Y2Y Founder & Shannon Phillips public meeting to discuss more trail closures..


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Dec 27, 2008
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Waskatenau, Alberta
Re: Y2Y Founder & Shannon Phillips public meeting to discuss more trail closures..

Folks, this was posted on Facebook. This is not fake news, but was overheard at next table by a concerned Albertan.

Today was a very sad, yet enlightening day for me. Also very timely given the post yesterday by Bryan Lichfield regarding the Yukon to Yellowstone (Y2Y) group.
This morning I was sitting with my family having Easter breakfast at Stella's diner in downtown Lethbridge. Lo and behold who should walk in, but everyone's favorite hypocrite, lie to her constituents, Lethbridge MLA and environment minister Shannon Phillips. She sat down at a table 3 feet from me.
Even more interesting was who she was with. She was with Harvey Locke, the founder of Y2Y and his wife Marie-Eve Marchand. If you are not familiar with these people, Google search them. You'll be very enlightened. If you have never met Mr. Locke, he loves to hear himself speak……. Loudly. This proved to be beneficial because I (and the rest of the restaurant) could clearly hear most of their conversation.
Mr. Locke had a map laid out in plain view on the table in a public restaurant for all to see. He was showing Shannon the map, pointing to areas, and telling her that trails need to be closed and access restricted because these were traditional Buffalo migratory paths and breeding grounds. The area on the map looked to me like either the Porcupine Hills or the Livingston Range because it was long and thin. It was definitely not the castle area.
They talked for quite a while, and in Shannon's defence Locke did 90% of the talking. Shannon was just looking at the map, smiling and nodding her head.
Then the scariest words of all were uttered, Locke turned to Shannon and said “now all we have to do is get you reelected” and their entire table burst out laughing.
Up until this moment I actually thought we had a chance to make a difference. I filled out my survey, I went to the public meetings and protests, and diligently wrote more letters than I can count. I realized today it was all for naught. These are Shannon's friends and they are her beliefs. She was an environmental activist before she was elected and will continue to be. We can protest and make white noise all we want but she will not change her mind. The Castle Park is happening and it would appear there are more closures to come.
People…….. we have lost the battle. We need to accept that and refocus our efforts on how we can now win the war.
We need to abandon the notion that they're listening to us. We need to accept the fact that despite them making it seem like we have a voice, we do not. They are not listening and we cannot change this governments mind. Instead we must devote our time and energy into changing the government itself. We need to transition from “protesters” into “campaigners” and ensure that come election time, the NDP are removed from power and replaced by someone more sympathetic to our way of life.
I attached a couple pictures I took. Shannon is the one in the yellow scarf. Im kicking myself for not trying to get a picture of the map.
Please share this post. We may have lost the castle (for now) but hopefully this knowledge can help some of our OHV friends elsewhere from also losing their riding area.

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I believe this to be a year or two old, not recently. Regardless gives you an idea of the insider BS

guys...read back. This is a copy of the 1st post of this very thread from April 15th 2017......interesting how today this very post is rearing the ugly truth of what minister Shannon Phillips is really up to.

would it help need to forward it to all the media types you know and see if they run with it?


Active VIP Member
Jun 17, 2013
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Re: Y2Y Founder & Shannon Phillips public meeting to discuss more trail closures..

In 2016 Canada had less than four people per square kilometer, the US had 35 people in the same area,
The US has 9.834 million square kilometers as compared to Canada's 9,985 million square kilometers.
The US is by comparison heavily populated with concentrations towards the coast.
Most of the settled areas or settlements in Canada are concentrated in areas around the border with the United States, such as the Québec–Windsor axis, or in pockets within provinces, such as the Calgary–Edmonton corridor.

There is little evidence to suggest that a wildlife corridor is an imperative as it already exists. The 14% of protected lands that the US has have all seemed to be opened up for resource exploration so pardon me if I am not too impressed by a US led and funded group of environmentalists want to get this through ASAP. As usual, their efforts might be better spent in their own country.


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Active VIP Member
Jan 15, 2008
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alberta from the back porch
Re: Y2Y Founder & Shannon Phillips public meeting to discuss more trail closures..

so much for he 32 biologists letter supporting thr bighorn park, looks like it is fake. Phillips lies again!!!!!!


OOC ZigZag

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May 12, 2010
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Re: Y2Y Founder & Shannon Phillips public meeting to discuss more trail closures..

Be nice to see this NDP bunch pack up an pack out.

OOC ZigZag

Active VIP Member
May 12, 2010
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Re: Y2Y Founder & Shannon Phillips public meeting to discuss more trail closures..

We are the least impacting backcountry user group. In Alberta our riding areas have been stolen an sold to ski hills. I want everything South of Nakisha reinstatement access for all backcountry user groups. That or give me my fawken tax refund for crown land rights exclusion per square km in comparison to our BC neighbors. Cheers

Lem Lamb

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Apr 5, 2010
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Lacombe AB
Re: Y2Y Founder & Shannon Phillips public meeting to discuss more trail closures..

OK, so it looks like it's time to turn the tables.

I'll ask this question, and let's see how this plays out going forward,,, don't forget that I'm not the maker of this idea,,, more like the messenger to get it underway. LOL

My question is,,, Would the UPC of Alberta take on the challange of opening up the books on the Castle Area once again for "open" consultation if they were to get in.

Who would we chat with regarding this,,, the MP of Rocky Mountain House might bring this to the fore front.

If this is the case,,, how or who would be willing to write this out in an email to send to them for the up coming election.

Would they be Intrested in having an open debate with all the Intrested partys of free consultation that was taken away from the government that sits in power at the time that did not allow for this process to follow threw.

There should be away to rescinded the plan that is in play,,, even if it is a small step at getting back what we once had down there in Southern Alberta.

Purhaps this is the time to find out if All Albertans like what the plan is down there,,, or if the old way was better.

Hey,,, just asking since there must be a way for us Albertans to control our lands on what the dream was built on.

Yes / No,,, maybe. LOL

Lamb Lem at asking what might work at this stage of the game !!!


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Feb 8, 2009
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Re: Y2Y Founder & Shannon Phillips public meeting to discuss more trail closures..

I'm no expert, but I suspect it will be easy for UCP to rescind the proposal itself, particularly if they get a majority government. Hard to say for sure how that would go if they don't have a majority government.

On the other hand, if NDP manages to push the parks through before the election, I think we're in a world of hurt. Someone raised a good point on Facebook today: If UCP were elected and tried to rescind the park designation, CPAWS would inevitably sue. ...and they'd probably be using government grant money to do it.

Lem Lamb

Active VIP Member
Apr 5, 2010
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Lacombe AB
Re: Y2Y Founder & Shannon Phillips public meeting to discuss more trail closures..

Yes, there are road blocks at many turns.

It would be nice to see if the Castle Park idea would stand up in the court of law since the consultation process wasn't followed,,, one would think that the UCP would bring this to the fore front on the up and coming election process.

It along with the carbon tax story that said that Alberta's wanted it.

Resind both of them at the same time.

If we're out there trying to prevent the Big Horn park plan,,, it might be wize to team up with the group in Southern Alberta to help them get back thier OHV trails.

Plus free crown land camping.

This is what its all about one would think. Even if the courts get involved,,, pretty sure that most folks would foot a bill for keeping control of our crown lands.

Thinking out loud of course.

Does anyone have MP Jason's email off hand.
I wish I was better at explaing in words this idea.


SUPER COOL MOD & Supporting Vendor
Oct 21, 2006
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Edmonton/Sherwood Park
Re: Y2Y Founder & Shannon Phillips public meeting to discuss more trail closures..

Good point i heard today.... They haven't talked with the first nations in that area, so they are dead against this too... That should throw a roadblock into her dream?


Active VIP Member
Jan 10, 2011
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calgary ab
Re: Y2Y Founder & Shannon Phillips public meeting to discuss more trail closures..

Alberta Party calling for her resignation.


Active VIP Member
Jan 10, 2011
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calgary ab
Re: Y2Y Founder & Shannon Phillips public meeting to discuss more trail closures..

Please try to attend, media will be covering this!
There will be a rally in Rocky Mountain House on Saturday January 26 at 1:30 PM in front of the Government building on 51 St. We have a week to get a good turn out. Maybe we can get some support from the people under 50 this time. Please spread the word. Our goal is to put an end the the Bighorn land Grab by the NDP.


Active VIP Member
Dec 11, 2015
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Re: Y2Y Founder & Shannon Phillips public meeting to discuss more trail closures..

Can anyone look into if there's also a recording of Phillips and Harvey Locke when they are pictured together in that diner in Lethbridge? I have someone from the media interested in the whole story.
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