Dec 21 " Christmas Star" will make an appearance!


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Jan 15, 2008
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alberta from the back porch
i thought this was rather interesting, the Christmas Star! not seen since the middle ages is about to appear on Dc 21, just after Dusk! Until then Saturn and Jupiter will be getting closer in the night sky, every night. This may have been the bright Star over Bethlehem 2020 yrs ago? no idea? maybe grab a lawn chair, hot toddy and enjoy, will be 60 yrs before there is another chance at viewing!

Rare 'Christmas Star' will appear in the sky for 1st time in 800 years

A rare conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn that will make them look like a single point of light in the sky on Dec. 21 hasn't been seen since the Middle Ages.


[COLOR=var(--gray-80)][COLOR=var(--gray-80)]Dec. 10, 2020, 11:01 AM MST / Source: TODAY[/COLOR]
By Scott Stump
Four days before Christmas, the sky will offer a sight that hasn't been seen since the Middle Ages and may have inspired one of the Bible's most famous stories.
The two largest planets in the solar system, Jupiter and Saturn, will be so close to one another in the sky on Dec. 21 that they will appear to be fused into a single point of light.

Jupiter (brightest), Saturn (to the left), and the Milky Way over the Saskatchewan River and the area of Howse Pass, on July 26, 2020. Alan Dyer / VW PICS / Universal Images Group via Getty ImagesThe last time this is believed to have been witnessed was in the year 1226, according to Michael Shanahan, the director of the Liberty Science Center Planetarium in New Jersey.

"The interesting thing about these long cycles in astronomy is that they come back at very different epochs of human history," Shanahan told TODAY. "The event that happened in the Middle Ages in 1226 occurred before dawn, so there was about an hour and a half before the sun rose to see it."
The last time astronomers believe it was possibly visible was in 1623, but it occurred right at sunset and Shanahan said there is no record of anyone having noticed it because the two planets were lost in the light of the setting sun.
There also has been speculation that the conjunction of the planets formed the "Christmas Star" or Star of Bethlehem that the three wise men in the Nativity story in the Bible were thought to have seen that inspired them to ultimately travel to Bethlehem for the birth of Jesus.
"One possibility is that these two planets did join together in 7 B.C., about a year before the earliest possible time of the birth of Jesus, so that it could've been a conjunction of the two planets," Shanahan said. "If the wise men were, as we think, in fact astrologers, that could've been a thing they saw in 7 B.C. and said, 'Oh, there's a big event happening, let's go to Bethlehem and check it out."

New study reveals surprising details about Jupiter’s strange, volcanic moon

SEPT. 30, 201901:57

Alignments between Jupiter and Saturn occur about every 20 years, but normally they are no closer than the width of two full moons. On Dec. 21, they will appear — emphasis on appear, as the planets are still millions of miles away from each other — just a tenth of a degree apart, which about the thickness of a dime held at arm's length, according to NASA.
The two planets will appear close in the sky for this whole month, which people can see by looking southwest just after sunset, NASA astronomer Henry Throop told TODAY in an email.

"For people who see it a few times during the period, it is a great chance to see the motions of the planets," Throop said. "You can imagine Jupiter and Saturn as runners on a track. Jupiter is moving faster, and looking from one night to the next, people will be able to see Jupiter approaching and passing Saturn in their paths around the sun."
Shanahan had some tips for the best way to view the rare planetary alignment on Dec. 21, which is the winter solstice, meaning it's the shortest day of the year in terms of sunlight in the Northern Hemisphere.
Make sure you have a view to the southwest unobstructed by trees or buildings for a little over an hour after sunset. Viewers will also have to hope for clear weather on that night as well.
You don't want to miss it, as Jupiter and Saturn will not appear this close in the sky again until 2080, according to NASA.



Active VIP Member
Dec 20, 2010
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Re: Dec 21 " Christmas Star" will make an appearance!

If you look into the astrology of it, many things line up that have not in a long time.

There are other areas that it is important but not many are ready for that yet, it all comes back to the astrology though.

Ever wonder why they knew astrology so well way back in our history? Its very important.
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Jan 15, 2008
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alberta from the back porch
all i know is there are a lot of predictions floating around? just saw Phil Robinson making one, very Dark indeed. all i know is don't enter a fema camp and don't take the vaccine.

do you have a link to what you are saying? could be interesting?


Active VIP Member
Dec 20, 2010
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This month of dec is very bright, not dark. There is more light being spread on things then ever before in our history.

Do not fear about dark possibilities, they will not happen (or very few atleast) the light is spreading faster than anticipated (which is good).

I highly recommend no one takes the vaccine if it actually becomes an option. Think logically, what is in it? Have you seen an ingredients list? What kind of reactions have people had? Do you just inject something into your body without knowing anything about it? Would you drink something unknown because someone offered it?

For example, how many people buy a first year polaris model? How many people have problems?

(I am a polaris guy, btw).


Active VIP Member
Mar 11, 2010
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Come on guys just let us look at the Christmas Star in wonderment for that day then bring on the DARK.

west coast

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Jan 16, 2010
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The skyclock directs events on earth. If you don’t believe in it that is your choice. I always thought it was bs until the events this year just happen before the most important astrological event in a thousand years. Better to be on the safe side and consider it as at the very least something to consider. If you outright dismiss it you will never be able to connect the dots. See, connect the dots in the sky, just like astrology. It all matters.

Stompin Tom

Active VIP Member
Jun 7, 2009
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The skyclock directs events on earth. If you don’t believe in it that is your choice. I always thought it was bs until the events this year just happen before the most important astrological event in a thousand years. Better to be on the safe side and consider it as at the very least something to consider. If you outright dismiss it you will never be able to connect the dots. See, connect the dots in the sky, just like astrology. It all matters.

Yeah, Santa Claus had the same effect on me, I was never much of a believer of the tooth fairy though.


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Sep 11, 2012
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The skyclock directs events on earth. If you don’t believe in it that is your choice. I always thought it was bs until the events this year just happen before the most important astrological event in a thousand years. Better to be on the safe side and consider it as at the very least something to consider. If you outright dismiss it you will never be able to connect the dots. See, connect the dots in the sky, just like astrology. It all matters.

Calling Commander Skyclock!!


Active VIP Member
Jan 15, 2008
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alberta from the back porch
i'm thinking we will see all kinds of predictions coming down the pipe. believe what you will! there will always be doubters and believers in any idea, ex Tru-d.

so far it is an astrological event that hasn't been seen in 800 yrs or so? i think i'd like to take a look as long as the weather holds out, just need a high point for observation and an hour of time. half an hour after sunset! Dec 21.

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