New BC closures for off-road use including snowmobiling.

team dirt

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Oct 17, 2008
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brooks ab/seymour arm
Ah yes I can lol. An no you probably won’t. Don’t imagine we ride same kinda terrain. I’d put up a pic of Rene an myself at Bourne glacier but don’t wanna add insult to injury. Cheers
My boy was up Bourne when he was 10 on an old rev 144. Not a hard ride getting in there.


Active VIP Member
Nov 26, 2011
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back to closures and how little we have to ride,when you pull up all the maps and see the complex denial to access to good ranges/snow right off the sled zones that are already there.
in the big picture sledders are givin nothing to ride in hectares and the new sleds/peeps keep growing every year.
Might be old news….lol
But good maps to see all in one spot while ur on the topic




Active VIP Member
Mar 16, 2013
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back to closures and how little we have to ride,when you pull up all the maps and see the complex denial to access to good ranges/snow right off the sled zones that are already there.
in the big picture sledders are givin nothing to ride in hectares and the new sleds/peeps keep growing every year.
Might be old news….lol
But good maps to see all in one spot while ur on the topic

And those are just the caribou closures. It doesn't include wildfire closures, protected areas or parks.

Just finished loading the caribou closures on my gps, but I cannot seem to find a map or gpx points for the other closures. Anyone?


I'm doo-ing it!
Dec 2, 2008
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beautiful, downtown Salmon Arm, BC
The lady in Sicamous (Elk Valley Snowmobile Club) is starting to process memberships once again. I got an email today. I replied to her and asked for further information. See below.....

Hi Natalie: As I said earlier in this chain, I have locked my credit card pending the outcome of the closures that the EVSC is dealing with. Please provide reliable information as to the plans for logging (dates and a time line would be appreciated) and also some official letter or other means of communication that you received from the BC Government regarding the usage of the Owls trail through the burn area. If that is satisfactory in my mind, I will become a member of the EVSC once again. Thank you,


Active VIP Member
Nov 26, 2011
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Wow they just figured it out….lol

Better than nothing

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MP Kid

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Dec 20, 2010
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East of Calgary
Be better if they would donate a $100 per sled sold to associations to fight for access.
Sorry man, but that won’t cut it….

Yes, they should still donate to clubs/associations, but the real push would be for a stronger public presence that lobby’s on a political horizon. And that takes money…

Change happens when the people vote in a particular party that will push their agenda, regardless of whether that agenda is truly supported by the masses or just a select interest group.

Take the “greenies” movement… the supporters have been on the fringe of society forever. Chaining themselves to trees or logging equipment, chasing foreign fishing vessels in the open ocean with zodiacs… you get the idea. But some how in the last generation, this has become the greatest social issue of our time… “save the planet”. All because a small minority of well organized lobbyists have convinced the general public that this is important. And here we are… a complete goof like Trudope in for another term! And governments around the world with similar agendas….

Back to the sledding issue….

Face the facts boys, the majority of sledders are horribly disorganized. And worse than that, many are self serving.
“Its crown land… its my right to ride there”, admittedly i haven’t read the entire constitution, but I’m pretty sure its not written in there.

Ask yourself a few questions….
“Are you a member of a club..?”
“Are you a consistent member year over year (can they count on you for aupport)?”
“Is you club part of any provincial association?”
“Are you active in that club or better yet at the association level?”
“Are your riding partners club members?”
“Does your dealership support your club or association?”
“Do the other businesses that you use through your sporting venture support as well?”
“Ask the hotel/gas station/restaurant/ if they support sledding (and how?)”
“Did the place where you bought your $30g trailer show some type of support?”

Sledders need to get vocal, and get involved….

How many rigs I see….
$30,000 turbo sled (x4 in the trailer)
$40,000 trailer
$100,000 diesel truck
$250-300/night for a room
$200 for dinner and drinks with your buddies
$400 in fuel for the weekend
$1200 suit
$500 helmet
$300 boots
$1000 avy pack
$400 transmitter

But guys won’t buy a lousy $100 membership….or better yet, volunteer their time to organize and fight for a cause…

Sledders aren’t loosing area because we’re cheap ….
Its the self serving privileged attitude.

The next time you are bitching about a closure or access issue…
Have an honest look in the mirror!


Active VIP Member
Nov 17, 2007
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Sorry man, but that won’t cut it….

Yes, they should still donate to clubs/associations, but the real push would be for a stronger public presence that lobby’s on a political horizon. And that takes money…

Change happens when the people vote in a particular party that will push their agenda, regardless of whether that agenda is truly supported by the masses or just a select interest group.

Take the “greenies” movement… the supporters have been on the fringe of society forever. Chaining themselves to trees or logging equipment, chasing foreign fishing vessels in the open ocean with zodiacs… you get the idea. But some how in the last generation, this has become the greatest social issue of our time… “save the planet”. All because a small minority of well organized lobbyists have convinced the general public that this is important. And here we are… a complete goof like Trudope in for another term! And governments around the world with similar agendas….

Back to the sledding issue….

Face the facts boys, the majority of sledders are horribly disorganized. And worse than that, many are self serving.
“Its crown land… its my right to ride there”, admittedly i haven’t read the entire constitution, but I’m pretty sure its not written in there.

Ask yourself a few questions….
“Are you a member of a club..?”
“Are you a consistent member year over year (can they count on you for aupport)?”
“Is you club part of any provincial association?”
“Are you active in that club or better yet at the association level?”
“Are your riding partners club members?”
“Does your dealership support your club or association?”
“Do the other businesses that you use through your sporting venture support as well?”
“Ask the hotel/gas station/restaurant/ if they support sledding (and how?)”
“Did the place where you bought your $30g trailer show some type of support?”

Sledders need to get vocal, and get involved….

How many rigs I see….
$30,000 turbo sled (x4 in the trailer)
$40,000 trailer
$100,000 diesel truck
$250-300/night for a room
$200 for dinner and drinks with your buddies
$400 in fuel for the weekend
$1200 suit
$500 helmet
$300 boots
$1000 avy pack
$400 transmitter

But guys won’t buy a lousy $100 membership….or better yet, volunteer their time to organize and fight for a cause…

Sledders aren’t loosing area because we’re cheap ….
Its the self serving privileged attitude.

The next time you are bitching about a closure or access issue…
Have an honest look in the mirror!
I agree but to be organized it takes money. I am a club director and we can only do what we can at our level.
We need big money, like millions to lobby government and purchase land. This is what the green orgs are doing. They have backing of deep pockets.
We need manufacturer CEO's to meet with premiers.
Club numbers help but it's all about money.


Active VIP Member
Sep 15, 2009
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Sorry man, but that won’t cut it….

Yes, they should still donate to clubs/associations, but the real push would be for a stronger public presence that lobby’s on a political horizon. And that takes money…

Change happens when the people vote in a particular party that will push their agenda, regardless of whether that agenda is truly supported by the masses or just a select interest group.

Take the “greenies” movement… the supporters have been on the fringe of society forever. Chaining themselves to trees or logging equipment, chasing foreign fishing vessels in the open ocean with zodiacs… you get the idea. But some how in the last generation, this has become the greatest social issue of our time… “save the planet”. All because a small minority of well organized lobbyists have convinced the general public that this is important. And here we are… a complete goof like Trudope in for another term! And governments around the world with similar agendas….

Back to the sledding issue….

Face the facts boys, the majority of sledders are horribly disorganized. And worse than that, many are self serving.
“Its crown land… its my right to ride there”, admittedly i haven’t read the entire constitution, but I’m pretty sure its not written in there.

Ask yourself a few questions….
“Are you a member of a club..?”
“Are you a consistent member year over year (can they count on you for aupport)?”
“Is you club part of any provincial association?”
“Are you active in that club or better yet at the association level?”
“Are your riding partners club members?”
“Does your dealership support your club or association?”
“Do the other businesses that you use through your sporting venture support as well?”
“Ask the hotel/gas station/restaurant/ if they support sledding (and how?)”
“Did the place where you bought your $30g trailer show some type of support?”

Sledders need to get vocal, and get involved….

How many rigs I see….
$30,000 turbo sled (x4 in the trailer)
$40,000 trailer
$100,000 diesel truck
$250-300/night for a room
$200 for dinner and drinks with your buddies
$400 in fuel for the weekend
$1200 suit
$500 helmet
$300 boots
$1000 avy pack
$400 transmitter

But guys won’t buy a lousy $100 membership….or better yet, volunteer their time to organize and fight for a cause…

Sledders aren’t loosing area because we’re cheap ….
Its the self serving privileged attitude.

The next time you are bitching about a closure or access issue…
Have an honest look in the mirror!
Yeah but all that chit is financed 🤣

Rockefeller isnt into sledding.


Active VIP Member
Sep 15, 2009
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But what if he was….?

You should ring up your buddy Warren Buffet… see if he’d like to go with you for the day.

I dont know him for 1 and 2 i dont think he'd like sledding with me....

Be the the change you want to see in the world. Tie yourself to the boulder cabin all winter, and dont except any burgers.

You are on a hunger strike lmao


Active VIP Member
Nov 26, 2011
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Well for eazy starters, the closest local town to any sled zone should pull a 30 year tenure(or buy land)on there closest ridding zones. Here’s the important part….<.<<Not the clubs or other orgs>>>>Then stuardship by the town is given to the the club to manage and run from the mayor\council, Once this type of BS is in place it becomes almost impassable for greenys and such to have a say afterwards,as they are not part of the peoples loop with town,club and government.
In <<writing >>with all 3,then the town holds all funds given by others or made.
Crown land anywhere ( other than parks) is also for sale with the right paper work/$$,with also the option to own the lumber or minarals. Towns can definitely finance this kinda ,with support from every other stupid gov grant and other peep of interest.

this all sounds like responsible business type ch!t witch I done care to take part in as I’m not a local to anywhere in Bc and that is defiantly their bizness not mine on how they want there back yard to be in 20years or more

that said…
May all ride as free as the raven flys to the last sledable land left

always scraps somewhere… lol
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I'm doo-ing it!
Dec 2, 2008
Reaction score
beautiful, downtown Salmon Arm, BC
The lady in Sicamous (Elk Valley Snowmobile Club) is starting to process memberships once again. I got an email today. I replied to her and asked for further information. See below.....

Hi Natalie: As I said earlier in this chain, I have locked my credit card pending the outcome of the closures that the EVSC is dealing with. Please provide reliable information as to the plans for logging (dates and a time line would be appreciated) and also some official letter or other means of communication that you received from the BC Government regarding the usage of the Owls trail through the burn area. If that is satisfactory in my mind, I will become a member of the EVSC once again. Thank you,
This is the reply that I got back. Natalie is doing her job and answering the mail. It is nice to see. I fully know how the bureaucracy works and what they have to deal with. I have done my part at various levels of involvement and decided a few years back that I was going to spend my time riding.

I'm so sorry Douglas, yes I remember now. I've had a lot of questions on this and so many different responses. No problem. I will shred your membership application and you can apply again when you see fit.

We are simply waiting on the paperwork from Front Counter BC at this time for the exemption through the fire closure. I cannot give you logging schedules as they are not given to us, BCTS has assured us that their licensees are only permitted on the Owlhead FSR until December 1 - so logging should not be an issue on Owlhead this year. That said, under the Forest Range Practices Act their fine is about $170, so we never can be sure they'll honour their permits. All we can do is continue to work with them as best we can. This, as you know, is what Club Memberships pay for; what I like to call 'the good fight'. It's really not intended to be viewed as a season pass so much as a commitment to fund the advocacy locally and through the BCSF for our industry and sport in BC. If you'd like details on that process and what we do, I can certainly run you through those via telephone sometime next week. My phone number is below and you can reach me there during regular business hours.

Otherwise, we will be releasing a newsletter next week with updates on all of the hills and some other exciting initiatives we've been working on lately.


Active VIP Member
Nov 17, 2007
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Well for eazy starters, the closest local town to any sled zone should pull a 30 year tenure(or buy land)on there closest ridding zones. Here’s the important part….<.<<Not the clubs or other orgs>>>>Then stuardship by the town is given to the the club to manage and run from the mayor\council, Once this type of BS is in place it becomes almost impassable for greenys and such to have a say afterwards,as they are not part of the peoples loop with town,club and government.
In <<writing >>with all 3,then the town holds all funds given by others or made.
Crown land anywhere ( other than parks) is also for sale with the right paper work/$$,with also the option to own the lumber or minarals. Towns can definitely finance this kinda ,with support from every other stupid gov grant and other peep of interest.

this all sounds like responsible business type ch!t witch I done care to take part in as I’m not a local to anywhere in Bc and that is defiantly their bizness not mine on how they want there back yard to be in 20years or more

that said…
May all ride as free as the ravflys to the last sledable land left
View attachment 246882
always scraps somewhere… lol
I don't think Towns can finance anything outside nof their municipal boundaries.
On top of that they would need to have a majority vote from the residents.
I know Invermere would never get a majority. Too many green thinking people. We can't even get mountain bike trails approved here. Probably the only town in BC that can't get trails approved.


Active VIP Member
Jun 21, 2013
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somewhere in ne bc
The idea of just showing up at front counter bc and buying tenure is not how it works . any new tenures that are issued for anything industrial ,recreational, agricultural have to go through a referral process that includes FLNRO , local first nations , and any environmental and or social impacts of that application are considered before a tenure is granted . A interesting bit of info from a caribou closure meeting was that all recreational activities in a given area on crown land are being viewed as a industry by the bc government
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Active VIP Member
Jan 11, 2009
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Not Sure
The lady in Sicamous (Elk Valley Snowmobile Club) is starting to process memberships once again. I got an email today. I replied to her and asked for further information. See below.....

Hi Natalie: As I said earlier in this chain, I have loc

This is the reply that I got back. Natalie is doing her job and answering the mail. It is nice to see. I fully know how the bureaucracy works and what they have to deal with. I have done my part at various levels of involvement and decided a few years back that I was going to spend my time riding.

I'm so sorry Douglas, yes I remember now. I've had a lot of questions on this and so many different responses. No problem. I will shred your membership application and you can apply again when you see fit.

We are simply waiting on the paperwork from Front Counter BC at this time for the exemption through the fire closure. I cannot give you logging schedules as they are not given to us, BCTS has assured us that their licensees are only permitted on the Owlhead FSR until December 1 - so logging should not be an issue on Owlhead this year. That said, under the Forest Range Practices Act their fine is about $170, so we never can be sure they'll honour their permits. All we can do is continue to work with them as best we can. This, as you know, is what Club Memberships pay for; what I like to call 'the good fight'. It's really not intended to be viewed as a season pass so much as a commitment to fund the advocacy locally and through the BCSF for our industry and sport in BC. If you'd like details on that process and what we do, I can certainly run you through those via telephone sometime next week. My phone number is below and you can reach me there during regular business hours.

Otherwise, we will be releasing a newsletter next week with updates on all of the hills and some other exciting initiatives we've been working on lately.
Interesting. What does waiting on paperwork mean? Request submitted and no answer yet I think. They still don't know if they will get the exemption and I hear via the grapevine Blue and Quest will be logging all winter.

This is the story I got from her,

Yes, we are working on some access issues that have arisen due to the fire and the delayed starts on harvesting there from. This said Eagle Pass and Blue Lake will be ready to rock and roll with some alterations to Queest access or timeline in the works. We are working also to mitigate access to Owlhead, despite notice late last week on closure due to the Two Mile fire, but we're optimistic we will be able to make headway here also.
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Active VIP Member
Jan 11, 2009
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Not Sure
Sled sicamous said yesterday they would have an announcement to day. Here it is,

"Sled Sicamous has been working hard to gain a motor vehicle exemption for Owlhead Creek FSR for the upcoming snowmobile season. Efforts have also been made on the part of our local MLA, the District of Sicamous, BCSF, and our Chamber of Commerce to highlight to decision makers how important this access is for our community here in Sicamous. That said, we feel extremely optimistic that we've been heard, and are awaiting what we expect will be a prompt response to these requests. Thanks to everyone for reaching out and engaging on this topic - and for remembering that before we get to worry about how well our trails are groomed we must do the work to make sure we are allowed to groom them at all! We appreciate your memberships to organized snowmobiling across British Columbia, and helping us to keep our industry alive and well"

So the announcement is they have asked
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