Ministik Man

Active VIP Member
Dec 30, 2006
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No matter how cold it is outside or how long it has been cold - never trust ice
We sledded past the beaver house on Saturday January 15 and no signs of the moose
When we sledded by Sunday January 16 the moose was dead in the water

Here is an example why!!!

Next to a beaver house is all the winter food stash for the beavers
Every day probably 3 -5 times a day the beavers swim out of the house and swim around the food stash
Because of the constant movement of water the beaver makes when swimming around, the ice never freezes thick at the food stash
You can see all the tree branches sticking out of the water.
The moose entered from the right of the picture and had a poop, then walked forward into the sticks
The ice is to thin to hold him and down he went
It was deep enough he could not get his front feet up on top of the ice and pull himself out
You can tell by the large hole in the ice that he tried of hours until exhausted he froze and died
The coyote tracks show they were there waiting for the moose to die
and then it was supper time

SO - stay far away from beaver dams and beaver houses their under water movement prevents ice from freezing like the rest of the pond or lake


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