkow.

Pal Lem


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Hinton Alberta
Nordegg to Harklick/ Camp 15 area that is now the Swale Rd connects hwy 11 to Nordegg River Rd via cut-lines, or you can catch the cut-line on the West side of Baldy Mt to go up top as well as into town of Nordegg. Oil field/ logging roads or cut lines of your choosing.

North side of Brazzoo River is Cardinal Indian Band that will lead you to the washed out Mountain Park bridge. One can access the Pembina road South to Cardinal Band, Mountain Park washed out road is now OHV's only, way better fishing and views with no autos on that trail.

South side from the Cardinal hamlet is Chungo, but the bridge is removed. Way down river "East" is a crossing that would put you in-line with Husky De-hy Plant. No crossy if raining up stream, there is a bridge to cross the Black Stone.

Cadimun to Hinton East can be accessed by cut-line as well. Lots of zig-zagging. I'll PM you with what I have Madkow.

Pal Lem

I got those tracks u sent but it looks like you're riding mostly lease roads. I'm an "anti road guy" lol and i stick to cut lines and trails. I have my pick up truck for roads. The quad n sxs are for the cutlines/trails.
If you have more of those tracks on google earth but ones that are mostly on cutlines, i'd love to see them. It looks like that East side of Hwy 40 is hevily logged. I'd rather stay to the west more if i can.

As for Hinton/Cadomin i know the area very well. Been riding it for 18 years so that's the easy part for me. But up past Grave Flats and beyond towards Nodegg is all new to me I've only driven the main road with my truck to her three times. I did camp there one weekend about seven years ago and we quaded around Nordegg and up to Baldy Mountain and stuff.

But none of those trails I really fresh in my mind but if I could link up to that bald Mountain Trail that would probably be good.

And what bridge are you talking about that got washed out at Mountain park? Mountain park is right where we mined and there's only three bridges close to mountain park and they are all intact.

Do you mean the road itself that got washed out about four years ago past the cardinal divide going towards Grave flats?

If not I honestly don't know where you're talking about.

I could actually just turn into words cattlemen and drive that whole cardinal river road or at some people call it the grave Flats Road and go up over the divide and all the way down that road but a game I'm not a big fan of roads. It is a hell of a nice drive though for somebody to do it once or twice on a quad but after that it gets old it's nice to be on the cutlines where the trails are a bit moist and no dust. The route I picked will actually go on the backside of Red Cap Mountain through the McKenzie Valley. There is no need me putting the trail through the McKenzie Valley because it's just going to be mined one day. Although I do suggest that anybody that wants to ride that cattleman area ride that McKenzie Valley because it is beautiful country and what a shame that it's going to be mined. Last I heard the mine wasn't going to go that far to Red Cap because of the price of coal and it being such a long haul from redcap all the way to our plant.

But anyway, I know I can get to Grave Flats and the Ruby Falls Trail no problem I just got to figure out the route pass there. I am going to look at those tracks you sent me a little closer because I do see cutlines near those lease roads and maybe I can make the trails go down those lines.
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Jun 18, 2010
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Hinton Alberta

Did you mean this area? If so ya it was just the road that washed out never was a Bridge there.

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Hinton Alberta
Lots of vehicles still use that road. There's a bypass trail now around the washout but quad or jeep only or lifted trucks. Pretty tight for even a pickup.

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Lem Lamb

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Apr 5, 2010
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Lacombe AB
I'm not able to post cut-lines from google maps, but zooming in on Google Earth you can see the cut-lines.

You should be able to run from Black Stone bridge to Nordegg with out hitting a road, well that would be less hitting a cut-block.

If your plan is to ride the West side of FTR/ Chungo side, then your out of luck for slash/ cut-lines less a few closer to blue bridge at Chungo Out-fitters.
This is looking South from km 48 ish of Chungo as there are 4 oil pipe-lines going W to E, main line is along road up there since Forestry will not allow right-aways up there due to wild life "I think."
You can see from the photo that they are all step low elevation tree covered mountains that have no cut-lines. There are 3 road accesses to Chungo road, Farthest North access is locked to all OHV's and vehicles. "side barriers" to tree line !

There is the Cut-Off Creek trail, do not confuse this Cut-Off Creek with the other one that is South of 752 14 kms at junction of FTR...This Northern Cut-Off Creek is W/E running to km 17 mark going West... Horse, foot, mountain bike area only. No OHV's allowed. Someone removed the sign, but it's still closed. Horse guides will turn you in if your back there past the dirt mound blockage.

From the top of the Mountain Park Look-Out you can continue driving South down hill for 8 or 10 kms to wash out, You will see the bridge is now removed, we took our dual sport bike threw there on the by-pass quad trail, no vehicles in there since they can't get across the creek and trees are to narrow for jeeps to get past.
There are OHV trails up there. Many run W/E. It is one of these 3 spot washed-out.

The farthest South part of Mountain Park road lead to Cardinal Band, south of Band lands is a abandon logging road that put you at the Northest end of Chungo with no way to cross un-less you make a bridge,,, Not good idea since you are on Indian property. There is a crossing West of Cardinal hamlet, but the water is very deep with step bank on the North side now that it washed out in 2012, Forestry has no plans to re-store the river bank. 75 to 100 feet strait down.

East side of FTR is this cut line.

N52 51.350 W116 22.246, 3.7 kms as a crow flies, was a logging road back in the day, but now over grown in many sections, dose you no good as its on the East side of 40/ 734 FTR.
Once you cross the Nordegg River Road going South, there will be some step cut-lines, Still won't work for you as its on the East side, but there is no way to access the Baldy Mt West side un-less you cross over. You could do it in the North section or way South closer to hwy 11, you will be challenged with out roads.

I'll be out there for 4 days quading Madkaw, I'll re check the Lat/ Lont now that I have Goolge Earth/ Base Camp gps down load. I will hit Chungo to see if I missed N/S connectors North of the Husky oil compressor station. There is 1 cut-line at far end running SS/W, and the other is South of there heading NN/E as well.

I sent you roads as way points only as I'm a bush wacker too, each side of these roads, "less Chungo" have cut-lines, but Jacob creek, no-name creek or big ravine between Harlick and Swale will stop you in your tracks. 400 plus foot cliffs, 50 kms to either end to get around that one.

I'll hit the Chungo for the next rides as mentioned. This photo is looking dead West at last 8 kms of loop around road, no cut-lines on this section due to forestry practises as line follows right-away. No river either at that side,,, only one crossing to East of Out-look that is 12 kms by road, and 8 kms by goat path, step side hill for 100 feet that is do-ible by small quad or motorcycle. I'll post picture next week of this link,,, at least it is on the West side of FTR.


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Jun 18, 2010
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Hinton Alberta
Holy cow, i think this will be like David Thompson's excursion when he tried to find a route through Athabasca Pass over 200 years ago... Lol but he had 25 men to help him out...

Well still not sure what you're talking about "the Bridge" being removed or gone. Like i said, i know the Mountain Park area very well and there was never a bridge at the spot i think you are talking about unless your talking about the bridge where 12 mile cabin used to be ( intern staging area now).
And what are u refering to as "Mountain Park lookout"?
Anyway i know all that country back there but from Grave Flats to Nordegg will be the mystery as i've never rode there.
If u go past Miskiki Lake you'll come to "Small boys Camp" indian reserve. Driving through there it literally looks like a tornado ripped through. Junk every where!!! Lol I will be taking cutlines no where near their camp...

That old grown in logging road u speak of may be the one i found on my maps that brings me close to one of the river crossings ( blackstone maybe??)
That is just the type of trail i'm looking for!! Sure i might have to do some bush whacking but i'm no stranger to that. Alberta pin striping i called it lol

And i'd like to stay on the west side of hwy 40 when i get closer to Nordegg but if it's not possible no big deal. There appears to be tons of lines on the east side and at some point i would have to cross over to get to the Baldy mnt trail anyway.

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Hinton Alberta
Have 't figured out how to quote on this tapatalk app yet so i'll do it this way.....

"From the top of the Mountain Park Look-Out you can continue driving South down hill for 8 or 10 kms to wash out, You will see the bridge is now removed, we took our dual sport bike threw there on the by-pass quad trail, no vehicles in there since they can't get across the creek and trees are to narrow for jeeps to get past."

Ok The "Mountain Park lookout" you are referring to is actually called "The Cardinal Divide" Mountain Park was the name of the town itself and that is located right where we mined.

As for the wash out...

"You will see the bridge is now removed, we took our dual sport bike threw there on the by-pass quad trail, no vehicles in there since they can't get across the creek and trees are to narrow for jeeps to get past".

Again no bridge was ever there it just washed out the road and YES you can take jeeps through that bypass. I've done it many times with even my boat on the roof of the jeep...

And vehicles travel that road often enough as well, we were just on it in jeeps 3 weeks ago.

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Hinton Alberta

I worked my 4 days at the mine then next day left from my camp with the Jeep and drove to Miskiki Lake for some fishing...

Can easily drive through the bypass... Might not be so easy though if the water is high. I think this was in October.

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Caught 15 bull trout in a couple of my favorite spots along the way in the river then caught 3 cut throats at the lake.

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Lem Lamb

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Apr 5, 2010
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Lacombe AB
Yes, I'm sure your right on the wash out madkaw, others told me there was a bridge there at one time, but I never seen one as we cut threw there snowmobiling.

If there isn't to much snow back there, I'll ride the Coast Creek/ Marshybank Lk area and check out the Big Horn/ Chungo Look-out tower trail. GPS point from that side.

Then the next 2 days I'll do points on the North side of Cardinal River up stream where the 2 rivers meet, I see there was a cut-across at Reserve. Small boy camp is a bit to the East of there.

Thx for the heads up as I see where the old crossing use to be. Home made maps in hand.

Pal Lem.
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Hinton Alberta
Nice, lol i have probably had 10 of those back roads map books and used to study the trails/ cutlines ALOT.

But when the good old iphones came out i got into some mapping programs and never looked back. But you know i'm going to dig mine out if i still have one and bring that along for back up.
Having the iphone maps is much more interesting and informative, definately MUCH easier than the back roads maps and basically impossible for me to get lost. But if i lose my phone or it breaks i'm screwed... Lol

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P.S i looked at Chungo Peak and Kidd Peak etc and below that there are a bunch of cutlines. Is that area closed off or a park?... I'll check my maps here quick and see if its park..

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Hinton Alberta
Well i checked it out and there's no park anywhere near there so no reason why i can't travel those cutlines unless of course the are unpassible.


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Also you gave me some gps coordinates and i punched them into my phone but it doesn't seem to take me to that old logging road u were referring?? Did u possible give me the wrong coordinates?

It's funny it came up as "waypoint 51" so that area will definitely be called "Area 51" now lol


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Lem Lamb

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Apr 5, 2010
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Lacombe AB
I'll take a look madkaw, as it was from Google Maps, I'll get the Lat/ Lont on gps on next ride, My bad as Small Boy Camp and Cardinal Reserve are 22 kms distance W/E.
West side of Small Boy is Brazeau Air Strip If I re-call it was a fire fighting strip. The Bally-bridge posts are still in place un-less they washed out, I'll take pictures.

East side of Small Boy is the old de-activated Canyon Creek logging road with side hill wash out, 1 to 200 feet of sloped wash out on the South side. I was going to take pictures 2 weeks ago, but snow needed a few more days to melt down.

I'll gps pin it to. Pal Lem


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Hinton Alberta


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Hinton Alberta
I'll take a look madkaw, as it was from Google Maps, I'll get the Lat/ Lont on gps on next ride, My bad as Small Boy Camp and Cardinal Reserve are 22 kms distance W/E.
West side of Small Boy is Brazeau Air Strip If I re-call it was a fire fighting strip. The Bally-bridge posts are still in place un-less they washed out, I'll take pictures.

East side of Small Boy is the old de-activated Canyon Creek logging road with side hill wash out, 1 to 200 feet of sloped wash out on the South side. I was going to take pictures 2 weeks ago, but snow needed a few more days to melt down.

I'll gps pin it to. Pal Lem

Ya i'm familiar with the Air Strip but never rode around that area on quads.
Where's the bally bridge posts? Was that crossing the Brazeau river?

That old logging road sounds cool but is there anyway at all to get by the wash out?
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