Recent content by Newfee

  1. N

    98 summit 670x dpm removal

    so I got another summit this ones the 98 670X with dpm. It was running rich and cutting out on the top end power wise so I just assumed it was the DPM system failing just like my old 97 with the HAC system now i went and hauled out the pilot jets and mains and swapped them with the mxz 670...
  2. N


    ok sorry I didnt see that thread. all sounds fair hope everything works out
  3. N


    anyone been out to buderheim riding areas since the fire? im just wondering before i make the trip out.
  4. N

    where to ride???

    Not sure if I found the spot you mentioned but we did find a nice sand pit on the side of highway 830. we got there pretty late yesterday like 4 o'clock but had a blast cant wait to go again next weekend, even got ol' yeller of the jump soon as i figure out how to post pics i will
  5. N

    where to ride???

    so I been hearing alot about this place called bruderheim.Im not sure where it is or what its all about. Im just looking for a place to ride my dirtbike with my buddies. Live in spruce grove and usually find a spot along the highway or go out to lake isle area but Im looking for somewhere a...
  6. N

    fuel injection??

    well my buddy got a 08 RMZ 450FI the other day and after going for a ride the weekend were just asking a few questions about the fuel injection like why would it still need a cold start valve and hot start lever? shouldent the computer compensate for that or do the throttle body act like a carb...
  7. N

    where to ride???

    I just finished restoring my 1980 yz 250 and my buddy just bought a 08 rmz 450 FI ands we found out that after studding the tires its still not fun to ride in the snow and ice, so im wondering where I can go for good riding conditions I was thinking somewhere in southern alberta or bc hopeing...
  8. N

    fuel/oil mixture

    I got a 1980 yz 250 I jusy finished rebuilding and plan on riding this year and im wondering what the proper fuel mixture would be im thinking 50:1 but i heard of 32:1 or even 20:1 so im not sure what to do.
  9. N

    2008 CRF 450....Good Deal

    I may have someone interested ill let ya know on wednesday
  10. N

    kick start problems

    apparently the motor side of the case
  11. N

    kick start problems

    anyone ever heard of a issue with the 06's kawasaki's that there kick start would break? im looking into buying a bike this season and just trying to get my facts right
  12. N

    fuel injection??

    any thoughts on the new fuel injection bikes coming out. im looking to get one but want some info on the new technology before I buy it
  13. N

    Building a House- a semi brief overview to date

    Looks like im a little to late to mention but did you concder any multi room audio system or theather room pre wire?
  14. N

    Whats in a name??

    well my licence plate says NEWFEE becaue the govt wont let me have NEWFIE on it because of some racial term or something like that so thats the closes that I could get
  15. N

    help please

    the sled dont have dess and how would I check the stator I noticed that the headlight and tail light dont light up at all when i pull her over with the cord.
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