alberta beach


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Jan 1, 2007
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Have family in the Alberta Beach area and they said the cops were nuts! Tons of them out there. We all know the rules and we make a choice to risk it or not. Pretty simple. Don't forget a few years back there was a very serious accident out there as well, which as also triggered more hefty police monitoring.


Active VIP Member
Jan 25, 2008
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bonnyville alberta
If you were looking for your stolen sled you would think differently,I would rather have honest people's money if I was hosting an event.I think it's catching a lot of illegal riders and thiefs.
Just my Two cents.

i agree.. pay a little now or a big handfull later. you choose. finding stoden sled get rid of the rif rafs.


Active VIP Member
Feb 20, 2008
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The business end of a Beer!
...I am simply stating that it is a reality that allot of people would not be able sled at a rally if they had to buy insurance, plates, trail passes etc.

I totally disagree with this statement. Like the cost of owning a vehicle, registration and insurance is mandatory…it is not optional. If this cost was not factored in to the purchase of the sled you (not you personally) should have done a 180 degree turn and headed out the showroom door.

Protecting myself against liability, unforeseen damage, theft etc. is not a bad thing.

Although I agree somewhat to the comments of mass clamp downs during these events IF you have the right documentation you’ve nothing to worry about.


Active VIP Member
Jan 2, 2009
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Slave Lake, AB
...I am simply stating that it is a reality that allot of people would not be able sled at a rally if they had to buy insurance, plates, trail passes etc.

I totally disagree with this statement. Like the cost of owning a vehicle, registration and insurance is mandatory…it is not optional. If this cost was not factored in to the purchase of the sled you (not you personally) should have done a 180 degree turn and headed out the showroom door.

Protecting myself against liability, unforeseen damage, theft etc. is not a bad thing.

Although I agree somewhat to the comments of mass clamp downs during these events IF you have the right documentation you’ve nothing to worry about.

All excellent ideas and I agree that we all need to be legal and we all know the importance and the benefits of insurance such as in the case if you get hit, you hit someone or anything that can incur personal or property damage or theft....but I do know for a fact ...have you ever ridden a rally in the far north? I hope I am not opening Pandora's box here....there are lots of uninsured and unregistered sleds running at rallies...I've seen them. Lets be realistic here ( and this is just my personal opinion) Think out of the box for a second because there probrably are many that have never rode a rally way up North for example. You've got a trapper with a Bravo that decides to partake in a rally and hopefully win a prize such as a new sled or the two kids getting pulled by their dad in a boggan all bundled up....they use their sleds for not only sport but for a living and are on very limited incomes...and I know what some of you are going to say..."if its rode on crown or public land then yes it requires all of the necessary supporting documentation"...we know that is the law...all I am saying is that there are allot of people that would not be participating as they would simply not be able to afford to do all this. Yes people...there are good people out there that ride that simply would not be able to afford to spend that kind of money for a one day public ride....I've sold sleds to a few of my mind it doesn't make them criminals... And I agree 100%...I have no problem getting stopped and asked because I have all the papers and I as well...would want some restitution if any of my sleds were stole...I hate thieves as much as the next guy in fact to the point that I would be in trouble if I ever caught one stealing from me or anyone else for that matter...but "TrailCrusader" to compare some of the people that ride with no insurance to someone that steals someone else's property is plain wrong. That does in no way make them a thief. Haggis you said it right from the beginning ...."Shooting fish in a barrel". All good points but as Bogger said..."whatever happened to people just having fun and taking responsibility?" Great point...too bad that world is almost non-existent in our day and age. Massive checkstops to check for rightfull ownership FOR SURE! Thumbs up and take advantage of a Rally for this sit at the entrnce of a parking lot or at a parking lot at a rally and giving out tickets is CHEAP. (Shooting Fish in a Barrel) call it what you want.


Active VIP Member
Mar 21, 2007
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County of Smokey Lake
I love this 10,000 for a snow machine but can not afford 80 dollar palte and 250.00 insurance ???? HMMM times are tough. Let me guess they probably pulled up in a fancy diesel truck and enclosed trailer ??

No excuse for it in my opinion !!


Active VIP Member
Feb 20, 2008
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The business end of a Beer!
Badss…I understand what you are saying but it unfortunately does not in anyway over come the law of the land. Someone whom is using their sled in their line of work or means to supply for their family should be the first standing in line for reg and ins. as having the unit impounded due to the lack of would cause bigger grief. By the sounds if it there might be some type of agreement ‘in the north’ between enforcement and the locals…if this is the case the agreement might need to stretch to the ‘sled get to gatherings’. No one was or is indicating non-document carrying sledders are not ‘good people’…BUT if they choose or the choice is made for them due to lack of funds not to carry the required papers AND still attend public events…they do face being ticketed.

Back to the Alberta Beach situation…we were there, we had our docs…we did not have a problem, we had lots of fun…very simple. I’m not being a harda$$ just pointing out the rules.



Active VIP Member
Nov 14, 2006
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Carstairs Alberta
You are right there was a lot of police in the parking lot and they were checking for all the right documents but I did not see them handing out tickets to anyone (may have missed that) but what I did see was them restricting people from participating in the ralley, and turning them back. Oh yeh there was one guy that was telling them that he did not need a registration and was getting quit verbal with them and the girl with him was asking them to just give them the ticket so they could move on but all they did was make them load up again and leave. I was asked for my paper work and of course I left it in the trailer, so I told them once I registerd that I would run back and get it and they said no problem, I guess I actually surprised them when I returned with it because they just stood and gave me that stupid look. Anyway I thought it was easier than having to go thru it again on the trail so I got my ribbon fastened it to the left side of the handle bars as instructed and left. Got on the lake and within 2 minutes it was gone and then I thought oh $*&+ but I was not going back, and guess what they were not to be seen anywhere on the trail. Could be just my luck though.

Now for the rally, the trails were good for what snow they had (hard time keeping the sleds cool, broke both scratchers on the M8 and one on the M10), they were well marked, the people at the stops were excellent and the overall friendlines was great. Just one little let down" I thought when we returned to check in there would be a little bit of a gathering (beverages, snacks) and a meet and greet while the prizes were handed out. But when we got back at 430 the door prizes were just about all handed out and the only people left in the building were the people helping out. Given the fact that they wanted people to stay around for the rest of the festivities this would have been a great opprotunity to get all of us out of towners to spend some cash in their town, but we ended up loading and heading back to the motel for a sit in the hot tub and a couple of cold ones.


Super Senior Member
Jan 12, 2009
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Can't believe the whiners!! It's not like you weren't told. Check back in threads prior to the event! "Police will be there, they are primarily checking papers" We went Sunday were legal, had a great time there you go!:beer::beer:


Active VIP Member
Nov 17, 2006
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well ya wont be seeing me anywhere near alberta beach..just dont care too much for that many cops..if a person heard of something good coming from this it would be a different story..form what i see its just a money grab by the cops..did the find any stolen sleds..probabally not..would you drive into the gauntlet on a stolen machine...not!..there were cops in whitecourt.they were riding right along with the peeps anlong with two fish cops and never seen them ask one person for paperwork either day...apperantly they dont need as much money as the alberta beach cops...better stop now..hearts beating too fast and i might just start swearing:rant:


Active VIP Member
Oct 27, 2008
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Spruce Grove, Ab
well ya wont be seeing me anywhere near alberta beach..just dont care too much for that many cops..if a person heard of something good coming from this it would be a different story..form what i see its just a money grab by the cops..did the find any stolen sleds..probabally not..would you drive into the gauntlet on a stolen machine...not!..there were cops in whitecourt.they were riding right along with the peeps anlong with two fish cops and never seen them ask one person for paperwork either day...apperantly they dont need as much money as the alberta beach cops...better stop now..hearts beating too fast and i might just start swearing:rant:

i just don't get it. it may be a pain in the a$$ having a bunch of cops around checking papers but when i rearend you doin 80 MPH and I don't have insurance and your laid up in the hospital for 6 weeks and you can't sue me personally because im broke and 3 months behind on rent you would be sayin " i wish the cops would have nailed that pr*ck"

thats my 2 cents

mxz sledhead

Active VIP Member
Jan 26, 2009
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Stony Plain
This nothing new just way thing going a freind of mind had same thing down
at Clear water with there Quads .Police put a ribbon on his machine showing
he was check out .He was still stopped about four times that day ask to show
the ribbon then he was his way .Slight over kill but what do you do you can,t
mad there doing there job :rant:


Active VIP Member
Nov 8, 2006
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Whitecourt, Ab
well ya wont be seeing me anywhere near alberta beach..just dont care too much for that many cops..if a person heard of something good coming from this it would be a different story..form what i see its just a money grab by the cops..did the find any stolen sleds..probabally not..would you drive into the gauntlet on a stolen machine...not!..there were cops in whitecourt.they were riding right along with the peeps anlong with two fish cops and never seen them ask one person for paperwork either day...apperantly they dont need as much money as the alberta beach cops...better stop now..hearts beating too fast and i might just start swearing:rant:
Not a money grab, it's a stupid tax just like photo radar. Easy not to pay, don't break the rules........


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Mar 18, 2008
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Sturgeon County
well ya wont be seeing me anywhere near alberta beach..just dont care too much for that many cops..if a person heard of something good coming from this it would be a different story..form what i see its just a money grab by the cops..did the find any stolen sleds..probabally not..would you drive into the gauntlet on a stolen machine...not!..there were cops in whitecourt.they were riding right along with the peeps anlong with two fish cops and never seen them ask one person for paperwork either day...apperantly they dont need as much money as the alberta beach cops...better stop now..hearts beating too fast and i might just start swearing:rant:

Why are you scared of the COPS?? They can be a pain but to avoid them is suspicious!!


Active VIP Member
Nov 15, 2006
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Redcliff Alberta
Everytime we are in the CNP we usually get stopped in the staging area wheather we are on sleds or quads. Never had a problem yet always had the proper paperwork with us and one year couldn't find registration but didn't say anything about it. One year while sledding I buried my sled and the fish and wildlife officer checked my insurance half hour earlier and offered to help dig me out. Good on the guys, they are only doing their jobs and at the same time trying to protect everyone.:d


Active VIP Member
Dec 6, 2006
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In my head
I wonder if this checking of reg and ins was due in part to the participation of the town itself. It may be a legal requirement of AB Beach, by their insurance co, to have the cops checking. A lot less for the town to worry about it everyone has ins and reg. If it keeps them having the weekends events, then I say let them check. I have nothing to worry about, nor do I have to worry about "the other guy" and definitely have nothing to hide. I really like being able to race at AB Beach.


Active VIP Member
Nov 17, 2006
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ya ya bla bla bla but did they recover any machines..still didnt hear anything about that..personally just dont care for cops..nothing to hide..we are insured and registered..just find the inconvieance too much of an inconvieance.been riding alberta beach for years..just seems the "enforcement" is getting a little RE-DICK-U-LASS

mxz sledhead

Active VIP Member
Jan 26, 2009
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Stony Plain
I being ride A.B off and on about twenty years we were allways ready to be qustion about owership of sleds.which is allright but this year was way over the top.All most made you feel likeyyour guilty of sommething they qustion me on
place i put plates because they wern,t visonable enoungh oh well can,t win
all :nono:
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