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  1. marshalldemp

    Age for avalanche terrain

    So first a little back ground. I watched the birth of my first child on Sunday. Very exciting! After the shock and excitement wore off a bit and I was sitting up in the middle of the night wondering when or how long one should wait to take the little ones in there life up in the hills. Now let...
  2. marshalldemp

    Make my lady light

    Hi all looking for some advice on the most cost effective way to lose some pounds off my 2009 nytro. I do have a pipe on her and have been looking into rear suspension replacement but am interested what other options might be out there?
  3. marshalldemp

    Hi every one

    Hi there every one! After almost a year of reading snow and mud threads I have finally decide to go for it and actually join the community. So a little about me. I am an avalanche tech in Jasper Alberta most days I can't believe they are paying me. On my off days I ride a 09 nytro mostly in...
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