Hinton to cadomin to nordegg trail


Active VIP Member
Jun 18, 2010
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Hinton Alberta
I keep saying i'm going to do an overland expedition using as little roads as possible
from Hinton to Nordegg. I need to find out what trails in Nordegg head closest to the route i have planned so i can link up to them. It should be a hell of an adventure and maybe a route others will follow. It's 150 km's from Hinton to Nordegg as the crow flies but i bet it'll b double that using roads/cutlines.

I know how to get from Hinton to Cadomin then onto Ruby Falls/South Esk turn off using 90% cutlines/old logging roads but after that that i'll have to figure it out.

My biggest enemies are going to be Deep water river crossings and crazy steep hills as i'll be trying to avoid those.

I Plan on doing it solo and it should be an eventfull trip lol.

What i'm looking for is info on trails around Brown Creek Camping area along the Forrestry trunk Road or any camp site area atv's are aloud at. Not sure if atv's are permitted to ride into Brown Cteek campsite?
i'm just looking for places to link the route to so people could camp from if one day if it becomes an actual route.

Also if anyone can tell me of trails that would go from Norgegg towards Hinton in that direction that i could link up with that would be great.

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Active VIP Member
Oct 13, 2010
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Should be an interesting trip. Not sure alone is the best idea but if you do get a spot in case of emergency. Right now would be the time to do it before everything thaws out. Still lots of snow but it is easily ridden through.


Active VIP Member
Jun 17, 2013
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I keep saying i'm going to do an overland expedition using as little roads as possible
from Hinton to Nordegg. I need to find out what trails in Nordegg head closest to the route i have planned so i can link up to them. It should be a hell of an adventure and maybe a route others will follow. It's 150 km's from Hinton to Nordegg as the crow flies but i bet it'll b double that using roads/cutlines.

I know how to get from Hinton to Cadomin then onto Ruby Falls/South Esk turn off using 90% cutlines/old logging roads but after that that i'll have to figure it out.

My biggest enemies are going to be Deep water river crossings and crazy steep hills as i'll be trying to avoid those.

I Plan on doing it solo and it should be an eventfull trip lol.

What i'm looking for is info on trails around Brown Creek Camping area along the Forrestry trunk Road or any camp site area atv's are aloud at. Not sure if atv's are permitted to ride into Brown Cteek campsite?
i'm just looking for places to link the route to so people could camp from if one day if it becomes an actual route.

Also if anyone can tell me of trails that would go from Norgegg towards Hinton in that direction that i could link up with that would be great.


Wow! You must be dragging a tandem tub trailer to haul those things you have dangling. Maybe check seismic line maps. That entire area had had a number of programs performed over the years. If you need any help seeing what is available, PM me and I will see what I can find.

Good luck and sounds like fun. How do things look at the mine?


Active VIP Member
Jun 18, 2010
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Hinton Alberta
Wow! You must be dragging a tandem tub trailer to haul those things you have dangling. Maybe check seismic line maps. That entire area had had a number of programs performed over the years. If you need any help seeing what is available, PM me and I will see what I can find.

Good luck and sounds like fun. How do things look at the mine?

Ha, no trailer going to be towed that's for sure. I pack light. I've been looking on my mapping programs and i need to cross the Brazeau and not sure if it's always highwayer or if there's a place to cross safely. I don't mind floating down the river a bit not really into swiming after my sxs or quad lol. So for now i will take lines that head over towards the trunk road and i'll just use the bridge unless i find another place to cross.

I see there's a wildland park too ( Brazeau) so i made the trail go around that. I need to find out where those white water rafting cabins are and talk to John if he is still running those rafting tours. Would be cool if the trail went by there and i could rent a cabin off him for the night.

There are TONS of cut lines in that whole area but lots of them r grown in and not used. Will try and make it go past the rivers too so one can fish if they'd like too.

From Hinton to Cadomin there are quite a few ways i can go.

Sure would be cool to be able to ride from one town to the next like they do in the States. This route is pretty spread out but i
want to do it regardless.

Wentbout today and looked at some cutlines but will need to travel it by quad/sxs to see what's what. I have two nice camp spots already picked out that i found and i saw not one but four $hiters today so i will be fine if i really need to have a toilet seat! Lol


Active VIP Member
Jun 18, 2010
Reaction score
Hinton Alberta
Should be an interesting trip. Not sure alone is the best idea but if you do get a spot in case of emergency. Right now would be the time to do it before everything thaws out. Still lots of snow but it is easily ridden through.

Ya i know everyone always says to not go alone but i doubt i could find anyone to take the time off and i don't want to be rushed... I hate turning back...less people less drama.

I have done 75% of my excurtions alone and i'm pretty self sufficient and usually find a way to do things on my own. I'll have come alongs/my winch might even build some light ramps for a change lol. I'll be well equiped and yes definately i'll have "in reach" to communicate with dispatch lol.

3 things scare me... Retarded steep hill's, fast moving water thats up to my bars and stupid bears ( but i'll have a surprise for them). Other than that the rest is just a figure itboutvas u go typical adventure.


Active VIP Member
Jun 18, 2010
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Hinton Alberta


Active VIP Member
Apr 16, 2010
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Central Alberta
I've always wanted to do an overnight or two journey but never have been able to organize or pick a route to do it on. Sounds like you have a good one planned. A little jealous!!!

I wouldn't be surprised if you have to take a couple stabs at it till you finally find a decent ridable route that avoids road riding. That pembina to nordegg range has some pretty knarly hills and dense bush that might be tricky to navigate while trying to stay off the trunk Rd. Might have some luck on the north and south chungo but been years since I've been out there so not sure where they tie into the cutlines out that way.

What are your plans for food and fuel as that's probably a good 250- 300km one way trip and I bet once you find a decent route it's gonna be 2-3 nights one way minimum - conditions and speed depending. When I've looked at doing it I always thought we would have to stage gas drops and if a couple of us go we would need at least one tub trailer but we like to be comfortable and pack as little as possible on the machines themselves.

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Active VIP Member
Jun 18, 2010
Reaction score
Hinton Alberta
I've always wanted to do an overnight or two journey but never have been able to organize or pick a route to do it on. Sounds like you have a good one planned. A little jealous!!!

I wouldn't be surprised if you have to take a couple stabs at it till you finally find a decent ridable route that avoids road riding. That pembina to nordegg range has some pretty knarly hills and dense bush that might be tricky to navigate while trying to stay off the trunk Rd. Might have some luck on the north and south chungo but been years since I've been out there so not sure where they tie into the cutlines out that way.

What are your plans for food and fuel as that's probably a good 250- 300km one way trip and I bet once you find a decent route it's gonna be 2-3 nights one way minimum - conditions and speed depending. When I've looked at doing it I always thought we would have to stage gas drops and if a couple of us go we would need at least one tub trailer but we like to be comfortable and pack as little as possible on the machines themselves.

Sent from my D5803 using Tapatalk

Well i'm planing on staying out there as long as it takes. Lol

Definately not my first over night excursion but this one like you say will be quite the challenge because of the ruggedness of that area.
I think i can pack enough fuel but i'll have a back up plan to have someone run some out or maybe i'll stache some somewhere and then walk/hitch hike to pick it up.

As for food i'll have to see if i can keep any of the fish out of some of the streams along the way. I know places that i'm guaranteed to catch bull trout but not aloud to keep them lol.

if it was hunting season, grouse would be readily available in that country up there.
Rabbits are fair game all year i believe but i don't want to rely on that.
I have an endless supply of water so no need to pack that. I'll boil it to be safe.
i'll pack what i can and if all else fails i guess it'll be spruce tea! ��

I don't want things to be to easy. In my mind it's already easier since i'll have a sxs and chainsaw vs a Horse and an Axe.

so anyone familiar with any trails from Nordeg that head towards Cadomin? I just need ones to link up to if possible.


Active VIP Member
Jun 18, 2010
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Hinton Alberta
P.S as for navigating i use Motion X Gps on my phone and it's impossible to get lost. I just have to make sure i don't lose my phone lol
a d now they have those gps boosters so i don't even need cell service to load my maps. That will b handy.

I'll build bridges where needed and if it takes a full day to build a bridge so be it. Who knows, this could be the start to a great trail.I'll try and make the trail as easy as is possible but again with those hills and river crossings it'll be tricky.


Active VIP Member
Dec 22, 2008
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Clyde, AB.
This could be one of the most epic rides ever! I love that country where you plan on riding and hope you can find a navigable trail. You would defiantly be a true trailblazer!


Active VIP Member
Jan 10, 2011
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calgary ab
Same here , this would be amazing. I would take holidays to do this ride.

Lem Lamb

Active VIP Member
Apr 5, 2010
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Lacombe AB
Some trails will be blown timber blocked as expected, but there is always a way to get from point A to B if one gets at it.

Cut-lines with a mix of old logging/ oil patch roads.

I my self, would load Q in truck to hop from location to location as its my kind of thing, but your idea works too.

The plus for the truck idea is having it as a support unit that does not limit the ride any where you choose to explore, this unit has been all across North America... All of it as a support unit.

One of my favs was from Waterton Nal. Park to Goodwin via the FTR un-limited stops at many areas of 1180 kms North to South with 3000 plus kms of side roads.

Warm and dry in all kinds of weather, support of tools, food, easy to drive to all locations. Cheep on fuel over all less hotels that I quit 14 years ago.
This trick allows me to ride every day with having things dry and warm for -22c and colder to +40c max. Ha Ha.
It gives me the chance to wagon wheel ride, then move to next location.

Truck needed 3 fuel ups from Red Deer area to Southern AB, then all the way to Goodwin North up FTR/ return home. $300 in truck fuel.
1000 watt gen burnt $40 over the 28 day stint.
Bike at the time took on $200 in fuel to cover 3000 kms of end-less loops.

My pal did the same run with small car and trailer with quad at $300 over 18 days.

One can not add in food since you were going to eat at home, and half the fuel for support unit is not added on since you would of drove around at home board. Ha Ha. Just saying is all.

Nothing wrong with living in your truck or car as its the best bang for the buck since you could end up in Newfoundland with out even think about it. Now there is the quad play ground !!!

Pal Lem living the dream. Getting up there warm and dry for 15 years has always worked for me. IMO only that is.

Have fun at what works best brother...
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Active VIP Member
Jun 18, 2010
Reaction score
Hinton Alberta
This could be one of the most epic rides ever! I love that country where you plan on riding and hope you can find a navigable trail. You would defiantly be a true trailblazer!

Lol thanks ya it will be a great trip i'm sure.

"Lem Lamb" i'm not interested in taking a support vehicle. I just want to camp where ever i end up. I will gauge my speed of the trip on the ammount of food i have. If the fishing is good the trip will take that much longer. If i have a break down i'll just walk to find help or txt someone to come get me. Will hopefully Have a Spot or In Reach with me in case of emergency. Anything can happen out there that's for sure.

I'll have my Cot and will probably just bring a tarp to make an A-Frame shelter.

i like being warm so might design a little woodstove out of a small beer keg. We'll see, i just don't like freezing and although i'm often out in the bush i'll admit i'm the first to get cold... Always been that way but it doesn't slow me down much.

I might take a drive up by the black stone area and check out some potential cut lines. I've already maped my way a bit past the PR road. I could be taking a more direct route but i want people to be wowed if they ever travel this route.

In order to "wow" people the trail will have to pass by lakes, have spectacular views and have a bit of everything. I don't want the trail to go straight as an arrow on a pipeline for hrs on end.

I'm still trying to find people with gps tracks that head from Nordegg towards my route.

I hear Nordegg is ATV friendly so that will be nice rolling into town to restock and fuel up.

Who knows maybe i'll head back or might catch a ride back to Hinton. We'll cross that Bridge when we get there.
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Active VIP Member
Jun 18, 2010
Reaction score
Hinton Alberta
Sounds like one hell of a adventure.. Be safe. Have fun


Well i'm into my maps tonight and i figured I'd make the trail go pretty close to the Ruby Falls trail head. Then from there over to Miskiki Lake. Lots of places to camp in this area if need be and it's a popular camping spot so if i need anything or help usually somebody is camped here. Grave Flats is right close by too so again, more places to camp and people to see if need be.

From Miskiki Lake i found what looks like an old grown in road. It looks like i can make it to Thunder Lake pretty easy but after that it's going to get tricky until I cross the river again. I'm making my route go around the Brazeau wildland park, and I'm trying to make my way across the river where the bridge is. After that point I will definitely have my work cut out for me.it'll just be a matter of trial and error and I'm sure I'll have to double back on the trail many many times and who knows I may even have to blaze my own trail in spots.
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