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  • hey jim how is things you might have to bring your bobcat over to clear my driveway lol anyhow merryhoho we will have to get out riding still have to brake in my sled only 60m so far sounds like jan feb for me
    hey man... your so lucky... always wanted to operate a track hoe my whole life... dad was in construction... i didnt get the company or the bug... they all said it was a kid fase... nope I listened to them... worked my butt off at one career after another.. lost a few i have a good paying career but still wish everyday... i would have followed my heart and operated one... now too old to start... move where you want... the rest will all work out... if you have your equiptment... i just moved away from a town called Clinton... there is a guy there sids contracting... small excavator... 220 i think... rubber tire back hoe and dump truck with trailer to tow them all... he told me he cant stop working cause no one else is doing it and he gets so many calls... if you don't mind small might be worth a look
    hey whats up jim. this is kenton from prince albert sask. rode with you a couple of weeks ago. heading back to sicamous this weekend march 17 to 21. you should head out this weekend. trying to convince Al to tag along also. they are having a doo talk ride that i will be participating in this weekend
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