CPAWS even is against skihills - bike trails

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Sep 27, 2006
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Parkland County, AB and Valemount, BC
Spending precious time and resources fighting infrastructure projects which should never have been proposed in the first place is a frustrating but necessary part of our job at CPAWS. However, I'm always encouraged by the passion Canadians show in defending our national parks from harm. Over and over, Canadians have stood up and said no to unnecessary and harmful development in our parks, and yes to keeping them wild. The proposed "Icefields Trail" in Jasper and Banff is the latest challenge. While a new bike path may seem innocuous, this proposal to build a new $87 million paved corridor in Jasper National Park is fraught with problems. It would run through critical habitat of four species at risk, including an endangered caribou herd, with a significant risk of negative encounters between cyclists and grizzly bears along the route. Parks Canada itself acknowledges this path will drive pressure for more development along the route, like access roads, parking lots, and campgrounds. All this is proposed within a precious national park and World Heritage Site where protecting nature is supposed to be the first priority. We need your help to protect Jasper from this egregious proposal! Until April 24th, Parks Canada is asking for feedback from Canadians. We hope you'll take a couple minutes to send an email calling on federal Minister of Environment and Climate Change, Catherine McKenna, to stop this project and invest in conservation and interpretation programs instead. Take action now. In recent weeks, the proposed bike path has been getting lots of attention in the media. We invite you to read through the media stories and other resources below.
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