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  1. Dakine879

    eBikes and related things.

    Remember, anything over 500W continuous (750W peak) is considered a motor vehicle under the law in AB and not a power assisted bicycle, and will require insurance and registration on public roads and land. i'm not making a judgement call either way, just information.
  2. Dakine879

    3rd Annual Sledz and Treadz Poker Rally : Saturday Feb 27 2021

    It might be on FB Pigeon Lake Positive
  3. Dakine879

    3rd Annual Sledz and Treadz Poker Rally : Saturday Feb 27 2021

    Here is some pictures Ma-Me-O Mulhurst Boat Launch Area I think it should be pretty good, there were still a couple trucks on the ice too. I've been told they were expecting ~ 300 participants Enjoy the day with your kid :)
  4. Dakine879

    3rd Annual Sledz and Treadz Poker Rally : Saturday Feb 27 2021

    I'll be swinging through that area on thursday, so i could give an update
  5. Dakine879

    Taiga reservation waiting room i found out about this on an EV podcast. They were correct in their assumption that most people into powersports are not early adopters of EV vehicles. The were 100% incorrect...
  6. Dakine879

    3rd Annual Sledz and Treadz Poker Rally : Saturday Feb 27 2021

    Hello, shameless plug for local charity event this Saturday: Good way to safely get the family out on a weekend and only approx one hour from most of Edmonton. credit: ".... 3rd annual Sledz and Treadz Fundraising Poker Rally that is taking place this February. Last year...
  7. Dakine879

    Liberals going to win again?

    I was listening to a conspiracy podcast yesterday (american's) and they were in shock how Trudeau managed such an easy second victory. TBH,I don't even remember the name of the Conservative candidate they ran such a poor campaign. Didn't shock me at all when he received his second mandate from...
  8. Dakine879

    UBC Orthopaedic and Injury Biomechanics Dept Helmet / Spinal Injury Survey

    Hello, i thought i would post here. The good folks at UBC Orthopaedic and Injury Biomechanics have a survey for sledders / powersports folks and helmet use. Stay Warm this weekend!
  9. Dakine879

    Hey Maxwell!

    they've been doing this on reddit for years
  10. Dakine879

    Muskoka Freerider

    i like his channel and the boys from Syxxes as well
  11. Dakine879

    Hey Maxwell!

    Yes, but gravity is a very weak force. gravitational force is proportional of the two masses interacting with each other, the earth being extremely massive in comparison to the mass of the sled, you couldn't notice a difference without a very accurate scale.
  12. Dakine879

    Biden or Trump—— Who wins tomorrow?

    cHArlLi KiRK LOL
  13. Dakine879

    Primary Clutch Removal with water and 14mm bolt

    Hello all, not sure if this has been covered by another thread, but I wanted to verify i was able to remove my primary with a bolt and water Need to remove clutch bolt with a T60 torx first Bolt is M14x1.5 by 90mm with about 10 wraps of teflon tape. Primary was stock clutch off 2011 M8...
  14. Dakine879

    2022 Sled Rumors??

    this comparison does not take in to account the greater energy efficiencies offered by a BEV, although i agree even with a correction to your equation, the difference between the two will prove to be insurmountable in the near future unless there are fantastic advancements made through SSD or...
  15. Dakine879

    Sled market predictions

    Here's the deal of the decade!!! an 09 M1000 for ONLY $9,200 ;)
  16. Dakine879

    Would You Snowcheck a Cat?

    So now we know the *real* reason AC came out with the Blast sleds .... I would hate to be a dealer for them now, there must be some bad blood between the two parties when a dealer is testifying that AC never told them about the impending litigation by BRP
  17. Dakine879

    Sled market predictions

    Are these the same guys who had the Kawi dealer on hiway 2 in that big white 2 storey building? They are authorized dealers for BRP,Polaris, and Arctic/Yammy?
  18. Dakine879

    Way back in the day...

    I just recently found Digit 9's channel, i enjoy his content. He's like a Alberta version of PowerModz
  19. Dakine879

    Who wiLL geT there firsT 900 FacToRY TuRBOO BRP or POLARiS

    double agent "7007" LOLOL
  20. Dakine879

    A Revy Sled Bum's Tale: Another Season with Lilduke

    I always enjoyed your posts, albeit with a sprinkle of envy. I hope you get a new TurboDOO and start posting again soon!
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