Has ISIS gone too far?


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Mar 3, 2009
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Re: Has ISIS gone to far?

Where was ISIS before the US invaded over there?I can't recall can any of you tell me?
Maybe if the western world just killed all muslim's then the world would be all better.
Maybe 99.999 percent of them are peacefull people that want the western world to leave them alone.
But hey,they are aren't white,so let's kill them all.
Hey let's go back,kill another 100,000 people then for sure they will see how good and pure of people
we are. I couldn't possibly see why a plan like that wouldn't work.

Just like piston said (better innocent people die over there than over here)
Cause we are white so we are worth way more . RIGHT...........

The US dismantled the iraq millitary and blew the whole country basically back to the stone ages.........
I don't see any reason that they can't fight these extremist's off. I mean really....................
Radical Islam has been around since the dark ages. This is not a war against Muslims in whole. Don't try and make it that way. No one is saying we should kill every Muslim on the planet


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Nov 29, 2010
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Re: Has ISIS gone to far?

If the US blew the whole place to shyt and now all of this ISIS crap as happening.
Who's fault is it? Who caused it?
If bomb's were falling all around you where you live and troops from the nation that dropped
them followed what would you do?
Invite them in for coffee?
Like Ron Paul said "we(USA) have over 900 military bases in 130 country's and we wonder why
we have troubles"


That's the wrong video but at 4:30 he start's to talk about "blow back principle's"
To sum up his standpoint IMO is -- if you butt your nose in other people's business long
enough you are asking for trouble.

Yes snopro, I agree 100% with your last few comment's.Other's(not you) that say nuke em all.
is what I was speaking against.
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Active VIP Member
Jan 15, 2010
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medicine hat
Re: Has ISIS gone to far?

Somewhat feel the U.S. taking out Sadam was the start of all this crap,( thinking he had mass weapons of destruction... Lol) as bad as sadam was he also ran that uncontroable country, and people followed his rule or died.. Now after the U.S. thought they would save their people from him, they realized it was not so easy in a country where human life is of not much valve, and finnally gave up, with a country in shambles

also believe like above post that the U.S. with all their noses in everybody's bussiness has caused some real bad taste in people's minds and erratic extremist groups are formed, with the main concept to hurt the Americans some how..

reading a a article this week it had made some sense where this has happen before in history, where wars and death, suffering get to a point that all groups, religions, colors and ext just basically throw in the towel and start over again.. But they never had the bomb we have today..


Active VIP Member
Feb 8, 2012
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On the edge
Re: Has ISIS gone to far?

Where was ISIS before the US invaded over there?I can't recall can any of you tell me?
Maybe if the western world just killed all muslim's then the world would be all better.
Maybe 99.999 percent of them are peacefull people that want the western world to leave them alone.
But hey,they are aren't white,so let's kill them all.
Hey let's go back,kill another 100,000 people then for sure they will see how good and pure of people
we are. I couldn't possibly see why a plan like that wouldn't work.

Just like piston said (better innocent people die over there than over here)
Cause we are white so we are worth way more . RIGHT...........

The US dismantled the iraq millitary and blew the whole country basically back to the stone ages.........
I don't see any reason that they can't fight these extremist's off. I mean really....................

Why is it the same people who cry 'rascism' are always the first to bring it into every conversation. Being a muslim is a choice of RELIGION. What in the **** does it have to do with being white, purple or brown??

Some of you guys realllly need to read a little deeper then CNN, or any other mainstream media. For the very same reason the world is in the position we are, is the also the reason this conversation is going to spiral out of control- Emotion trumps rational thought.

Guy from Lloyd, in all honesty, why would you equate ANY of this to race?? This has ABSOLUTLY NOTHING...NOTHING... to do with race. It actually has nothing to do with religion either, surprisingly enough. It has EVERYTHING to do with protecting a form of life.

The Middle East for the most part has never left the stone age, due to the constant state of civil unrest. Sunni and Shia have been killing each other WAYYYYY before they wanted to kill us. I would love to explain it to you, but it will get very long winded. We (the rest of the world) have things SOOOOO ****ed up now, anything short of starting over will not fix, or stop it.

In a twisted sort of way, I understand why they are pissed off, I ALMOST don't even blame them. Our path has already been set, and until more people allow themselves to understand it, things are only going to get worse.


Active VIP Member
Feb 8, 2012
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On the edge
Re: Has ISIS gone to far?

Somewhat feel the U.S. taking out Sadam was the start of all this crap,( thinking he had mass weapons of destruction... Lol) as bad as sadam was he also ran that uncontroable country, and people followed his rule or died.. Now after the U.S. thought they would save their people from him, they realized it was not so easy in a country where human life is of not much valve, and finnally gave up, with a country in shambles

also believe like above post that the U.S. with all their noses in everybody's bussiness has caused some real bad taste in people's minds and erratic extremist groups are formed, with the main concept to hurt the Americans some how..

reading a a article this week it had made some sense where this has happen before in history, where wars and death, suffering get to a point that all groups, religions, colors and ext just basically throw in the towel and start over again.. But they never had the bomb we have today..

Saddam DID have WMD's, always did. Both Soviet and American. It's no secret. Well documented. But that has NOTHING to do with the 'war'. Saddam was just one many of the puppets put into place throughout history. He got tired of playing ball, so the same people that propped him up, threw him under the bus.

Part of what makes ISIS even more dangerous is those same WMD's that 'didn't exist'.

Vance Matheson

Active VIP Member
Oct 30, 2012
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Re: Has ISIS gone to far?

Colour of skin has nothing to do with it.
These people are radicals, and it has nothing to do with true islam. They claim to be Islam.. of their own kind.

Just look at this goofball who just got killed recently.. Friggin pencil neck... I never took him seriously either.


couldnt even finish that...


Active VIP Member
Jan 15, 2010
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medicine hat
Re: Has ISIS gone to far?

No he did not, they tried over and over to pin wpd, but never found a dam thing.. Your mistaken

Saddam DID have WMD's, always did. Both Soviet and American. It's no secret. Well documented. But that has NOTHING to do with the 'war'. Saddam was just one many of the puppets put into place throughout history. He got tired of playing ball, so the same people that propped him up, threw him under the bus.

Part of what makes ISIS even more dangerous is those same WMD's that 'didn't exist'.


Active VIP Member
Feb 8, 2012
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On the edge
Re: Has ISIS gone to far?

No he did not, they tried over and over to pin wpd, but never found a dam thing.. Your mistaken

Saddam-Era Chemical Weapons Now Under ISIS Control: Reports

Sunni Extremists in Iraq Occupy Saddam Hussein's Chemical Weapons Facility - WSJ

Isis seizes former chemical weapons plant in Iraq | World news | The Guardian

You can't get much done without public support. Sometimes you need to lie to the public, in order to get there support...

You people really need to open your eyes.


Active VIP Member
Feb 8, 2012
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Re: Has ISIS gone to far?

A good portion of the weapons went to Syria, in attempts to hide them during inspections.

The Americans used the excuse that Assad was using chemical weapons on HIS people, in order to drum up support to shake up Syria, and further destabilize the Middle East.

You don't even NEED to dig to find this stuff, it's all just happening in plain site. It's just like it you want to steal something, do it in the day light. Most people are too busy building carbon fibre turbos to pay any attention to it and think anything is wrong... ESPECIALLY if you assure them your above the law.


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Mar 3, 2009
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Re: Has ISIS gone to far?

What a lot of people forget about the whole Saddam/WMD fiasco was the international community pretty much gave the Iraqi's 2 full years to hide the weapon's before moving in. If you want to catch someone in the act you don't give them notice.


Active VIP Member
Feb 8, 2012
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On the edge
Re: Has ISIS gone to far?

What a lot of people forget about the whole Saddam/WMD fiasco was the international community pretty much gave the Iraqi's 2 full years to hide the weapon's before moving in. If you want to catch someone in the act you don't give them notice.

I don't know about you, but you can't help but wonder if it all just wasn't for show anyway?? I mean really, what would the difference of been had they went in right away??
Another tough one to prove, but I bet the only purpose of these UN fact finding missions is to appease the masses, and it's really no coincidence the findings ALWAYS favor what the masses want to hear.

And because it's so hard to believe, it's easy to pass of those that DO see through the bull****, as crazy, tinfoil, conspericy, bal bla bla.... just shut up, pay your tax, and go watch football.


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Mar 3, 2009
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Re: Has ISIS gone to far?

The definition of WMD is a weapon or weapons that can kill or harm people en mass. Chemical weapons fit that criteria and we know Saddam had those as he had already gassed hundreds of thousands of his own people. Bottom line for me is people like Hitler, Saddam and Bin Laden have no usefullness in this world. The sooner they go away the better, not only for us but there own people.


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Dec 18, 2010
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Salmon Arm
Re: Has ISIS gone to far?

The damage is done and it will take generations for the anti-Western sentiment to pass. I say pull out completely and let them sort it out while protecting the homelands from the extremists that are still pissed enough to come over and try to cause chaos. There has never been peace in that zone and it's ignorant to think that we can go in and create it. Let them kill each other and take the targets off of our backs by staying out of it.


Active VIP Member
Feb 8, 2012
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On the edge
Re: Has ISIS gone to far?

Bottom line for me is people like Hitler, Saddam and Bin Laden have no usefullness in this world. The sooner they go away the better, not only for us but there own people.

To be the devils advocate though, those three people are just that- 3 people. Throughout history, there hasn't been more then a handful of the type. The problem is not that handful of people, but the all those so blind as to follow them.


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Jan 21, 2007
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Re: Has ISIS gone to far?

So, in other words, they hid all these weapons, while under constant satellite surveillance?

So if they took over this so called manufacturing plant, why does the media know of this before us hearing it's destroyed?

Rumour control out of control. It's not like:

"oh.. there is a WMD plant that we know of... let's just leave it be..." ?!?! LOL

One reason we have our noses in everyone's business is so the nuclear weapons don't fall in the wrong hands.


Active VIP Member
Mar 3, 2009
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Re: Has ISIS gone to far?

So, in other words, they hid all these weapons, while under constant satellite surveillance?

So if they took over this so called manufacturing plant, why does the media know of this before us hearing it's destroyed?

Rumour control out of control. It's not like:

"oh.. there is a WMD plant that we know of... let's just leave it be..." ?!?! LOL

One reason we have our noses in everyone's business is so the nuclear weapons don't fall in the wrong hands.
Thats how us peons hear about news Cuso. Via the government or the media. I wouldn't even know how to find out about this stuff on my own. Lol. Satellites camera's are only as good as what they are aiming at. I'm sure the US has secret bases that the Chinese or Russians know nothing about.


Active VIP Member
Mar 3, 2009
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Re: Has ISIS gone to far?

To be the devils advocate though, those three people are just that- 3 people. Throughout history, there hasn't been more then a handful of the type. The problem is not that handful of people, but the all those so blind as to follow them.
These type of eliminations of key personnel is a statement only. Cut the head off a snake and another one appears in these cases unfortunately.
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