SpY vs SpY !! FaKE NeWs and iTs REAL !! WE ARE LYNX !! TRUE LiES !!

o zone guy

Active VIP Member
Apr 21, 2008
Reaction score
ok FoLKs !! FresH off the Press !! today feb 18 2021..was the glass1/2 empty or was the glass 1/2 fuLL.. radar will catch u going both waYs if youR speed -ing .. by chance does anybody have polaris RENTaLs anY more in ReVeLSToKE !! beeP !! beeP !! in revelsToKe ... bY chance i thoughT i saw a bobcaT run across the road .. buT iT could have been the FiRST LyN -xXx sighting in NoRTH AMERICA and iT was jusT on the RIGHT before the smokeY BEAR ,PEAKs and BASEcamP LoDGE lornes place AnYhoo the bobcat / LyN -xXx whaT ever animaL iT was LooKed BRiLLeNT as we stared inTo each otheRs eYes .. weLL that LiTTLe feLLa GaVE me 1 HeLLVa Hisssss !!!.. as this was all going on ouT of the corner of mY eYe was my friends fuLL GLass of A n W RooTBEAR ends up all over the place .. well there we go goodbYe to a FuLL glass of rooTbeaR .. Plus a big bag of KernaLs spilled on the floor .. and mY YeLLoW coloner CuSTER pie with WHiPPED CREAM from the big eDDy marKeT those bad boYs are so tasty vince should open a silver master franchise across the okanagan .. so we head back to the biG eDDy but this time we pick up a bag of KARL -meL popCORN KERNALS...poP !! PoP !! PoPpP !! o what a relief iT was !! WE are LyNxXX !! where s theres smoKe theirs FiRE .. for a new sled BRAND to breaK GROUND WHY NoT Open the firsT new Stand along dealer for this new brand right in the mecca of sledding ReVeLSToKE !! beeP !! beeP !! HeYman that guy was going FuLL sPeeD when he passed us .. guY was driving iT LiKe a ReNTaL.. so now go back and read again and puT 2 n 2 together ... how doo u BuiLD a CORPERATE TiMB -BOMB asK oakleY and O ZoNE GuY learned from iT.. weLL u BUILD the stand alone BRAND sToRE 1 STORE aT a TiME and open up beside the other Guy or where there are no excisting sTores .. this is one of the first sTePs to bUILD a CORPERATE TiMB - BOMB tic tic tic tic tic and so on.. IT onLy maKes sense to go to the biggesT sLed nondeaLer iNN ReVeLSToKE and sign a bronze, silver gold franchise with this new consumer driven sled BRAND kK - BooM ... the match has been LIT in ReVeLSTOKE TODAY .. so it looks like BRP is going after non SKI -DOO dealers FIRST to see what the response is and try and CONVERT multi brand RETAIL sToRes within the sled category !! CusTeR.. LiT the fuse ToDaY .. and this wasn't his lasT sled sTAND for the oKa -nogan .. this is jusT the beginning and why not start at the top of the mountain and worK your waY down CORPERATE stragey... well hope all the SKI - Doo dealer s don't geT left ouT in the cold like GeR -on-i- MO .. did FROM KeRNaL kcKcusTeRs firsT sTand .. TIME - BOMB Is in moTioN and RoLLiNG down the mounTaiN wiTH a sLoW BurNNNNN !! u get th jisT .. this is good sTuFF ... This is FaKE neWs and its ReeL .. all ya need is a new sled brand and a building with a strong customer base cause the consumer will always buY ConsumeR driven PRODUCT .. please read inTo this like fishing with a ROD ,REEL and some smoKeY BAIT ...GERONIMOO wouLd be proud after all the 1sT nations showed and taught the caucasians how to FisH ... well we know how that story ended ... one for all and all for 1 .. take that shoT with a little salt n LiME !! Hola !! torque- key- Laaaa .. CeeRs .. keeP youR SPiRiTS HiGH !!! .. just open your mind and enjoy...the signs were there... we just didn't want to see them At BRP ,we don't jusT THiNK BiG WE Dooooo BiG LYNxXxxxxx one sTore aT a TiME -BOMB ..tic tic tic tic tic tic........etc kkKK -BooommMMMM !! 1000 new dealers across NORTH AMERICA !! PRiCELess !! HapPpPY shareHOLDERS so ski - Doo dealers your besT defence is to buY BRP STOCK ON THE OPEN MARKeT TSxXx ...today feb 18 2021 BRP closed at $90 off $7 canadian Dollars for the weeK targeT price is heading towards neutral .. so be carefuLLY TiME - BOMB cause small earthQuaKe .. could be a shaKe down for inexperienced investors .. LeTs track sTocK for a biT everyday to gaIn a feeL of what to Doo ..stay on the sideLInes .. see whaT haPpPpPpPpens .. uPdownuPdownuPdownuPdownuPdown .. thank god iTs FriDAY .. good Lord .. Yes !!


Sep 27, 2006
Reaction score
Parkland County, AB and Valemount, BC
Huh? I need some bi-focals to read that, and have to smoke some funny cigarettes to understand it too.

Last edited:


Active VIP Member
Nov 23, 2010
Reaction score
Dease Lake BC
ok FoLKs !! FresH off the Press !! today feb 18 2021..was the glass1/2 empty or was the glass 1/2 fuLL.. radar will catch u going both waYs if youR speed -ing .. by chance does anybody have polaris RENTaLs anY more in ReVeLSToKE !! beeP !! beeP !! in revelsToKe ... bY chance i thoughT i saw a bobcaT run across the road .. buT iT could have been the FiRST LyN -xXx sighting in NoRTH AMERICA and iT was jusT on the RIGHT before the smokeY BEAR ,PEAKs and BASEcamP LoDGE lornes place AnYhoo the bobcat / LyN -xXx whaT ever animaL iT was LooKed BRiLLeNT as we stared inTo each otheRs eYes .. weLL that LiTTLe feLLa GaVE me 1 HeLLVa Hisssss !!!.. as this was all going on ouT of the corner of mY eYe was my friends fuLL GLass of A n W RooTBEAR ends up all over the place .. well there we go goodbYe to a FuLL glass of rooTbeaR .. Plus a big bag of KernaLs spilled on the floor .. and mY YeLLoW coloner CuSTER pie with WHiPPED CREAM from the big eDDy marKeT those bad boYs are so tasty vince should open a silver master franchise across the okanagan .. so we head back to the biG eDDy but this time we pick up a bag of KARL -meL popCORN KERNALS...poP !! PoP !! PoPpP !! o what a relief iT was !! WE are LyNxXX !! where s theres smoKe theirs FiRE .. for a new sled BRAND to breaK GROUND WHY NoT Open the firsT new Stand along dealer for this new brand right in the mecca of sledding ReVeLSToKE !! beeP !! beeP !! HeYman that guy was going FuLL sPeeD when he passed us .. guY was driving iT LiKe a ReNTaL.. so now go back and read again and puT 2 n 2 together ... how doo u BuiLD a CORPERATE TiMB -BOMB asK oakleY and O ZoNE GuY learned from iT.. weLL u BUILD the stand alone BRAND sToRE 1 STORE aT a TiME and open up beside the other Guy or where there are no excisting sTores .. this is one of the first sTePs to bUILD a CORPERATE TiMB - BOMB tic tic tic tic tic and so on.. IT onLy maKes sense to go to the biggesT sLed nondeaLer iNN ReVeLSToKE and sign a bronze, silver gold franchise with this new consumer driven sled BRAND kK - BooM ... the match has been LIT in ReVeLSTOKE TODAY .. so it looks like BRP is going after non SKI -DOO dealers FIRST to see what the response is and try and CONVERT multi brand RETAIL sToRes within the sled category !! CusTeR.. LiT the fuse ToDaY .. and this wasn't his lasT sled sTAND for the oKa -nogan .. this is jusT the beginning and why not start at the top of the mountain and worK your waY down CORPERATE stragey... well hope all the SKI - Doo dealer s don't geT left ouT in the cold like GeR -on-i- MO .. did FROM KeRNaL kcKcusTeRs firsT sTand .. TIME - BOMB Is in moTioN and RoLLiNG down the mounTaiN wiTH a sLoW BurNNNNN !! u get th jisT .. this is good sTuFF ... This is FaKE neWs and its ReeL .. all ya need is a new sled brand and a building with a strong customer base cause the consumer will always buY ConsumeR driven PRODUCT .. please read inTo this like fishing with a ROD ,REEL and some smoKeY BAIT ...GERONIMOO wouLd be proud after all the 1sT nations showed and taught the caucasians how to FisH ... well we know how that story ended ... one for all and all for 1 .. take that shoT with a little salt n LiME !! Hola !! torque- key- Laaaa .. CeeRs .. keeP youR SPiRiTS HiGH !!! .. just open your mind and enjoy...the signs were there... we just didn't want to see them At BRP ,we don't jusT THiNK BiG WE Dooooo BiG LYNxXxxxxx one sTore aT a TiME -BOMB ..tic tic tic tic tic tic........etc kkKK -BooommMMMM !! 1000 new dealers across NORTH AMERICA !! PRiCELess !! HapPpPY shareHOLDERS so ski - Doo dealers your besT defence is to buY BRP STOCK ON THE OPEN MARKeT TSxXx ...today feb 18 2021 BRP closed at $90 off $7 canadian Dollars for the weeK targeT price is heading towards neutral .. so be carefuLLY TiME - BOMB cause small earthQuaKe .. could be a shaKe down for inexperienced investors .. LeTs track sTocK for a biT everyday to gaIn a feeL of what to Doo ..stay on the sideLInes .. see whaT haPpPpPpPpens .. uPdownuPdownuPdownuPdownuPdown .. thank god iTs FriDAY .. good Lord .. Yes !!

its only thursday oZonE sorry


Super Moderator
Nov 16, 2008
Reaction score
Fort Macleod
ok FoLKs !! FresH off the Press !! today feb 18 2021..was the glass1/2 empty or was the glass 1/2 fuLL.. radar will catch u going both waYs if youR speed -ing .. by chance does anybody have polaris RENTaLs anY more in ReVeLSToKE !! beeP !! beeP !! in revelsToKe ... bY chance i thoughT i saw a bobcaT run across the road .. buT iT could have been the FiRST LyN -xXx sighting in NoRTH AMERICA and iT was jusT on the RIGHT before the smokeY BEAR ,PEAKs and BASEcamP LoDGE lornes place AnYhoo the bobcat / LyN -xXx whaT ever animaL iT was LooKed BRiLLeNT as we stared inTo each otheRs eYes .. weLL that LiTTLe feLLa GaVE me 1 HeLLVa Hisssss !!!.. as this was all going on ouT of the corner of mY eYe was my friends fuLL GLass of A n W RooTBEAR ends up all over the place .. well there we go goodbYe to a FuLL glass of rooTbeaR .. Plus a big bag of KernaLs spilled on the floor .. and mY YeLLoW coloner CuSTER pie with WHiPPED CREAM from the big eDDy marKeT those bad boYs are so tasty vince should open a silver master franchise across the okanagan .. so we head back to the biG eDDy but this time we pick up a bag of KARL -meL popCORN KERNALS...poP !! PoP !! PoPpP !! o what a relief iT was !! WE are LyNxXX !! where s theres smoKe theirs FiRE .. for a new sled BRAND to breaK GROUND WHY NoT Open the firsT new Stand along dealer for this new brand right in the mecca of sledding ReVeLSToKE !! beeP !! beeP !! HeYman that guy was going FuLL sPeeD when he passed us .. guY was driving iT LiKe a ReNTaL.. so now go back and read again and puT 2 n 2 together ... how doo u BuiLD a CORPERATE TiMB -BOMB asK oakleY and O ZoNE GuY learned from iT.. weLL u BUILD the stand alone BRAND sToRE 1 STORE aT a TiME and open up beside the other Guy or where there are no excisting sTores .. this is one of the first sTePs to bUILD a CORPERATE TiMB - BOMB tic tic tic tic tic and so on.. IT onLy maKes sense to go to the biggesT sLed nondeaLer iNN ReVeLSToKE and sign a bronze, silver gold franchise with this new consumer driven sled BRAND kK - BooM ... the match has been LIT in ReVeLSTOKE TODAY .. so it looks like BRP is going after non SKI -DOO dealers FIRST to see what the response is and try and CONVERT multi brand RETAIL sToRes within the sled category !! CusTeR.. LiT the fuse ToDaY .. and this wasn't his lasT sled sTAND for the oKa -nogan .. this is jusT the beginning and why not start at the top of the mountain and worK your waY down CORPERATE stragey... well hope all the SKI - Doo dealer s don't geT left ouT in the cold like GeR -on-i- MO .. did FROM KeRNaL kcKcusTeRs firsT sTand .. TIME - BOMB Is in moTioN and RoLLiNG down the mounTaiN wiTH a sLoW BurNNNNN !! u get th jisT .. this is good sTuFF ... This is FaKE neWs and its ReeL .. all ya need is a new sled brand and a building with a strong customer base cause the consumer will always buY ConsumeR driven PRODUCT .. please read inTo this like fishing with a ROD ,REEL and some smoKeY BAIT ...GERONIMOO wouLd be proud after all the 1sT nations showed and taught the caucasians how to FisH ... well we know how that story ended ... one for all and all for 1 .. take that shoT with a little salt n LiME !! Hola !! torque- key- Laaaa .. CeeRs .. keeP youR SPiRiTS HiGH !!! .. just open your mind and enjoy...the signs were there... we just didn't want to see them At BRP ,we don't jusT THiNK BiG WE Dooooo BiG LYNxXxxxxx one sTore aT a TiME -BOMB ..tic tic tic tic tic tic........etc kkKK -BooommMMMM !! 1000 new dealers across NORTH AMERICA !! PRiCELess !! HapPpPY shareHOLDERS so ski - Doo dealers your besT defence is to buY BRP STOCK ON THE OPEN MARKeT TSxXx ...today feb 18 2021 BRP closed at $90 off $7 canadian Dollars for the weeK targeT price is heading towards neutral .. so be carefuLLY TiME - BOMB cause small earthQuaKe .. could be a shaKe down for inexperienced investors .. LeTs track sTocK for a biT everyday to gaIn a feeL of what to Doo ..stay on the sideLInes .. see whaT haPpPpPpPpens .. uPdownuPdownuPdownuPdownuPdown .. thank god iTs FriDAY .. good Lord .. Yes !!


Sep 27, 2006
Reaction score
Parkland County, AB and Valemount, BC
With Edit through Word correct.

Ok Folks!! Fresh off the Press !! today feb 18 2021..was the glass1/2 empty or was the glass 1/2 full.. radar will catch u going both ways if Your speeding .. by chance does anybody have Polaris Rentals any more in Revelstoke !! beeP !! beeP !! in Revelstoke ... By chance i thought i saw a bobcat run across the road .. But It could have been the First Lynx sighting in North AMERICA and It was Just on the RIGHT before the Smokey BEAR ,PEAKs and Basecamp Lodge Lorne’s place Anyhow the bobcat / Lynx - what ever Animal It was Looked Brilliant as we stared into each others Eyes .. Well that Little Fella Gave me 1 Halva Hisses !!!.. as this was all going on out of the corner of my eye was my friends full glass of A n W Root Beer ends up all over the place .. well there we go Goodbye to a Full glass of Root Beer .. Plus a big bag of Kernels spilled on the floor .. and my Yellow color Custer pie with Whipped CREAM from the big Eddy Market those bad boys are so tasty Vince should open a silver master franchise across the Okanagan .. so we head back to the Big Eddy but this time we pick up a bag of caramel Popcorn KERNALS...pop !! pop !! pop !! o what a relief It was !! WE are Lynx!! where s there’s smoke theirs Fire .. for a new sled BRAND to break GROUND WHY Not Open the First new Stand along dealer for this new brand right in the mecca of sledding Revelstoke !! beeP !! beeP !! Heyman that guy was going full speed when he passed us .. guy was driving it like a rental.. so now go back and read again and put 2 n 2 together ... how doo u Build a CORPERATE Time -BOMB ask Oakley and O Zone Guy learned from it. well u BUILD the stand alone BRAND store 1 store at a time and open up beside the other Guy or where there are no existing store’s .. this is one of the first steps to build a CORPERATE Time - BOMB tic tic tic tic tic and so on.. IT only makes sense to go to the biggest sled nondealer in Revelstoke and sign a bronze, silver gold franchise with this new consumer driven sled BRAND kK - Boom ... the match has been LIT in Revelstoke TODAY .. so it looks like BRP is going after non SKI -DOO dealers FIRST to see what the response is and try and CONVERT multi brand RETAIL store’s within the sled category !! Custer.. Lit the fuse Today .. and this wasn't his Last sled stand for the Okanogan .. this is just the beginning and why not start at the top of the mountain and work your way down CORPERATE strategy... well hope all the SKI - Doo dealer s don't get left out in the cold like geronamo .. did FROM Kernel kusters First Stand .. TIME - BOMB Is in motion and Rollin down the mountain with a slow Burn!! u get the jist .. this is good stuff ... This is Fake news and its real .. all you need is a new sled brand and a building with a strong customer base cause the consumer will always buy consumer driven PRODUCT .. please read into this like fishing with a ROD ,REEL and some smoky BAIT ...GERONIMOO would be proud after all the 1sT nations showed and taught the caucasians how to fish ... well we know how that story ended ... one for all and all for 1 .. take that shot with a little salt n Lime !! Hola !! torque- key- Laaaa .. Cheers .. Keep Your Spirits High !!! .. just open your mind and enjoy...the signs were there... we just didn't want to see them At BRP ,we don't just Think Big WE Dooooo big lynx one store at a time -BOMB ..tic tic tic tic tic tic........etc. kkKK -BooommMMMM !! 1000 new dealers across NORTH AMERICA !! Priceless !! Happy shareholders so ski - Doo dealers your best defence is to buy BRP STOCK ON THE OPEN Market TSX ...today feb 18 2021 BRP closed at $90 off $7 canadian Dollars for the weeK targeT price is heading towards neutral .. so be carefully time - BOMB cause small earthquake .. could be a shake down for inexperienced investors .. Let’s track stock for a bit everyday to gain a feel of what to Doo ..stay on the sideline’s .. see what happens .. up down up down up down up down up down .. thank god It’s Friday .. good Lord .. Yes !!


Active VIP Member
Nov 3, 2010
Reaction score
With Edit through Word correct.

Ok Folks!! Fresh off the Press !! today feb 18 2021..was the glass1/2 empty or was the glass 1/2 full..
radar will catch u going both ways if Your speeding ..
by chance does anybody have Polaris Rentals any more in Revelstoke !! beeP !! beeP !! in Revelstoke ...

By chance i thought i saw a bobcat run across the road .. But It could have been the First Lynx sighting in North AMERICA and It was Just on the RIGHT before the Smokey BEAR
,PEAKs and Basecamp Lodge Lorne’s place Anyhow the bobcat / Lynx - what ever Animal It was Looked Brilliant as we stared into each others Eyes ..
Well that Little Fella Gave me 1 Halva Hisses !!!.. as this was all going on out of the corner of my eye was my friends full glass of A n W Root Beer ends up all over the place ..
well there we go Goodbye to a Full glass of Root Beer ..

Plus a big bag of Kernels spilled on the floor .. and my Yellow color Custer pie with Whipped CREAM from the big Eddy Market those bad boys are so tasty
Vince should open a silver master franchise across the Okanagan ..
so we head back to the Big Eddy but this time we pick up a bag of caramel Popcorn KERNALS...pop !! pop !! pop !! o what a relief It was !!
WE are Lynx!! where s there’s smoke theirs Fire ..
for a new sled BRAND to break GROUND WHY Not Open the First new Stand along dealer for this new brand right in the mecca of sledding Revelstoke !! beeP !! beeP !!

Heyman that guy was going full speed when he passed us .. guy was driving it like a rental..
so now go back and read again and put 2 n 2 together ...
how doo u Build a CORPERATE Time -BOMB
ask Oakley and O Zone Guy learned from it.
well u BUILD the stand alone BRAND store 1 store at a time and open up beside the other Guy or where there are no existing store’s ..
this is one of the first steps to build a CORPERATE Time - BOMB tic tic tic tic tic and so on..
IT only makes sense to go to the biggest sled nondealer in Revelstoke and sign a bronze, silver gold franchise with this new consumer driven sled BRAND kK - Boom ...

the match has been LIT in Revelstoke TODAY ..
so it looks like BRP is going after non SKI -DOO dealers FIRST to see what the response is and try and CONVERT multi brand RETAIL store’s within the sled category !!
Custer.. Lit the fuse Today .. and this wasn't his Last sled stand for the Okanogan ..
this is just the beginning and why not start at the top of the mountain and work your way down CORPERATE strategy... well hope all the SKI - Doo dealer s don't get left out in the cold like geronamo .. did FROM Kernel kusters First Stand ..
TIME - BOMB Is in motion and Rollin down the mountain with a slow Burn!! u get the jist .. this is good stuff ...

This is Fake news and its real .. all you need is a new sled brand and a building with a strong customer base cause the consumer will always buy consumer driven PRODUCT ..
please read into this like fishing with a ROD ,REEL and some smoky BAIT ...
GERONIMOO would be proud after all the 1sT nations showed and taught the caucasians how to fish ... well we know how that story ended ...
one for all and all for 1 .. take that shot with a little salt n Lime !! Hola !! torque- key- Laaaa .. Cheers .. Keep Your Spirits High !!! ..

just open your mind and enjoy...the signs were there... we just didn't want to see them At BRP ,we don't just Think Big WE Dooooo big lynx one store at a time -BOMB ..tic tic tic tic tic tic........etc.
kkKK -BooommMMMM !! 1000 new dealers across NORTH AMERICA !! Priceless !!
Happy shareholders so ski - Doo dealers your best defence is to buy BRP STOCK ON THE OPENMarket TSX ...
today feb 18 2021 BRP closed at $90 off $7 canadian Dollars for the weeK targeT price is heading towards neutral .. so be carefully time - BOMB cause small earthquake ..
could be a shake down for inexperienced investors ..
Let’s track stock for a bit everyday to gain a feel of what to Doo ..stay on the sideline’s .. see what happens .. up down up down up down up down up down .. thank god It’s Friday .. good Lord .. Yes !!

I still couldn't read it, had to cut er up some more

o zone guy

Active VIP Member
Apr 21, 2008
Reaction score
its only thursday oZonE sorry
HeYman ITs... french -FrY - DaY... for mw everY daY ... I'm Luv n iT McLuViN what was the name of that moVie and the acToR from vancouver he also did neighbours ... boogie priZe anY one .. i haVe a fresh suPpPLeY of free OaKLeY product to giVe awaY .. go ahead give me the answer ya know ya wanna ..beeP !! beepP !!

o zone guy

Active VIP Member
Apr 21, 2008
Reaction score
With Edit through Word correct.

Ok Folks!! Fresh off the Press !! today feb 18 2021..was the glass1/2 empty or was the glass 1/2 full.. radar will catch u going both ways if Your speeding .. by chance does anybody have Polaris Rentals any more in Revelstoke !! beeP !! beeP !! in Revelstoke ... By chance i thought i saw a bobcat run across the road .. But It could have been the First Lynx sighting in North AMERICA and It was Just on the RIGHT before the Smokey BEAR ,PEAKs and Basecamp Lodge Lorne’s place Anyhow the bobcat / Lynx - what ever Animal It was Looked Brilliant as we stared into each others Eyes .. Well that Little Fella Gave me 1 Halva Hisses !!!.. as this was all going on out of the corner of my eye was my friends full glass of A n W Root Beer ends up all over the place .. well there we go Goodbye to a Full glass of Root Beer .. Plus a big bag of Kernels spilled on the floor .. and my Yellow color Custer pie with Whipped CREAM from the big Eddy Market those bad boys are so tasty Vince should open a silver master franchise across the Okanagan .. so we head back to the Big Eddy but this time we pick up a bag of caramel Popcorn KERNALS...pop !! pop !! pop !! o what a relief It was !! WE are Lynx!! where s there’s smoke theirs Fire .. for a new sled BRAND to break GROUND WHY Not Open the First new Stand along dealer for this new brand right in the mecca of sledding Revelstoke !! beeP !! beeP !! Heyman that guy was going full speed when he passed us .. guy was driving it like a rental.. so now go back and read again and put 2 n 2 together ... how doo u Build a CORPERATE Time -BOMB ask Oakley and O Zone Guy learned from it. well u BUILD the stand alone BRAND store 1 store at a time and open up beside the other Guy or where there are no existing store’s .. this is one of the first steps to build a CORPERATE Time - BOMB tic tic tic tic tic and so on.. IT only makes sense to go to the biggest sled nondealer in Revelstoke and sign a bronze, silver gold franchise with this new consumer driven sled BRAND kK - Boom ... the match has been LIT in Revelstoke TODAY .. so it looks like BRP is going after non SKI -DOO dealers FIRST to see what the response is and try and CONVERT multi brand RETAIL store’s within the sled category !! Custer.. Lit the fuse Today .. and this wasn't his Last sled stand for the Okanogan .. this is just the beginning and why not start at the top of the mountain and work your way down CORPERATE strategy... well hope all the SKI - Doo dealer s don't get left out in the cold like geronamo .. did FROM Kernel kusters First Stand .. TIME - BOMB Is in motion and Rollin down the mountain with a slow Burn!! u get the jist .. this is good stuff ... This is Fake news and its real .. all you need is a new sled brand and a building with a strong customer base cause the consumer will always buy consumer driven PRODUCT .. please read into this like fishing with a ROD ,REEL and some smoky BAIT ...GERONIMOO would be proud after all the 1sT nations showed and taught the caucasians how to fish ... well we know how that story ended ... one for all and all for 1 .. take that shot with a little salt n Lime !! Hola !! torque- key- Laaaa .. Cheers .. Keep Your Spirits High !!! .. just open your mind and enjoy...the signs were there... we just didn't want to see them At BRP ,we don't just Think Big WE Dooooo big lynx one store at a time -BOMB ..tic tic tic tic tic tic........etc. kkKK -BooommMMMM !! 1000 new dealers across NORTH AMERICA !! Priceless !! Happy shareholders so ski - Doo dealers your best defence is to buy BRP STOCK ON THE OPEN Market TSX ...today feb 18 2021 BRP closed at $90 off $7 canadian Dollars for the weeK targeT price is heading towards neutral .. so be carefully time - BOMB cause small earthquake .. could be a shake down for inexperienced investors .. Let’s track stock for a bit everyday to gain a feel of what to Doo ..stay on the sideline’s .. see what happens .. up down up down up down up down up down .. thank god It’s Friday .. good Lord .. Yes !!
HeYman hoWW mucH Doooo i owe U ... Luv iT .. is there a KeY FoR that ...asking for my side chicKeN !! yes with fries n graVeY !!


Active VIP Member
Mar 13, 2008
Reaction score
HeYman ITs... french -FrY - DaY... for mw everY daY ... I'm Luv n iT McLuViN what was the name of that moVie and the acToR from vancouver he also did neighbours ... boogie priZe anY one .. i haVe a fresh suPpPLeY of free OaKLeY product to giVe awaY .. go ahead give me the answer ya know ya wanna ..beeP !! beepP !!
Super bad was the movie

o zone guy

Active VIP Member
Apr 21, 2008
Reaction score
Super bad was the movie
nice .. i LiKe the waY u THiNK ouTside the boxXx.. ok stud u move on to round 2 .. what was the acToR s name from vancouver that was the sTar in the most recenT NEIGHBORS moVe...Go aHead Please !!

o zone guy

Active VIP Member
Apr 21, 2008
Reaction score
Didn't try to read it but saw a few lynx on the hill today. Saw one being towed down.
nice always on the first harvest usually u geT a few bad aPpLes .. no worries nice Tip of the hat .. LYNX is abuzz in sicamous malaKWA and REVeLSToKE they were trying to Lock up a LyNN - xXXxXx . theY were going FuLL sPEEd when they came ouTa the ParKing LoTa ... where there smoKe there FiRe maYbe coloneL CuSTER .. he smoKe peace PiPe with BiG CHiEF .. quesTioN RandY SHIBLE hope i spelled that RiGHT does he sTiLL Run that 600 HP snow blower to cleaR all that snow or was he geTTing iT ready for RoBBiE BLAIR ( hi RoBBie see u soon I'm com in for my yearly visiT .. hows that daves custom BoaT treating u and gaLe ) o YaMan to come and pave the enTrance with goLd from franch eYes wit LoreTTe LYNN - xXxXxX .. how many X's did lorrette LYNN -x have any waY ... o thanKs a latte .. I'm switching Ta Bananas and chocolate milk its better for recovery after sledding .. and thats straight to the CoRE of the MaTTer... WE are LYNX 15 WiDE PlaTForm wit 34inch ski stance and big BRoTHER.. That Ski Doo feeLing 16WIDE wiT option of ski stance .. now going in 2 different directionS .. steaL marKet share from the other 3 corporations and COPY their PLATfoRMS .. yes O zone .. and also copy from each other from TiME To TiME - BOMB goes oFF again tic tic tic tic tic tac toe .. read that again tic tic tic tic tac toe .. ok man we get the jisT now passsss the TiC TaCs lmao gotcha !! any how the TiMe - BOMB is sPooLing uPPP again .. look for the signs .. honeY crisp aPpLes give m a trY .. hoTaPpLe sauce !!

o zone guy

Active VIP Member
Apr 21, 2008
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With Edit through Word correct.

Ok Folks!! Fresh off the Press !! today feb 18 2021..was the glass1/2 empty or was the glass 1/2 full.. radar will catch u going both ways if Your speeding .. by chance does anybody have Polaris Rentals any more in Revelstoke !! beeP !! beeP !! in Revelstoke ... By chance i thought i saw a bobcat run across the road .. But It could have been the First Lynx sighting in North AMERICA and It was Just on the RIGHT before the Smokey BEAR ,PEAKs and Basecamp Lodge Lorne’s place Anyhow the bobcat / Lynx - what ever Animal It was Looked Brilliant as we stared into each others Eyes .. Well that Little Fella Gave me 1 Halva Hisses !!!.. as this was all going on out of the corner of my eye was my friends full glass of A n W Root Beer ends up all over the place .. well there we go Goodbye to a Full glass of Root Beer .. Plus a big bag of Kernels spilled on the floor .. and my Yellow color Custer pie with Whipped CREAM from the big Eddy Market those bad boys are so tasty Vince should open a silver master franchise across the Okanagan .. so we head back to the Big Eddy but this time we pick up a bag of caramel Popcorn KERNALS...pop !! pop !! pop !! o what a relief It was !! WE are Lynx!! where s there’s smoke theirs Fire .. for a new sled BRAND to break GROUND WHY Not Open the First new Stand along dealer for this new brand right in the mecca of sledding Revelstoke !! beeP !! beeP !! Heyman that guy was going full speed when he passed us .. guy was driving it like a rental.. so now go back and read again and put 2 n 2 together ... how doo u Build a CORPERATE Time -BOMB ask Oakley and O Zone Guy learned from it. well u BUILD the stand alone BRAND store 1 store at a time and open up beside the other Guy or where there are no existing store’s .. this is one of the first steps to build a CORPERATE Time - BOMB tic tic tic tic tic and so on.. IT only makes sense to go to the biggest sled nondealer in Revelstoke and sign a bronze, silver gold franchise with this new consumer driven sled BRAND kK - Boom ... the match has been LIT in Revelstoke TODAY .. so it looks like BRP is going after non SKI -DOO dealers FIRST to see what the response is and try and CONVERT multi brand RETAIL store’s within the sled category !! Custer.. Lit the fuse Today .. and this wasn't his Last sled stand for the Okanogan .. this is just the beginning and why not start at the top of the mountain and work your way down CORPERATE strategy... well hope all the SKI - Doo dealer s don't get left out in the cold like geronamo .. did FROM Kernel kusters First Stand .. TIME - BOMB Is in motion and Rollin down the mountain with a slow Burn!! u get the jist .. this is good stuff ... This is Fake news and its real .. all you need is a new sled brand and a building with a strong customer base cause the consumer will always buy consumer driven PRODUCT .. please read into this like fishing with a ROD ,REEL and some smoky BAIT ...GERONIMOO would be proud after all the 1sT nations showed and taught the caucasians how to fish ... well we know how that story ended ... one for all and all for 1 .. take that shot with a little salt n Lime !! Hola !! torque- key- Laaaa .. Cheers .. Keep Your Spirits High !!! .. just open your mind and enjoy...the signs were there... we just didn't want to see them At BRP ,we don't just Think Big WE Dooooo big lynx one store at a time -BOMB ..tic tic tic tic tic tic........etc. kkKK -BooommMMMM !! 1000 new dealers across NORTH AMERICA !! Priceless !! Happy shareholders so ski - Doo dealers your best defence is to buy BRP STOCK ON THE OPEN Market TSX ...today feb 18 2021 BRP closed at $90 off $7 canadian Dollars for the weeK targeT price is heading towards neutral .. so be carefully time - BOMB cause small earthquake .. could be a shake down for inexperienced investors .. Let’s track stock for a bit everyday to gain a feel of what to Doo ..stay on the sideline’s .. see what happens .. up down up down up down up down up down .. thank god It’s Friday .. good Lord .. Yes !!
LeTs continue on shaLL WE are LYNxXxxx... part of the TiMe - BOMB ideology is the BRAND and what value iT represents in all aspects ,, jim jannard original owner of oakley .. all the ingredients and categories are an extension of the personality of the Brand that also encompasses the way the brand logos looks and feels plus in outside and inside of the building and most important -lee the sTaFf and or employees etc. to create a solid foundation and PLATForms to work wit TURN those PLATForms inTo consumer driven BRANDs .. the QuaLiTy goes iNN before the Brand name Logo goes OUT ...so looking forward BRP is the parenT company sKi -DOO is the brand wiT a 16wide and blank blank ski stance wit turboo standard now .. WE Are lynx fake new lol 15 WiDE PLATForm with a 34 inch ski stance and go from there nd find new dealers in many DiFFerent FORMS .. this will seem weird but turn a 4 prong pitch fork upside down back think about how that looks thaTs how HUGE corporation break their companies down .. i here ya .. but the KISS theory comes into plaY now .. ok i will be back in a bit my turn to back to reVy ..late hoTTuB and a sandwich !!

o zone guy

Active VIP Member
Apr 21, 2008
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moneY NeVeR sLeePs !! beep !! bee P !! wakkeYY !! wakKkeYYY !! some one feeLIng a liTTLe BakKeYY LeTs go maKe some caKe and eaT iT Toooo <> BRP if Ya don't eaT YeR MeaT Ya canT haVe anY PuDDinG ... BRP is the wiLLy wonKa of the sledding industry ...thaT ski Doo feLing is the PuDDinG... WE are LYNxXx is MeaT and POTaTo s... LYNX is an entry LeVeL inTo the snowmobile world and should and could be set at a lower price poinT To HooK and create a cuLTure of iTs own... SKI -Doo MADE iNN CANADA >> TiME - BOMB .. go aHEAD ask your self the most importanT QUaLiTY FoR success IS WHERE WILL THE LYNX BE MANUFACTURED ...GOOD QuesTION .. WE are LYNxXx but the IS the FiNiSHed PRODUCT BRAND beinging SHiP From ITs SECOND HOME IN... WHAT WAS THE NAME OF THE COUNTRY THAT iT is being BUiLT CUreNnTLY .. how original is iT after all LYNX was BORN in CANADA and as a 2nd thought was shipped to euorpe ?????? i canT remember the name of the country .. other then canada was the LYNX berth Place ... prove me wrong ?? OaKLeY was a home grow producT brand from USA and their consumers demanded the all oakley eYeWeaR be made in the good ole USA .. things have changed at oaKLeY .. most of the eYeWeaR is now being made over seas in a far awaY land .. buT LuxoTTica has the will and the power to sustain any baTTLE crYs because they haVe a TiME - BoMB that can go off all they have to dooo is piss my brother oFF direcToR of Sales NORTH AMERICA wholeSaLE and RETaiL combined ... same ideology is now applying to BRP ..!! we are all part of nature and survivaL is the KEY in- stink for everybody s involved to secure the past , presenT. and the FuTURE going FORward ... ADVANCE FREEDOOM !!

o zone guy

Active VIP Member
Apr 21, 2008
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o can sLed bashers and basher - HER- ettes .. leTs get ouT there this weekend and sPooL up the conversaTion thaTs TOMA !!! Top of MinD awareness .. WE are LYNxXxxxx.. TiME - BOMBS alwaYs had X's painted on the ouTside .. aint that some ThiNg .. if looKs LIKe a LYNX ... and WaLks Like a LYNX .. and RiDES liKe a LYNX >> and Then iT becomes a TiME - BOMB .. oh !! some ones aT the dooR wiT breakfasT .. be bacK in a BiT o wow i jusT had bison lasT week .. now u want me to trY LYNX .. 4 BREAKfesT !!!... hang on mr MaxWeLL ya goT a taste of LYNxXx whaT daaa Ya THINK ???

o zone guy

Active VIP Member
Apr 21, 2008
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movin right along so now u have buiLt a corporate TiME - BOMB {} sonic BOOM {} earth quaKes {} afTer SHocKs {} TiDLE waves {} sue - nom - eee .. this 1is my FaVoriTe .. FasTeR waY to get bacK to populate... POPuLaTe {} COMFoRT {} CONFLiCT {} communicaTion .. these are all the iNN - GReeD - ee - anTs for success going forward ... ADVANCE FREEDOOM !! bacK in a biT .. BouLDER - DoME is CaLLing .. hello
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