Something needs to change!!!


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Dec 3, 2011
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Lacombe AB
So a group of us rode Boulder Thursday Friday Saturday. And a bigger gong show I have never seen. This drinking and sledding thing has gotten way out of hand. We came across a couple groups that had guys that were so hammered they could hardly stumble to their sled. I'm not talking about a couple beers. We would sit at the bottom of a hill climb section and chat or take a poke at the hill. And these guys were pounding beers back. Then once the beer was gone pulled out flasks and continued drinking. A kid on a snow bike went ripping past us and straight into an big hole. Ate handlebars, then comes stumbling out of the hole and waving over someone in his group to help him out.

Heading down the trail Thursday night at 530 we meet a guy heading up. We stop and see if everything is ok. He smells heavily of liquor and is slurring his words. Turns out he is headed up to look for a guy in their group that is lost.

As as if the shenanigans up top were not bad enough. In the parking lot at 9:30 am there was a group shot gunning beers in their trailer. And carrying out 15 packs and packing as many as they could in or on their sleds and packs. They had their sleds parked on the middle of the road and were asked multiple times by the parking attendant it move them. Finally to comply.

How much longer till one of these drunk idiots kills someone on the trails? And how many of the SAR calls are due to alcohol? It's only a mater of time before there will be drastic steps taken that will effect all of us sledders. What can we do as a sledding community to fix this problem? Don't get me wrong. I have no problem with a couple beers while out sledding for the day. I don't personally drink anything while sledding. I save that for when I'm down having supper. But I'm not trying to stand on a soap box and shake my finger at anyone that has a drink on the hill.

Ok ok rant over. Sorry it's so long.


Active VIP Member
Mar 8, 2011
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Not much different than people riding out of bounds. The only way to change it is to have heavy enforcement. Which means huge financial costs for club or the fuzz have to get into the business of patrolling the hills.

In other words nothing will change, and we can continue wringing our hands and venting to whoever will listen.

Rather like politics and policing in general, actually.


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Jan 8, 2007
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Prince George
I was parked in a open area, and a guy who could hardly stand up hit my sled hard enough to send me flying. The rest of the day I was looking over my shoulder for this guy.


Active VIP Member
Nov 16, 2012
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fernie bc
I think some good sledding culture and a bit of exposure to what can happen will help. Most of all don't be afraid to stop and help and when they need it and make sure they understand that what they are doing could and may kill them. If they are very drunk like your explaining call the cops when you get down and hopefully they get them driving under the influence. that should keep them off the hill for a bit.


Active VIP Member
Nov 21, 2009
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St albert Alberta
All that has to happen is the cops go to the bottom of the trail and do a stop check there.
Would this happen no that's to hard for them to figure out.
I seen many times the cops know there's a problem but they would rather check to make sure your sleds are tied down correct.


Active VIP Member
Jan 17, 2009
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they can certainly nail lots of people
All that has to happen is the cops go to the bottom of the trail and do a stop check there.
Would this happen no that's to hard for them to figure out.
I seen many times the cops know there's a problem but they would rather check to make sure your sleds are tied down correct.


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Dec 3, 2011
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Lacombe AB
What happens to the RCMP at the cabin? A few years ago they would be up there every day of the weekend. And I did not see the idiot drunken sledders. Was the funding cut? All they would have to do is set up a check stop at the truck pull out on the main highway and they would hand out a DUI to every second truck coming out of the Boulder parking lot. Seems like a no brainer.
I can't see confronting a group of drunk sledders going very well.
Bottom line, at some point enough will be enough and there goes our riding area.


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Dec 3, 2011
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Lacombe AB
you can not fix stupid. don't forget about all the garbage that is left behind from some people. they can certainly pack it in but some reason cannot pack it out.

That is another entire issue there. But not as important IMO. Garbage does not kill people. Yes we could have some areas closed due to the mess but unlikely.


Active VIP Member
Oct 28, 2007
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So a group of us rode Boulder Thursday Friday Saturday. And a bigger gong show I have never seen. This drinking and sledding thing has gotten way out of hand. We came across a couple groups that had guys that were so hammered they could hardly stumble to their sled. I'm not talking about a couple beers. We would sit at the bottom of a hill climb section and chat or take a poke at the hill. And these guys were pounding beers back. Then once the beer was gone pulled out flasks and continued drinking. A kid on a snow bike went ripping past us and straight into an big hole. Ate handlebars, then comes stumbling out of the hole and waving over someone in his group to help him out.

Heading down the trail Thursday night at 530 we meet a guy heading up. We stop and see if everything is ok. He smells heavily of liquor and is slurring his words. Turns out he is headed up to look for a guy in their group that is lost.

As as if the shenanigans up top were not bad enough. In the parking lot at 9:30 am there was a group shot gunning beers in their trailer. And carrying out 15 packs and packing as many as they could in or on their sleds and packs. They had their sleds parked on the middle of the road and were asked multiple times by the parking attendant it move them. Finally to comply.

How much longer till one of these drunk idiots kills someone on the trails? And how many of the SAR calls are due to alcohol? It's only a mater of time before there will be drastic steps taken that will effect all of us sledders. What can we do as a sledding community to fix this problem? Don't get me wrong. I have no problem with a couple beers while out sledding for the day. I don't personally drink anything while sledding. I save that for when I'm down having supper. But I'm not trying to stand on a soap box and shake my finger at anyone that has a drink on the hill.

Ok ok rant over. Sorry it's so long.

I agree, but if it bothered you so much did you report it to the authorities.

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Dec 3, 2011
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Lacombe AB
What if the cops set up in the Boulder parking lot and asked to see registration or whatever. And if the the guy smells like booze breathalyze the bastard. I would not at all mind the delay of them doing something like that.

As if there are not enough dangers already associated with sledding. We have to drive the roads with crazy ass drivers on them just to get to revy. Then avalanches and open creek beds. And also getting run over by some drunken douche bag.


Active member
Dec 3, 2011
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Lacombe AB
I agree, but if it bothered you so much did you report it to the authorities.

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problem is we are usually one of the last groups off the hill. And not everywhere has cell service up there. And what do you tell the RCMP? There are drunks up here and I have no idea when they are heading down or which parking lot they are going to? I some how dont see the police committing 4 cars and a bunch of man power because of a tip like that. Correct me if I'm wrong.


I'm doo-ing it!
Dec 2, 2008
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beautiful, downtown Salmon Arm, BC
I have seen check stops on the road out of Gorman. I like that but that only gets the driver. He could be sober and the three other guys in the truck *hit face drunk and they have driven their sleds down and there is really nothing they can do. IMHO, a check stop has to be set up at the end of the trail entering the parking lot to get the dudes coming back to the parking lot. The authorities would get a really good return for the time spent.

But it is funny how these things will take a deadly accident up on the hill before something is done about it. Sort of like closing the barn door after the horses are out.


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Dec 3, 2011
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Lacombe AB
I have seen check stops on the road out of Gorman. I like that but that only gets the driver. He could be sober and the three other guys in the truck *hit face drunk and they have driven their sleds down and there is really nothing they can do. IMHO, a check stop has to be set up at the end of the trail entering the parking lot to get the dudes coming back to the parking lot. The authorities would get a really good return for the time spent.

But it is funny how these things will take a deadly accident up on the hill before something is done about it. Sort of like closing the barn door after the horses are out.

You are dead on. Set it up by the toll booth. Get every one. Would be a slow process and may cause a bit of a traffic jam but I would happily wait my turn.

And I feel bad for the person that will have to pay the ultimate price for there to be any change.


Active VIP Member
Oct 28, 2007
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And what do you tell the RCMP? There are drunks up here and I have no idea when they are heading down or which parking lot they are going to? I some how dont see the police committing 4 cars and a bunch of man power because of a tip like that. Correct me if I'm wrong.

????? It Is no different than reporting a drunk driver on the highway. It's up to the authorities to sort it out. If you don't report a problem than there is no point in ranting about it on social media.

Scenario is no different than reporting a incident at work.

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Active member
Dec 3, 2011
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Lacombe AB
????? It Is no different than reporting a drunk driver on the highway. It's up to the authorities to sort it out. If you don't report a problem than there is no point in ranting about it on social media.

Scenario is no different than reporting a incident at work.

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Its way different than reporting a drunk on the highway. At least on the highway you have a direction of travel, highway number, estimated time till they reach the next town. On top of Boulder you have non of that. And if you think they will "sort" it out well we both know that nothing will become of that report. Not saying that I shouldn't have called it in but the chances of them catching the guy is a zero. Check stop to catch a large number of them is the only logical way to go.

Poo time

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Jan 11, 2015
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Roblin manitoba
Unfortunately we are seeing this out here on the prairies more all the time. Last year my daughters and I were at a warm up shack when a crew of folks came and 2 guys could not stand. Then one of the ladies in this crew realized they were missing a 8 year old boy that was with them. My daughters and I found him stuck about 2.5 miles back. He was scared but ok. This was brought to the Rc's.


Active VIP Member
Oct 28, 2007
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Its way different than reporting a drunk on the highway. At least on the highway you have a direction of travel, highway number, estimated time till they reach the next town. On top of Boulder you have non of that. And if you think they will "sort" it out well we both know that nothing will become of that report. Not saying that I shouldn't have called it in but the chances of them catching the guy is a zero. Check stop to catch a large number of them is the only logical way to go.

Humm what goes up the trail must come down, also guys drinking in the staging area, Like you reported on here.

Guess you wouldn't report a sled getting stolen cause you don't know what direction they were going.

Sorry sir I do not agree that, not reporting it to the authorities and ranting on here is ok.

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