Europe may ban internal combustion engines


SUPER COOL MOD & Supporting Vendor
Oct 21, 2006
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Edmonton/Sherwood Park
German weekly news magazine Der Spiegel is reporting that Germany’s top legislative body has reached an agreement that may ban internal combustion engine vehicles from German roads and perhaps even roads across Europe.
The bipartisan resolution from the Bunderat, Germany’s upper parliament house, calls on the European Union (EU) to pass directives to assure only zero-emissions passenger vehicles are allowed on European roads by 2030. And although there is no guarantee, or even an indication. that the proposal would be adopted by the EU, Forbes magazine points out German regulations often drive EU regulations.
The resolution also calls on regulators to review the taxation and dues levied against motor vehicles in order to stimulate the adoption of emissions-free vehicles. The idea is to create such a tax burden on the production of internal combustion engines that manufacturers would start producing more electric vehicles, and bring them to the mass market more quickly.
There is increasing concern from environmentalist movements that the lavish incentives offered for electric vehicles are not having the desired impact on consumers. Added to that is that the relatively cheap price on diesel, and its economy superiority to comparable gasoline engines. means that the majority of vehicles on European roads are still powered by diesel engines, much to the chagrin of critics of the nitrous-oxide laden diesel exhaust.
If the tax burden were to rise significantly, and given the already shaky ground on which diesel rides due to emissions scandals affecting several brands, it could put an end to diesel fuel usage, at least for passenger vehicle applications.
In a Reuters report, German Greens party lawmaker Oliver Krischer is quoted as saying: “If the Paris agreement to curb climate-warming emissions is to be taken seriously, no new combustion engine cars should be allowed on roads after 2030.”
The move might not be totally unsavoury to automakers since it is widely reported that production of electric vehicles takes about a tenth of the workforce needed to build internal combustion engine vehicles. And since the majority of powertrain production is coming from low-wage countries in Asia, that combined with the premium price of electric vehicles could mean a revenue bonanza for manufacturers.


Active VIP Member
Nov 1, 2010
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Armstrong BC
if they put a tax on it you will see a huge change in the industry. Many countries including southern Europe put heavy taxes on pickups to sway people from buying them for personal use and it works as you don't see pickups being used other than work purposes.


Active VIP Member
Sep 11, 2012
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Tax tax tax. Tax internal combustion engines. Tax carbon. Tax emissions. Tax sugary foods. These progressive A-holes won't be happy until everything we earn is taxed away from us so they can turn around and have the government supply Only Those things that they think we need.
Works well in Venezuela. Worked well in the old Soviet Union where you had to stand in line for half a day for a loaf of bread. All these "progressive " liberal intellectuals are supposedly educated people, yet they almost all don't understand that when you tax money out of the economy it is gone forever. By the time it works its way through the government sausage machine it is eaten up by the costs and inefiencies there.
I,m so f-ing sick of being talked down to and lectured by these "progressive" do - nothing's and the media that is controlled by them.


Active VIP Member
Dec 17, 2011
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West koots
Tax tax tax. Tax internal combustion engines. Tax carbon. Tax emissions. Tax sugary foods. These progressive A-holes won't be happy until everything we earn is taxed away from us so they can turn around and have the government supply Only Those things that they think we need.
Works well in Venezuela. Worked well in the old Soviet Union where you had to stand in line for half a day for a loaf of bread. All these "progressive " liberal intellectuals are supposedly educated people, yet they almost all don't understand that when you tax money out of the economy it is gone forever. By the time it works its way through the government sausage machine it is eaten up by the costs and inefiencies there.
I,m so f-ing sick of being talked down to and lectured by these "progressive" do - nothing's and the media that is controlled by them.

I hear yah brother! With the way things are heading I'm not sure anymore. I thought I'll work harder and get ahead...they tax me more and harder. With that said I also looked at all the lazy a$$ wipes high fiving each other at the park, walking there dogs and girlfriend down the beach or taking that needed sick day from there crappy store bagging job thinking they'll never get ahead in this world.
Now I look at all the fun and time I lost working hard trying to pay enough tax to support these people's lifestyle and so the politicians can continue with there stupid spending choices its hard not to just give up and let this mother fkn province burn to the least we can lay back and collect food stamps and welfare till there's nothing left. You know go out on an easy note.
seem like it's heading that way anyhow.
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