Nice, France attack .... at least 84 dead, hundreds injured


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Oct 21, 2006
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Edmonton/Sherwood Park
NICE, France — A Tunisian-born émigré with a record of petty crime was behind the wheel of a truck that barreled into Bastille Day revelers and claimed at least 84 lives over a mile-long path of horror, a police official said Friday, as investigators explored possible links to Islamist militant networks.
The driver was identified as 31-year-old Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel, whose identity documents, cellphone and bank card were found inside the 19-ton truck used in Thursday’s mayhem along a palm-dotted French Riviera corniche on Nice, according to police official in Nice. The official spoke on condition of anonymity in advance of a formal announcement.
French media reported that Bouhlel has no apparent previous links to extremism. But the probe has shifted quickly to determine whether Bouhlel acted alone, or if he had connections and a support network that could be plotting further violence.
Bouhlel — who zigzagged the truck through the crowds, witnesses said — then opened fire on survivors before being shot dead by police. French President François Hollande said at least 50 people remained in critical condition, hanging between “life and death.”
There was no immediate claim of responsibility for Thursday’s bloodshed along the palm-lined Mediterranean. One neighbor said Bouhlel was married and had three children, although that account was not immediately confirmed.

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The identity of the driver of the lorry, which rammed into the crowd at Bastille Day celebrations in Nice, France, has been confirmed as Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel. On July 14, 2016, Lahouaiej-Bouhlel drove through the crowd for around 1.2 miles (two kilometers), which left at least 80 dead and injured hundreds at the famous Promenade des Anglais after a firework display. He was later neutralized by the security forces. Officials are said to be investigating if the driver was working alone or affiliated with a terrorist group.
(Pictured) The ID card of the suspect Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel found in the lorry on July 15.

The truck struck the crowd after a fireworks display on the most important day in the French patriotic calendar on the Promenade des Anglais, a seaside walk in this southern French city. Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve announced early Friday that in addition to the dead, another 18 people were in critical condition.
Among the dead were at least two Americans, a vacationing father and son from Lakeway, Tex. More than two dozen German schoolchildren remained unaccounted for. Early Friday, the tarp-covered bodies were marked by orange and white traffic-control barriers that stood like rows of tombstones.
The truck used in the attack was rented on Monday from the Via Location rental agency just outside of Nice, according to a woman at the agency who answered the phone on Friday but said she was not authorized to give her name. She said that the French Interior Ministry had asked the agency not to share further information with the investigation underway.

Amid the high-alert atmosphere in Nice, the city’s airport was briefly evacuated Friday after reports of a suspicious package. No threat was discovered.
The attack plunged the country back into mourning and crisis — the latest in a string of mass violence that struck repeatedly over the past 18 months and put France on the front lines of attacks linked to the Islamic State.
French Prime Minister Manuel Valls said Friday that he believed that terrorism would plague France for the foreseeable future.
“The threat of terrorism, as we have now been saying for a long time, is weighing heavily on France, and it will continue to do so for a long time yet,” Valls said after an emergency meeting in Paris. “We are facing a war waged on us by terrorism.”
France had just exhaled after living for weeks with terrorism fears during the European soccer championships, which concluded on Sunday, and hours before the violence, Hollande had announced that he planned to allow a state of emergency to expire at the end of the month. On Friday, Hollande announced it would be extended three months instead.

Hollande said authorities were not yet sure whether the attack had been perpetrated by an individual or “perhaps multiple individuals.”
The attack was a “barbaric act,” Hollande said after meeting with top officials in Nice. “An individual who took a truck and murdered people with it.”
“There are a lot of children, young children, children who came to see the fireworks with their families,” Hollande said, “to share the amazement and the joy.”

Witnesses described total chaos, with the crackle of gunfire and people screaming as they fled the scene. Graphic video and photographs flooding social media showed the bodies strewn for a mile along the boulevard where the truck plowed into the crowd. Revelers ran while sirens blared.
France has declared three days of mourning beginning Saturday and flags will fly at half-staff.
The attack was the latest in a string of horrific incidents that have unfolded across Europe in the past 18 months. In March, Islamic State attackers killed 32 people in at the Brussels airport and a metro station.
France was rocked by a , when heavily armed suicide bombers killed 130 people in several places around Paris. The Islamic State asserted responsibility for that attack, the worst bloodshed on French soil since World War II.
In an address early Friday morning, Hollande condemned the “attack whose terrorist nature cannot be denied.” He announced that France would ramp up its military efforts in Syria and Iraq, where a U.S.-led coalition has tried to uproot the Islamic State from its strongholds.

“All of France is under the threat of Islamic terrorism,” said Hollande, who returned to Paris to deal with the crisis after a private visit to Avignon, France.
“[France] is strong. It will always be stronger, I assure you, than the fanatics that want to attack it today.”
The nearby city of Marseille, one of France’s largest, canceled its own fireworks display in response to the attack.
The reverberations spread across Europe. Germany said it would tighten border checks, Italy ordered police officials to reinforce security at all “sensitive targets” and Belgium added additional counterterror measures before its own national holiday celebrations next week.

In London, the French flag flew from atop 10 Downing Street and new prime minister Theresa May convened a meeting of the government’s emergency “Cobra” committee. May described the attack as “horrifying” and said Britain will stand “shoulder to shoulder” with France.
In Washington, President Obama released a statement Thursday night condemning the attack and said he had directed his team to get in touch with French officials to assist with the investigation.
“We stand in solidarity and partnership with France, our oldest ally, as they respond to and recover from this attack,” the statement said.
From Moscow, Secretary of State John F. Kerry and his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov said the attack underscored the need to end the violence in Syria, the home of the Islamic State. The U.S. is proposing greater intelligence coordination with Russia on Syria.
“The problem,” a solemn Kerry told Lavrov, “is you and I and other foreign ministers are doing this now on almost a weekly basis. And nowhere is there a greater hotbed or incubator for these terrorists than in Syria.”

The Islamic State has previously called for attacks using vehicles, according to the SITE Intelligence Group, which monitors extremist statements. It said supporters of the radical Islamist organization, also known as ISIS or ISIL, were sharing the news of the Nice attack and “celebrating the massacre.”
Pro-Islamic State forums posted old messages in which the terrorist group urged followers to carry out lone-wolf attacks against France.
Within half an hour of initial reports of the incident, Facebook had activated its “safety check” feature for people in Nice. On Twitter, others used the hashtag #Portes­OuvertesNice (“OpenDoorsNice”) to find and offer refuge to those who needed a place to stay.
The attack came on one of France’s most treasured holidays, the anniversary of the storming of the Bastille on July 14, 1789. In Paris, the occasion is marked by a military parade down the Champs-Elysees, the oldest such parade in Europe.
“There were so many injured, and dead bodies,” said Fiona Le Goff, 27, a concierge at an apartment building facing the Promenade des Anglais. “The worst was a woman whose body was just stuck to the street."
Later, she surveyed the area as forensic teams moved in. “There were people just covered with white cloths,” she said. “It was . . . horrible."
Among the dead were two Americans: Sean Copeland, 50, and his 11-year-old son Brodie from Lakeway, Tex., just outside of Austin. The two were vacationing around Europe together on a trip that began in Pamplona, Spain, and through Barcelona.
They had stopped in Nice to celebrate Bastille Day.
“We are heartbroken and in shock over the loss of Brodie Copeland, an amazing son and brother who lit up our lives, and Sean Copeland, a wonderful husband and father,” the family said in a statement released by family friend Jess Davis which was obtained by the . “They are so loved . . . it was a terrible loss.”
James McAuley in Nice, Souad Mekhennet in Frankfurt, Brian Murphy and William Branigin in Washington, Carol Morello in Moscow, Griff Witte in London and Yanan Wang in Toronto contributed to this report.


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Nov 1, 2010
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Armstrong BC
100% agree. While we are at it we should take care of the POS that killed that mother and daughter in Calgary too! I sure can think of many slow death methods to put him thru agonizing times as well.


Active VIP Member
Nov 28, 2007
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Terrible times in the world today. The world needs to start figuring out what we are going to do to stop this. Its time to officially declare war on radical Islam I think. Enough is enough.

Radical Islam????
The media are now saying it didn't take long for this clown to be radicalized. When are people going to wake up. The Quran tells every muslim in the world to do exactly what these killers are doing. How long are we going stick our heads in the sand and hope it all goes away? Muslims every where have admitted they plan to take over the world. Wake up people.


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Mar 3, 2009
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Radical Islam????
The media are now saying it didn't take long for this clown to be radicalized. When are people going to wake up. The Quran tells every muslim in the world to do exactly what these killers are doing. How long are we going stick our heads in the sand and hope it all goes away? Muslims every where have admitted they plan to take over the world. Wake up people.
Can you copy and paste that for us? Not every Muslim wants to kill us. If they do you better,arm up, quit your job and start watching your neighbors 24/7 if that is the case?:rolleyes:


Active VIP Member
Nov 28, 2007
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No I'm not going to copy and paste for you. You go right ahead and do your own research. The Quran tells every muslim to kill all the non believers. Non believers are those who don't believe in or follow Islam.


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Sep 22, 2008
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West of Toronto
When ever this debate pops up ( lots lately) I always ask this one question ....
If the regular Muslims don't / won't / or can not recognize the radical extremists , how in the hell does the regular western white dude know who is going to try to kill him then.....??

i am pretty sick of " he was a great guy , must of got radicalized... Never saw it coming "
Give me a break !!!!


Active VIP Member
Apr 23, 2010
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I am afraid nothing will change for the better until:

A. the Liberals pull their collective heads out of their butts and stop this senseless immigration;
B. The U.S., Britain, or France unleashes a very large weapon on a couple of Sh!t Hole, Middle Eastern countries . Just maybe that would get their attention and persuade them to pursue other sheep, I mean occupations.

And Snopro, I do believe the day is not far off when we will have to start watching our "neighbors". Especially with Shiny Pony bringing them in by the plane load. Please do some research on the "religion of Peace". It is nothing of the sort.


Active VIP Member
Mar 3, 2009
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No I'm not going to copy and paste for you. You go right ahead and do your own research. The Quran tells every muslim to kill all the non believers. Non believers are those who don't believe in or follow Islam.

I am afraid nothing will change for the better until:

A. the Liberals pull their collective heads out of their butts and stop this senseless immigration;
B. The U.S., Britain, or France unleashes a very large weapon on a couple of Sh!t Hole, Middle Eastern countries . Just maybe that would get their attention and persuade them to pursue other sheep, I mean occupations.

And Snopro, I do believe the day is not far off when we will have to start watching our "neighbors". Especially with Shiny Pony bringing them in by the plane load. Please do some research on the "religion of Peace". It is nothing of the sort.
I am not going to get into an argument about the Qur'an, that I can guarantee. I could give a shat about it and the people that follow it. However after reading and re reading a book on ISIS written by 2 scholars on Islam and the beginnings of this terrorist network I can tell you the Qur'an is probably the most misinterpreted book on the planet. It has evolved from a peaceful religion in Muhammad's original visions to basically now a book of war by more modern Islamist's. The original 5 pillars of Islam by Muhammad called for Faith-Daily Prayer-Almsgiving (the giving of money or food to poor people)-Fasting during Ramadan and Pilgrimage to Mecca (once in the believers lifetime). It wasn't until later that Jihad was called to be the 6th pillar and that was to be only against oppressors of Muslims. Basically defensive fighting. All practicing Muslims follow Salafism. There are 3 levels or types of Salafism. Quiet Salafism are scholars or believers who follow the fundamental roots of the Qur'an. Political Salafism are Muslims that are more outspoken that try and introduce politics into Islam. The last one is Jihad Salafism. Jihad is the sole interpretation of this type and the groups that are following this are the ones you see on TV every couple weeks. They are the hard liners that want Sharia Law and a more strict and fundamentally religious Islam. Those are the guys more mainstream Muslims fear as well as anyone else they view as non believers. Remember one thing......more Muslims are killed by extremists or radicals than white people. Read the book "ISIS-The State of Terror" by Jessica Stern and J.M. Berger. Its a good read and then I won't have to type all this crap out for you. I am no lover of Islam. Trust me.
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Active VIP Member
Apr 23, 2010
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I am not going to get into an argument about the Qur'an, that I can guarantee. I could give a shat about it and the people that follow it. However after reading and re reading a book on ISIS written by 2 scholars on Islam and the beginnings of this terrorist network I can tell you the Qur'an is probably the most misinterpreted book on the planet. It has evolved from a peaceful religion in Muhammad's original visions to basically now a book of war by more modern Islamist's. The original 5 pillars of Islam by Muhammad called for Faith-Daily Prayer-Almsgiving (the giving of money or food to poor people)-Fasting during Ramadan and Pilgrimage to Mecca (once in the believers lifetime). It wasn't until later that Jihad was called to be the 6th pillar and that was to be only against oppressors of Muslims. Basically defensive fighting. All practicing Muslims follow Salafism. There are 3 levels or types of Salafism. Quiet Salafism are scholars or believers who follow the fundamental roots of the Qur'an. Political Salafism are Muslims that are more outspoken that try and introduce politics into Islam. The last one is Jihad Salafism. Jihad is the sole interpretation of this type and the groups that are following this are the ones you see on TV every couple weeks. They are the hard liners that want Sharia Law and a more strict and fundamentally religious Islam. Those are the guys more mainstream Muslims fear as well as anyone else they view as non believers. Remember one thing......more Muslims are killed by extremists or radicals than white people. Read the book "ISIS-The State of Terror" by Jessica Stern and J.M. Berger. Its a good read and then I won't have to type all this crap out for you. I am no lover of Islam. Trust me.

I agree with you and your info is very close to what I have read as well.
As in so many things/politics/religion, most are started with the best of intentions and then over time, things start to go sideways. Leaving us with the problems that we have today. The idiotic sect of Islam have perverted it for their agenda. It no longer is a religion of peace.
The sectarian violence in Northern Ireland as just one example in the Western world of how off track a mix of religion and politics can occur.

In general, I am a supporter of the USA. However, I got this feeling that if they had left, for example, Saddam Hussein and Khadafi in power in their respective countries and allowed those countries/citizens to sort out their own problems, we may not have the current problems that are tearing up the world now. Granted, those countries have been waging war on themselves, their tribes and each other for centuries. Don't think that is going to end any time soon either...

I still believe the Western Nation(s) are going to have to step up and play a "few innings of real hardball".

I would love to see everyone living life to the fullest and respecting each other however, I really do believe we are going to have real bad problems in this country in relative short order.

Just my humble opinion, I am no expert by any means.
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Active VIP Member
Mar 3, 2009
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I agree with you and your info is very close to what I have read as well.
As in so many things/politics/religion, most are started with the best of intentions and then over time, things start to go sideways. Leaving us with the problems that we have today. The idiotic sect of Islam have perverted it for their agenda. It no longer is a religion of peace.
The sectarian violence in Northern Ireland as just one example in the Western world of how off track a mix of religion and politics can occur.

In general, I am a supporter of the USA. However, I got this feeling that if they had left, for example, Saddam Hussein and Khadafi in power in their respective countries and allowed those countries/citizens to sort out their own problems, we may not have the current problems that are tearing up the world now. Granted, those countries have been waging war on themselves, their tribes and each other for centuries. Don't think that is going to end any time soon either...

I still believe the Western Nation(s) are going to have to step up and play a "few innings of real hardball".

I would love to see everyone living life to the fullest and respecting each other however, I really do believe we are going to have real bad problems in this country in relative short order.

Just my humble opinion, I am no expert by any means.
Its hard for anyone to be an expert on this religion collin. Its a constantly moving interpretation it seems. I am not religious but believe in a God but wonder is the bible interpreted differently like the Qur'an? I think things will heat up soon on this front as France has had enough they say and as soon as the US gets a new president things will escalate. Obama is a lame duck right now. He doesn't want to pick a fight when he is on the way out.


Active VIP Member
Apr 23, 2010
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Its hard for anyone to be an expert on this religion collin. Its a constantly moving interpretation it seems. I am not religious but believe in a God but wonder is the bible interpreted differently like the Qur'an? I think things will heat up soon on this front as France has had enough they say and as soon as the US gets a new president things will escalate. Obama is a lame duck right now. He doesn't want to pick a fight when he is on the way out.

Right on the mark for sure.


Active VIP Member
Sep 15, 2009
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There is over 6million muslims in France. There is parts of the country you can't go if you are white, without getting your azz kicked.

They have been dropping bombs on the middle east for a long time, dropping more bombs, even a nuke won't solve chit.

The real French people need to stand up for themselves, and take THEIR country back.


Active VIP Member
Nov 28, 2007
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I am not going to get into an argument about the Qur'an, that I can guarantee. I could give a shat about it and the people that follow it. However after reading and re reading a book on ISIS written by 2 scholars on Islam and the beginnings of this terrorist network I can tell you the Qur'an is probably the most misinterpreted book on the planet. It has evolved from a peaceful religion in Muhammad's original visions to basically now a book of war by more modern Islamist's. The original 5 pillars of Islam by Muhammad called for Faith-Daily Prayer-Almsgiving (the giving of money or food to poor people)-Fasting during Ramadan and Pilgrimage to Mecca (once in the believers lifetime). It wasn't until later that Jihad was called to be the 6th pillar and that was to be only against oppressors of Muslims. Basically defensive fighting. All practicing Muslims follow Salafism. There are 3 levels or types of Salafism. Quiet Salafism are scholars or believers who follow the fundamental roots of the Qur'an. Political Salafism are Muslims that are more outspoken that try and introduce politics into Islam. The last one is Jihad Salafism. Jihad is the sole interpretation of this type and the groups that are following this are the ones you see on TV every couple weeks. They are the hard liners that want Sharia Law and a more strict and fundamentally religious Islam. Those are the guys more mainstream Muslims fear as well as anyone else they view as non believers. Remember one thing......more Muslims are killed by extremists or radicals than white people. Read the book "ISIS-The State of Terror" by Jessica Stern and J.M. Berger. Its a good read and then I won't have to type all this crap out for you. I am no lover of Islam. Trust me.

The Quran is NOT one of the most misinterpreted religious books on the planet. The Quran and Islam is one of the most misunderstood religions on the planet. The Quran was not written in crypt like the holy bible was.
Folks don’t need to be bamboozled with all the gobbledegook about the pillars of Islam. Folks want some understanding about why these people are killing non- believers. Here is a book I think explains much and in layman’s terms.
Heretic: Why Islam needs a reformation now by Ayaan Hirsi Ali. You can purchase it on


Active VIP Member
Mar 3, 2009
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The Quran is NOT one of the most misinterpreted religious books on the planet. The Quran and Islam is one of the most misunderstood religions on the planet. The Quran was not written in crypt like the holy bible was.
Folks don’t need to be bamboozled with all the gobbledegook about the pillars of Islam. Folks want some understanding about why these people are killing non- believers. Here is a book I think explains much and in layman’s terms.
Heretic: Why Islam needs a reformation now by Ayaan Hirsi Ali. You can purchase it on
I'm not trying to bamboozle anyone. Read the Qur'an. Those are their 5 pillars. Like I said everyone in that religion is getting something different from the readings even if its not there and they want to see what they want to see. I said the problem is with those that choose to see jihad and war instead of what it actually says. I have purchased one book already on how Islam operates. I won't be buying another. I'll save that money for personal protection but thanks anyways.


Active VIP Member
Nov 28, 2007
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I'm not trying to bamboozle anyone. Read the Qur'an. Those are their 5 pillars. Like I said everyone in that religion is getting something different from the readings even if its not there and they want to see what they want to see. I said the problem is with those that choose to see jihad and war instead of what it actually says. I have purchased one book already on how Islam operates. I won't be buying another. I'll save that money for personal protection but thanks anyways.

What it actually says, what their god actually tells them, all of them is to cut the head off all the non-believers.


Active VIP Member
Nov 28, 2007
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I don't understand the denial of this religion. I don't understand the defensiveness so many people have with this religion. Neither the Quran or Allah chose 20 to 30 thousand followers to just go out and start killing people. We call them Islamic Extremist. You think they just came out of the closet? Wake up folks. They have openly admitted for years they plan to take over the world.


Active VIP Member
Sep 22, 2008
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West of Toronto
According to Obama , the only problem is once a normal muslim
turns radical , they want to kill every one around them ....
It is reported that most of the terrorists attackers were recently radicalized prior to the attacks that they carried out ....

Mostly because we are not accepting enough of them ?

Well how do you know with ones are not going to radicalize in the next few days and drive over school children ?? Or shoot & blow up our public places ....

We have absolutely no way of knowing who are enemy is untill it is too late ..

Its time we went on the offensive ....
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