Rant ... Is it just me ???


Active VIP Member
Sep 5, 2008
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cremona, ab
or do the police have way to much power , something is wrong when a person who is paid to protect you , treats you like a criminal. sunday nite my daughter and i are going out for chinese food . i did not buckle up , so we only made it about half a block when i get stopped . the cop asked for the usual documents , and i hand them all over except for my lisence , that was in my work jeans. while waiting for him to find out for sure that i indeed have a lisence and of coarse the seat belt ticket , another cruiser shows up , with lights flashing , WTH... back up mabey ???? 10 more minutes go buy . I can see my wife looking out the front window of our house, thats how far i got !!!
wait some more. another cruiser shows up , and you guessed it , lights F@#$%^ING flashing. my 15 year old smartazz daughter said to me WOW dad you sure are popular this evening, i told you to put your seat belt on did'nt I. so now with the street lit up like like snowman lane . i get out and walk back to find out what the problem is , and i ask why they need to emmbaress me with 3 flashing criusers , for a seat belt infraction . the "lady" cop YELLS at me like I just broke her favorite vase:d, and says (GET BACK IN YOUR CAR ) and i say theres no need to yell , i just want to know why you think you need 3 of you , with lights flashing ,for a seat belt ?? with that said i was thrown on to the hood of a hot cruiser and hand cuffed . " 1 size fits all , bull#$%^T. i ask'd the cop were he got the kiddie porn cuffs from , did you forget your adult ones at hope . all of a sudden they got smaller. WTF!!
The lady cop yells at me again , WERE CONDUCTING AN INVESTIGATION !!!!, and i said well guess what CRUELLA , so am i. THE 3RD COP , 6 foot 3 looks at the first 2 and deside's he don't want any part of this and leaves. see ya later CONAN:) The 1st cop says he will take the cuff's of if i go back to my car and wait quietly to wich i agree , cause it is much more comfortable , and, my hands will now be in front of me were they belong. The " lady " cop leaves, so long MADDUSA , get that yeast infectin taken care of . SO now it's just me and CLEETUS , cop # 1. to add insult to injury , i see a tow truck comeing my way as cop # 1 informs me that because i have no driver's lisence on me , the car will be towed , i say are you F@#$%^G kidding me . I live right there , as i point to my house . he says i could get in an accident between here and there , and i say you have got to be F#$%^&ING jokeing , i have a police escort??? no joke. i can tell that CLEETUS is getting some personal satifaction out of all of this , and i do my best to keep my 15 year old from telling him he is an azz$%^. and she would have . so to make a long story short . $100 towing, $ 150 no lisence on person, $200 seat belt fine , chinese smorg closed , PANAGO pizza delivery $55. total $ 505 , a good time was had by all ( who were watching ) as for CLEETUS, well he ......was.........just ........ doing ............ his ........." job" . yo mamma be so proud . so everyone , seat belts not only save lives , they can all so save you from meeting CLEETUS the wonder cop , and his side kick CRUELLA

As they say in cop lingo.... HAVE A NICE DAY
that sucks dude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! should've just stayed in the car maybe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! still ,chitty, especially when you can see your house!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active VIP Member
Apr 29, 2008
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or do the police have way to much power , something is wrong when a person who is paid to protect you , treats you like a criminal. sunday nite my daughter and i are going out for chinese food . i did not buckle up , so we only made it about half a block when i get stopped . the cop asked for the usual documents , and i hand them all over except for my lisence , that was in my work jeans. while waiting for him to find out for sure that i indeed have a lisence and of coarse the seat belt ticket , another cruiser shows up , with lights flashing , WTH... back up mabey ???? 10 more minutes go buy . I can see my wife looking out the front window of our house, thats how far i got !!!
wait some more. another cruiser shows up , and you guessed it , lights F@#$%^ING flashing. my 15 year old smartazz daughter said to me WOW dad you sure are popular this evening, i told you to put your seat belt on did'nt I. so now with the street lit up like like snowman lane . i get out and walk back to find out what the problem is , and i ask why they need to emmbaress me with 3 flashing criusers , for a seat belt infraction . the "lady" cop YELLS at me like I just broke her favorite vase:d, and says (GET BACK IN YOUR CAR ) and i say theres no need to yell , i just want to know why you think you need 3 of you , with lights flashing ,for a seat belt ?? with that said i was thrown on to the hood of a hot cruiser and hand cuffed . " 1 size fits all , bull#$%^T. i ask'd the cop were he got the kiddie porn cuffs from , did you forget your adult ones at hope . all of a sudden they got smaller. WTF!!
The lady cop yells at me again , WERE CONDUCTING AN INVESTIGATION !!!!, and i said well guess what CRUELLA , so am i. THE 3RD COP , 6 foot 3 looks at the first 2 and deside's he don't want any part of this and leaves. see ya later CONAN:) The 1st cop says he will take the cuff's of if i go back to my car and wait quietly to wich i agree , cause it is much more comfortable , and, my hands will now be in front of me were they belong. The " lady " cop leaves, so long MADDUSA , get that yeast infectin taken care of . SO now it's just me and CLEETUS , cop # 1. to add insult to injury , i see a tow truck comeing my way as cop # 1 informs me that because i have no driver's lisence on me , the car will be towed , i say are you F@#$%^G kidding me . I live right there , as i point to my house . he says i could get in an accident between here and there , and i say you have got to be F#$%^&ING jokeing , i have a police escort??? no joke. i can tell that CLEETUS is getting some personal satifaction out of all of this , and i do my best to keep my 15 year old from telling him he is an azz$%^. and she would have . so to make a long story short . $100 towing, $ 150 no lisence on person, $200 seat belt fine , chinese smorg closed , PANAGO pizza delivery $55. total $ 505 , a good time was had by all ( who were watching ) as for CLEETUS, well he ......was.........just ........ doing ............ his ........." job" . yo mamma be so proud . so everyone , seat belts not only save lives , they can all so save you from meeting CLEETUS the wonder cop , and his side kick CRUELLA

As they say in cop lingo.... HAVE A NICE DAY

yeh gotta love Drayton cops. If it makes ya feel better the guy I worked for there about a year aggo. His son drove one of their drivers to the old bar. dropped him off and left. gotto the intersection at the old saan store and proceded through. bully cop though he would come across in front and make him stop. the kid 16 at the time rammed the cruiser, who ran a red light without his lights on, to try and stop him. Rammed him good the passenger side doors were touching the tires and the bumper of the truck was over the door on the driver side. oh yeh i didn't mention it was a 35 ton picker he did it with. somehow he got off with 1 yr probation and 2500 dollar fine. must of had a good lawyer. just thought it would make ya feel better score one for the little guy.:d


Golden Boy
Apr 29, 2008
Reaction score
or do the police have way to much power , something is wrong when a person who is paid to protect you , treats you like a criminal. sunday nite my daughter and i are going out for chinese food . i did not buckle up , so we only made it about half a block when i get stopped . the cop asked for the usual documents , and i hand them all over except for my lisence , that was in my work jeans. while waiting for him to find out for sure that i indeed have a lisence and of coarse the seat belt ticket , another cruiser shows up , with lights flashing , WTH... back up mabey ???? 10 more minutes go buy . I can see my wife looking out the front window of our house, thats how far i got !!!
wait some more. another cruiser shows up , and you guessed it , lights F@#$%^ING flashing. my 15 year old smartazz daughter said to me WOW dad you sure are popular this evening, i told you to put your seat belt on did'nt I. so now with the street lit up like like snowman lane . i get out and walk back to find out what the problem is , and i ask why they need to emmbaress me with 3 flashing criusers , for a seat belt infraction . the "lady" cop YELLS at me like I just broke her favorite vase:d, and says (GET BACK IN YOUR CAR ) and i say theres no need to yell , i just want to know why you think you need 3 of you , with lights flashing ,for a seat belt ?? with that said i was thrown on to the hood of a hot cruiser and hand cuffed . " 1 size fits all , bull#$%^T. i ask'd the cop were he got the kiddie porn cuffs from , did you forget your adult ones at hope . all of a sudden they got smaller. WTF!!
The lady cop yells at me again , WERE CONDUCTING AN INVESTIGATION !!!!, and i said well guess what CRUELLA , so am i. THE 3RD COP , 6 foot 3 looks at the first 2 and deside's he don't want any part of this and leaves. see ya later CONAN:) The 1st cop says he will take the cuff's of if i go back to my car and wait quietly to wich i agree , cause it is much more comfortable , and, my hands will now be in front of me were they belong. The " lady " cop leaves, so long MADDUSA , get that yeast infectin taken care of . SO now it's just me and CLEETUS , cop # 1. to add insult to injury , i see a tow truck comeing my way as cop # 1 informs me that because i have no driver's lisence on me , the car will be towed , i say are you F@#$%^G kidding me . I live right there , as i point to my house . he says i could get in an accident between here and there , and i say you have got to be F#$%^&ING jokeing , i have a police escort??? no joke. i can tell that CLEETUS is getting some personal satifaction out of all of this , and i do my best to keep my 15 year old from telling him he is an azz$%^. and she would have . so to make a long story short . $100 towing, $ 150 no lisence on person, $200 seat belt fine , chinese smorg closed , PANAGO pizza delivery $55. total $ 505 , a good time was had by all ( who were watching ) as for CLEETUS, well he ......was.........just ........ doing ............ his ........." job" . yo mamma be so proud . so everyone , seat belts not only save lives , they can all so save you from meeting CLEETUS the wonder cop , and his side kick CRUELLA

As they say in cop lingo.... HAVE A NICE DAY

Bwahahahahahahaha sorry pony,but that's a funny story...Makes you wonder why people hate cops??????????


Active VIP Member
Nov 11, 2006
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Or is that is one great story Ponyboy!:d
I have one sorta like that from years back that goes something like this...
Couldn't afford insurance on my vehicle-rode my mountainbike everywhere for a year-lived downtown Edmonton-rode to see my buddy on the west end-went through an amber'ish light-cops sitting at light heading in opposite direction-heard sirens/revving motor/squealing tires, then saw the lights-was about 19yrs old so really, there was only one option...flee- one heck of a pursuit ensued through the core of the city with escape finally attained! (once)- Now a smarter dude would've just went home but my buddy was buying the rums that night, so once again...only one option- continued on my way- police cruiser peeled across four lanes of traffic heading towards me to cut me off (or kill me, I'm still not sure) - I veered into the beloved alley and away I went- still hot on my tail so guessed at a backyard and thank god...no fence!- but there was a hedge- so off the bike and carried it through the hedge like an offensive lineman- cops now on foot to continue the chase- I made it through to the front yard with peace officer ten feet behind- hopped back on bike and figured I was home free- was dark so I failed to see the road construction (brand new curbs but holes weren't backfilled yet)- crashed...HARD!- exhausted and injured but still must face the music- the music I came to discover, consisted of being choked while dragged through to back yard then slammed on cruiser-frisked and thrown into back seat- apparently the bike needed to be given a stress test by stomping the spokes to oblivion and flattening a tire- given two tickets: one for running a red light and another for failing to stop for a peace officer (go figure)- released back into the night to walk my bike home limping the whole way- to tired and sore so no rum for me that night- added bonus of losing my licence for a month due to demerits because clerical staff processed the tickets under the 'motor vehicle act'- only bright spot for me is thinking about the ribbing the coppers recieved at the station for losing a guy on a pedal bike (ok, so not really all that much of a bright spot but it's all I got)
- Moral of the story..........try to be smarter earlier in life!:cool:


Active VIP Member
Jan 21, 2008
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or do the police have way to much power , something is wrong when a person who is paid to protect you , treats you like a criminal. sunday nite my daughter and i are going out for chinese food . i did not buckle up , so we only made it about half a block when i get stopped . the cop asked for the usual documents , and i hand them all over except for my lisence , that was in my work jeans. while waiting for him to find out for sure that i indeed have a lisence and of coarse the seat belt ticket , another cruiser shows up , with lights flashing , WTH... back up mabey ???? 10 more minutes go buy . I can see my wife looking out the front window of our house, thats how far i got !!!
wait some more. another cruiser shows up , and you guessed it , lights F@#$%^ING flashing. my 15 year old smartazz daughter said to me WOW dad you sure are popular this evening, i told you to put your seat belt on did'nt I. so now with the street lit up like like snowman lane . i get out and walk back to find out what the problem is , and i ask why they need to emmbaress me with 3 flashing criusers , for a seat belt infraction . the "lady" cop YELLS at me like I just broke her favorite vase:d, and says (GET BACK IN YOUR CAR ) and i say theres no need to yell , i just want to know why you think you need 3 of you , with lights flashing ,for a seat belt ?? with that said i was thrown on to the hood of a hot cruiser and hand cuffed . " 1 size fits all , bull#$%^T. i ask'd the cop were he got the kiddie porn cuffs from , did you forget your adult ones at hope . all of a sudden they got smaller. WTF!!
The lady cop yells at me again , WERE CONDUCTING AN INVESTIGATION !!!!, and i said well guess what CRUELLA , so am i. THE 3RD COP , 6 foot 3 looks at the first 2 and deside's he don't want any part of this and leaves. see ya later CONAN:) The 1st cop says he will take the cuff's of if i go back to my car and wait quietly to wich i agree , cause it is much more comfortable , and, my hands will now be in front of me were they belong. The " lady " cop leaves, so long MADDUSA , get that yeast infectin taken care of . SO now it's just me and CLEETUS , cop # 1. to add insult to injury , i see a tow truck comeing my way as cop # 1 informs me that because i have no driver's lisence on me , the car will be towed , i say are you F@#$%^G kidding me . I live right there , as i point to my house . he says i could get in an accident between here and there , and i say you have got to be F#$%^&ING jokeing , i have a police escort??? no joke. i can tell that CLEETUS is getting some personal satifaction out of all of this , and i do my best to keep my 15 year old from telling him he is an azz$%^. and she would have . so to make a long story short . $100 towing, $ 150 no lisence on person, $200 seat belt fine , chinese smorg closed , PANAGO pizza delivery $55. total $ 505 , a good time was had by all ( who were watching ) as for CLEETUS, well he ......was.........just ........ doing ............ his ........." job" . yo mamma be so proud . so everyone , seat belts not only save lives , they can all so save you from meeting CLEETUS the wonder cop , and his side kick CRUELLA

As they say in cop lingo.... HAVE A NICE DAY

Did you go after the cop for cuffing you? I would. Most cops are a joke nowdays. My buddy was pulled over on the henday by 2 cruisers, cuffed and thrown into the cruiser because they though his truck was stolen...turns out they can't read a lisence plate and entered it wrong. I can't remember but he got something out of it.

A long time ago my dad spent a weekend in jail because they had the wrong name, knew it before he even got to the station, but since it was a weekend and no judges had to spend the whole weekend, got quite a bit of compensation for it.

If I was ever cuffed for something like that I would flip out, and make sure that cop didn't work another day. That is a pretty shitty day though. Gotta love our legal system.....don't think it could get any worse.


Active VIP Member
Jan 21, 2008
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Who really cares how someone dresses though? I mean I think wearing a hat backwards is stupid because it defeats the purpose, but flat it still serves one? I know it's just for looks, but whatever.

I don't give 2 shits if anyone likes how I dress. If I want to wear a pink shirt, I will do so, and no one will say anything to me :d Heck for a year I rode a Ski-doo with a Arctic Cat helmet, I couldn't careless....Maybe I should start wearing a hat flat, see if anyone says anything?!?!


Active VIP Member
Jan 1, 2008
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drayton valley ab
Did you go after the cop for cuffing you? I would. Most cops are a joke nowdays. My buddy was pulled over on the henday by 2 cruisers, cuffed and thrown into the cruiser because they though his truck was stolen...turns out they can't read a lisence plate and entered it wrong. I can't remember but he got something out of it.

A long time ago my dad spent a weekend in jail because they had the wrong name, knew it before he even got to the station, but since it was a weekend and no judges had to spend the whole weekend, got quite a bit of compensation for it.

If I was ever cuffed for something like that I would flip out, and make sure that cop didn't work another day. That is a pretty shitty day though. Gotta love our legal system.....don't think it could get any worse.

not sure what to do just yet , but i will be seeing a lawyer . cant let them get away with harassment. if cop 1.2.or 3 would have just filled me in on what was going on , i would have been calm , but noooooooooo CRUELLA had to scream at me . i felt like i was verbally sucker punched. and if you don't go down , then the fight is on. POPS would have been proud , atta boy son , throw it right back attem. ha ha ha ha


Active VIP Member
Jun 18, 2009
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OR are voicemail messages that say "hey its me call me back" the most useless waste of time ever?!

My phone says "missed call", I see it was you that called, I will call you back. If you insist on leaving me a voicemail message, say something worth listening too!


Active VIP Member
Sep 5, 2008
Reaction score
cremona, ab
OR are voicemail messages that say "hey its me call me back" the most useless waste of time ever?!

My phone says "missed call", I see it was you that called, I will call you back. If you insist on leaving me a voicemail message, say something worth listening too!
i hate those too, i never know who "me" is!!!!!!!!!!!!
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