Israel at War


Active VIP Member
Mar 3, 2009
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Personally I think world events are a concern to us all. Having a son who’s 31 years old he will be drafted if this blows up into WW3. Analysts say this is far closer to another world war than the Cuban Missile Crisis ever was. The US is telling 900,000 US citizens to get out of the Middle East in case this war blows up. The US flew 2 F16’s into Syria last night and blew up 2 ammo sites in retaliation for sending missiles at their bases in Iraq and Syria. The leader of Hamas and an Iranian delegation are in a Moscow meeting with Putin. Putin was in China last week meeting with zing ping or whatever his name is. North Korea just met with Putin last month. All the players on the other side are conversing with each other. That’s concerning. They know the US is weak under Biden and getting spread thin with carrier groups all over the world. Anyone that thinks this doesn’t affect them may be a bit naive.


Active VIP Member
Sep 15, 2009
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Personally I think world events are a concern to us all. Having a son who’s 31 years old he will be drafted if this blows up into WW3. Analysts say this is far closer to another world war than the Cuban Missile Crisis ever was. The US is telling 900,000 US citizens to get out of the Middle East in case this war blows up. The US flew 2 F16’s into Syria last night and blew up 2 ammo sites in retaliation for sending missiles at their bases in Iraq and Syria. The leader of Hamas and an Iranian delegation are in a Moscow meeting with Putin. Putin was in China last week meeting with zing ping or whatever his name is. North Korea just met with Putin last month. All the players on the other side are conversing with each other. That’s concerning. They know the US is weak under Biden and getting spread thin with carrier groups all over the world. Anyone that thinks this doesn’t affect them may be a bit naive.

What good is all this info doin you? Just wondering. So you know when to get out of dodge to draft dodge. To argue on sniw and mud? Seriously...😂


Active VIP Member
Mar 3, 2009
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What good is all this info doin you? Just wondering. So you know when to get out of dodge to draft dodge. To argue on sniw and mud? Seriously...😂
The thread is on the Israel War. I think it’s worth looking at that angle. Better get your safe place in the back end of a Boulder bud. They will be coming to draft you as well. 😂


Active VIP Member
Sep 15, 2009
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The thread is on the Israel War. I think it’s worth looking at that angle. Better get your safe place in the back end of a Boulder bud. They will be coming to draft you as well. 😂

Im 42. Think im good. If not ill be hiding in the back country forsure.

I know it might be a good time to invest in bomb making stocks. But other than that let me know if there is one practical way i can use any of this info today? I have some time.


Active VIP Member
Dec 18, 2010
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Salmon Arm
Personally I think world events are a concern to us all. Having a son who’s 31 years old he will be drafted if this blows up into WW3. Analysts say this is far closer to another world war than the Cuban Missile Crisis ever was. The US is telling 900,000 US citizens to get out of the Middle East in case this war blows up. The US flew 2 F16’s into Syria last night and blew up 2 ammo sites in retaliation for sending missiles at their bases in Iraq and Syria. The leader of Hamas and an Iranian delegation are in a Moscow meeting with Putin. Putin was in China last week meeting with zing ping or whatever his name is. North Korea just met with Putin last month. All the players on the other side are conversing with each other. That’s concerning. They know the US is weak under Biden and getting spread thin with carrier groups all over the world. Anyone that thinks this doesn’t affect them may be a bit naive.
It may be worth asking yourself if there is anything you can do to influence how this shakes out, chances are no. If you were working out in the field or in the yard would you even know any of this is going on? My point is don't stress yourself out worrying about things you can't control by watching too much CNN, BNN, etc. Go drive your Shelby and visit the grandkids, enjoy your retirement, worry only about what you have control over.


Active VIP Member
Mar 3, 2009
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Yep they are talking tougher against the US than vice versa. Don’t don’t don’t doesn’t cut it. When the Ayatollah started beeking off to Trump about the US taking out Solameni Trump basically told him to settle down as we have already identified 52 targets we will hit and one of them is where you live. End of argument.


Golden Boy
Apr 29, 2008
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Is anyone reporting on women and children casualties in Gaza? Or is it ok when it's done by Isreal?


Active VIP Member
Mar 3, 2009
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Is anyone reporting on women and children casualties in Gaza? Or is it ok when it's done by Isreal?
You bet Mike but unless you watch MSM you wouldn’t know. May I suggest CNN? They are softer than Fox.


Active VIP Member
Feb 20, 2007
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^ any newscast we see you don’t see any or a lot of women so who knows the men keep them inside I don’t know? What a mess they have there.


Active VIP Member
Mar 3, 2009
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Where is your outrage over Ukrainian civilians being blown up by Russian missiles and Air Strikes? Same difference. Russia started that war yet they lose no civilians because Ukraine is only defending their own territory. Should Israel not attack Hamas even though there is a chance civilians die? Israel is targeting the enemy with precision bombs in enemy positions. They have been given now 2 weeks to go south since the original 24 hr evacuation order. Why are they staying? Is it because Hamas won’t let them? The more civilian casualties the more bleeding hearts cry out against Israel.


Golden Boy
Apr 29, 2008
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Where is your outrage over Ukrainian civilians being blown up by Russian missiles and Air Strikes? Same difference. Russia started that war yet they lose no civilians because Ukraine is only defending their own territory. Should Israel not attack Hamas even though there is a chance civilians die? Israel is targeting the enemy with precision bombs in enemy positions. They have been given now 2 weeks to go south since the original 24 hr evacuation order. Why are they staying? Is it because Hamas won’t let them? The more civilian casualties the more bleeding hearts cry out against Israel.
This is the Isreal thread. Nothing to do with Ukraine. I am by no means defending Hamas, just pointing out how one sided and hypocritical the reporting is on this one. Sure looks like Isreal completely obliterating parts of the strip.


Active VIP Member
Mar 3, 2009
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This is the Isreal thread. Nothing to do with Ukraine. I am by no means defending Hamas, just pointing out how one sided and hypocritical the reporting is on this one. Sure looks like Isreal completely obliterating parts of the strip.
Yea they are. They have drones flying over the city and when rockets launch from anywhere in Gaza that spot is targeted and obliterated. People forget the initial assault on Israel had 5000 rockets launched on Oct 7th. They have launched almost another 3000 since then. I don’t know how many Israel has launched in retaliation but they are using hellfires and Jdams so much more powerful than Hamas’s Iranian built and homemade ones they make themselves.


Golden Boy
Apr 29, 2008
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Yea they are. They have drones flying over the city and when rockets launch from anywhere in Gaza that spot is targeted and obliterated. People forget the initial assault on Israel had 5000 rockets launched on Oct 7th. They have launched almost another 3000 since then. I don’t know how many Israel has launched in retaliation but they are using hellfires and Jdams so much more powerful than Hamas’s Iranian built and homemade ones they make themselves.
So that kinda confirms what I was saying; if Hamas kills Isrealis it's an atrocity, if Isreal kills Palestinians it's self defense. Got it.


Golden Boy
Apr 29, 2008
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🇮🇷📣🇺🇸🇮🇱Iran's Clarion Call: Unmasking US-Endorsed Israeli Carnage in Gaza

In a bold manifestation of truth, Iran’s Foreign Minister, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, unfurled the grim tapestry of US-backed Israeli aggression in the beleaguered Gaza Strip at the United Nations General Assembly. The Iranian diplomat delineated the stark reality with unerring clarity, spotlighting the US's egregious complicity in the ongoing “genocide” perpetrated by Israel. The haunting figures echo the horrifying narrative – over 7,000 lives snuffed out, more than 18,000 wounded, and a land suffocated by a comprehensive blockade. The relentless bombardment, a storm of death abetted by the US’s military munificence, reflects a grotesque contempt for human life, rendering Gaza a ground zero of despair and destruction.

This underscores a sinister symbiosis between the US and Israel, as the former continues to fuel the latter’s genocidal campaign with a chilling alacrity. Amidst the raging inferno, Amir-Abdollahian’s plea rings with a resonant clarity, urging the US to halt the provision of armaments destined to wreak havoc in Gaza, and to cease supporting this odious carnage. His words reflect the global outcry against the horrific tableau of violence playing out in Gaza, an outcry that seeks to pierce the veil of cynical political expediency, that shrouds the US-Israeli alliance in a faux mantle of “self-defence”.

The blatant hypocrisy of the US’s stance, standing shoulder to shoulder with Israel as it rains terror on the Palestinians, unveils a narrative replete with cynicism and a damning disregard for human dignity. The call from Iran is not a solitary cry in the wilderness but echoes the collective conscience of a world horrified by the relentless aggression and the utter disdain for human life displayed by Israel under the aegis of the US. The chilling reality is that the genocide in Gaza is not a mere act of aggression, but a manifestation of a deeper moral decay, a glaring testament to the apathy that underpins the US-Israeli alliance.

Amidst the chilling echoes of bombardment that resound across the skies of Gaza, a haunting question reverberates through the corridors of global conscience: How many more lives will be sacrificed at the altar of the US-Israeli alliance before the world unites to demand an end to this relentless, merciless onslaught?


Active VIP Member
Mar 3, 2009
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🇮🇷📣🇺🇸🇮🇱Iran's Clarion Call: Unmasking US-Endorsed Israeli Carnage in Gaza

In a bold manifestation of truth, Iran’s Foreign Minister, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, unfurled the grim tapestry of US-backed Israeli aggression in the beleaguered Gaza Strip at the United Nations General Assembly. The Iranian diplomat delineated the stark reality with unerring clarity, spotlighting the US's egregious complicity in the ongoing “genocide” perpetrated by Israel. The haunting figures echo the horrifying narrative – over 7,000 lives snuffed out, more than 18,000 wounded, and a land suffocated by a comprehensive blockade. The relentless bombardment, a storm of death abetted by the US’s military munificence, reflects a grotesque contempt for human life, rendering Gaza a ground zero of despair and destruction.

This underscores a sinister symbiosis between the US and Israel, as the former continues to fuel the latter’s genocidal campaign with a chilling alacrity. Amidst the raging inferno, Amir-Abdollahian’s plea rings with a resonant clarity, urging the US to halt the provision of armaments destined to wreak havoc in Gaza, and to cease supporting this odious carnage. His words reflect the global outcry against the horrific tableau of violence playing out in Gaza, an outcry that seeks to pierce the veil of cynical political expediency, that shrouds the US-Israeli alliance in a faux mantle of “self-defence”.

The blatant hypocrisy of the US’s stance, standing shoulder to shoulder with Israel as it rains terror on the Palestinians, unveils a narrative replete with cynicism and a damning disregard for human dignity. The call from Iran is not a solitary cry in the wilderness but echoes the collective conscience of a world horrified by the relentless aggression and the utter disdain for human life displayed by Israel under the aegis of the US. The chilling reality is that the genocide in Gaza is not a mere act of aggression, but a manifestation of a deeper moral decay, a glaring testament to the apathy that underpins the US-Israeli alliance.

Amidst the chilling echoes of bombardment that resound across the skies of Gaza, a haunting question reverberates through the corridors of global conscience: How many more lives will be sacrificed at the altar of the US-Israeli alliance before the world unites to demand an end to this relentless, merciless onslaught?
See that’s why I’m giving you grief Mike. You say you don’t support Hamas yet you post stuff anti Israel. This war is between Israel and Hamas not Israel against Palestine . It appears to us all you are picking a side even though you say you aren’t.
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